Page 12 - Cannabis News Florida August 2022
P. 12


        Dr. Jeffrey Innis Joins Lee Health                                        Miami Orthopaedic Society

                                                                                  Announces Gilbert D. Beauperthuy-
          Lee Health is pleased to announce Dr. Jeffrey Innis as the
        health system’s new pediatric genetic specialist. Dr. Innis has           Rojas, DO, FAAOS, as President
        more than 35 years of experience with human medical and
        molecular genetics and is the region’s first pediatric geneti-
        cist. Dr. Innis will be based at Lee Physician Group Pediatrics            Miami Orthopaedic Society announced the new Board of
        – Coconut Point and Golisano Children’s Hospital of                       Directors, and Gilbert D. Beauperthuy-Rojas, D.O., FAAOS,
        Southwest Florida. Before joining Lee Health, Dr. Innis                   as the new President. Dr. Beauperthuy-Rojas is a board-certi-
        simultaneously held multiple roles at the University of                   fied orthopedic surgeon and international leader in treating
        Michigan, including division chief of Pediatric Genetics,   Dr. Jeffrey Innis   sports injuries and degenerative conditions of the shoulder,    Dr. Gilbert D.
        Metabolism and Genomic Medicine, director of the                          hip, and knee.  Dr. Beauperthuy-Rojas has been serving the
        University of Michigan ABMGG Programs, founder and medical director of the Michigan   Miami community for over 25 years and is the Medical   Beauperthuy-Rojas
        Medical Genetics Laboratories, medical director of the Genetic Counseling Program for   Director of the Orthopedic Center at Coral Gables Hospital.
        the Department of Human Genetics, and professor of Human Genetics and Pediatrics and   The new Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of MOS is composed of doctors
        Communicable Diseases. Dr. Innis earned his Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of   Michele D'Apuzzo, M.D., FAAOS, President-Elect; Victor H. Hernandez, M.D.,
        Philosophy in Biochemistry degrees from the University of Miami School of Medicine in   Secretary/Treasurer; and Giovanni Paraliticci, M.D., and Christopher W . Hodgkins, M.D.
        Miami, FL.                                                                as Directors, and Steven Gorin D.O., MSEd, MBA, FAAOS, Immediate Past President.

        Otolaryngologist Ashley C. Mays,                                          Matthew Moore, M.D., Joins Marcus Neuroscience
        MD, Joins Cleveland Clinic                                                Institute as Director of Integrated Neurosurgery

        Indian River Hospital                                                      Board-certified neurosurgeon Matthew Moore, M.D., joins
                                                                                  Marcus Neuroscience Institute, established at Boca Raton
          Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital welcomes oto-                    Regional Hospital, a part of Baptist Health. Dr. Moore spe-
        laryngologist Ashley C. Mays, M.D. Dr. Mays is board certi-               cializes in complex neurological issues, such as benign and
        fied and fellowship trained in head and neck surgical oncol-              malignant brain and spine tumors. His expertise also
        ogy and total body microvascular reconstruction.After earn-               includes treating neck and lower back pain. Dr. Moore joins
        ing her medical degree at the Brody School of Medicine at                 Marcus Neuroscience Institute from Neuro  logical Surgery
        East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina, Dr.     Dr. Ashley C. Mays   Associates where he was a partner. He also served as the
        Mays completed her otolaryngology residency at Wake                       director of neurosurgery  at  Holy Cross Hospital and
        Forest University in Winston Salem, North Carolina. She went on to complete a two-year   Broward Health North. For 10 years, he worked as a Miami
        fellowship in Head and Neck Surgical Oncology and Total Body Microvascular   Dolphins team neurosurgeon. Dr. Moore founded the first
        Reconstruction at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, TX.    JACHO Spine Center in South Florida. He is an active mem-  Dr. Matthew Moore
        Prior to joining Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital, Dr. Mays was assistant professor   ber of the American Association of Neuro  logical Surgeons,
        and Director of Quality at the Louisiana State University Department of Otolaryngology .    Society of Brigham Surgeons and Congress of Neurological Surgeons.

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