Page 8 - Cannabis News Florida August 2022
P. 8

What’s New... What’s New...What’s New...

                    Lee Health’s Regional Cancer Center                             Darcy J. Davis, CEO of the Health

                    Expands Program; Plans to Build Out                           Care District of Palm Beach County,
                           New Locations Underway                                   Honored as One of Florida’s T op

          As the most comprehensive cancer program in Southwest Florida, the Lee Health   Women-Led Businesses
        Regional Cancer Center is bolstering its services in an effort to keep cancer care close to
        home for community members.                                                The Commonwealth Institute Florida (TCI-FL), a net-
          To be able to care for even more community members, Lee Health is expanding its   work of successful business and professional women driving
        oncology program with plans to open new cancer center locations in Cape Coral and   our community recently came together to honor Florida’s
        Bonita Springs.                                                           Top 100 Women-Led Businesses at its 17th annual lunch-   Darcy J. Davis
          Lee Health will first build-out the Coconut Point location to include oncology and   eon. The event celebrated the achievements of women who
        infusion services, which will be located at the Bonita Health Center. The anticipated   are leading the charge to the top of their industries in companies across the state. Darcy
        timeline to open this location is summer of 2023.                         J. Davis, CEO of the Health Care District of Palm Beach County , was among the hon-
          Plans to expand in Cape Coral are currently underway . While an exact location hasn’t   orees. Ranked eleventh on the list of 100, Davis is among the 15 percent of healthcare
        yet been identified, the intent is to add services to the Cape in 3-4 years.   CEO’s nationwide who are women.
          “Our goal is to meet the needs of our community , and as the population in Southwest   “It’s a tremendous honor to be recognized for this statewide award,” said Davis, who
        Florida continues to grow , so does the need for more oncology services in the region,”   has led the unique safety net health care system for the past six years.  “I’m proud to
        said Debra Wilson, vice president of oncology for Lee Health. “By expanding our pro-  empower women and promote gender equity and diversity within our 1,300-member
        gram, we are going to be able to keep our patients in their neighborhoods and commu-  workplace. In fact, diversity as an organization and among those we serve is one of our
        nity so they can be treated closer to home.”                              biggest strengths.”

                       North Broward Hospital District                                        Palm Beach County Medical Society
                  Board of Commissioners Elects Officers                                 and Services Presents Venetian Masquerade

          The North Broward Hospital District Board of Commissioners, which oversees          Ball and 5th Annual Festival of T rees
        Broward Health, elected its officers at the July board meeting. Stacy Angier was re-elected
        chair, Christopher Pernicano was elected vice chair and Paul Tanner was elected secre-     and Lights at Its Annual Gala
        tary/treasurer. Additional board members serving the board of commissioners are Nancy
        Gregoire-Stamper, Ray Berry , Jonathan Hage and Levi Williams.             The Palm Beach County Medical Society and Services Annual Gala will honor Dr.
          “I am very honored to serve alongside such a tremendous board,” said Angier.   Claudia Mason, the 2022 Palm Beach County Medical Society president, welcome Dr.
        “Collectively , I know that we will bring innovation, growth and change to our system and   Martha Rodriguez, the 2023 incoming Palm Beach County Medical Society president,
        the community we serve.”                                                  and celebrate all Palm Beach County physicians for their selfless commitment to the
          Stacy Angier, a Margate resident, has served on the North Broward Hospital District   health and safety of the community . This year’s unique celebration will be a Venetian
        Board of Commissioners since 2018. She is principal of Abundant Life Christian   Masquerade Ball with live entertainment performed by The Dereck Mac Band and excit-
        Academy , an accredited, college preparatory school in the city of Margate.    ing surprises throughout the evening. A silent and live auction will round out the
          Christopher Pernicano, a Fort Lauderdale resident, has served on the North Broward   evenings festivities with the traditional Festival of Trees and Lights — a visually exciting
        Hospital District Board of Commissioners since 2021. He is chief technology officer of   array of nearly forty decorated four foot lighted trees.
        Tellus, a leading provider of mobile care delivery , Electronic Visit Verification (EVV), and   A variety of sponsorship and advertising opportunities are available and can be cus-
        claims processing technology .                                            tomized. The Venetian Masquerade Ball cocktail party and Festival of Trees and Lights
          Paul Tanner, a Fort Lauderdale resident, has served on the North Broward Hospital   will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. with dining and entertainment from 7:30 to 10:00
        District Board of Commissioners since 2022. He is the owner and founder of Las Olas   p.m. Black tie. Proceeds will benefit Palm Beach County Medical Society Services 501c3
        Capital Advisors and has sourced and raised more than $2.5 billion in capital via private   programs. Purchase tickets online at For additional information, con-
        equity funds, private investors, and institutional investors over the last 10 years.   tact Katherine Zuber at (561) 433-3940 ext. 106 or
          “Broward Health has an exceptional board that is collaboratively moving our system
        forward,” said Broward Health President & CEO Shane Strum. “I am confident that our
        officers will capture and drive the vision of our board and leadership team.”

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