Page 13 - Cannabis News Florida August 2022
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             next month in                             Lakeside Medical Center Graduates 10th Class
              South Florida
             Hospital News                                             of Family Medicine Residents

            and Healthcare                     As the need for new doctors grows
                  Report...                  nationally , the Health Care District of Palm
                                             Beach County’s teaching hospital, Lakeside
                                             Medical Center, recently graduated five
             • Real Estate Update            new physicians. The hospital’s 10th class of
              • Alzheimer’s Care             family medicine residents completed three
                                             years of intense training during the pan-
              • Addiction/Mental             demic in the underserved, rural Glades
               Health/Recovery               communities that were considered a hot
                                             spot for COVID-19.
            • Financial Community
                                               “I applaud these graduates for their ded-
                 & Healthcare -              ication to our hospital’s patients and the
             Innovations & Trends            health of Glades’ residents during an
                                             unprecedented time in medicine,” said
            • Banking Programs for
                                             Darcy J. Davis, CEO of the Health Care
              Physician Practices            District of Palm Beach County. “Their
                                             quality care and commitment have helped
              • Cyber Security &
                                             improve the health of the Glades region.”
             Legal Consequences                Benjamin Kosubevsky, DO; Thy Hoang
               • New Services &              Bui, DO; Janaki Saoji Juma, MD; Jesse Carl
                                             Grieb, DO and William Carson Draper,
           Products to Reduce Falls          DO, completed rotations in emergency
             • COVID 19 Updates              medicine, critical care, women’s health,
                                             psychiatry, general surgery, inpatient, out-
                                             patient and community medicine, sports
                                             medicine, cardiology, geriatrics, and pedi-
              For more information           atrics. One of the program’s goals is to cul-
               on advertising and            tivate physicians to practice locally. To that
                                             end, Dr. Bui will join the Health Care
           editorial opportunities, call
                                             District as a primary care provider with the
             (561) 368-6950 today!           C. L. Brumback Primary Care Clinics. Dr.
                                             Grieb, who along with Dr. Draper served as   (l-r) Dr. Benjamin Kosubevsky, Dr. Thy Hoang Bui, Dr. Janaki Saoji Juma, Dr. Jesse Carl
                                             Chief Residents, will also practice in Palm              Grieb, and Dr. William Carson Draper
                                             Beach County.

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                         | Since 19980
         16            August 2022                                                       South Florida Hospital News
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