Page 16 - Cannabis News Florida August 2022
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University of Miami Programs Provide Students and Leaders Skills
to Transform Health Care
The students, alumni, fac- Chapter of the American Lilly) in the classroom. In addition to lead- Florida Blue joined for a keynote panel
ulty, supporters, and staff in College of Health Executives ing this class together, they guest lecture in discussion on technology and access.
the Department of Health (ACHE) case competition. all of the courses in our health manage- Hosting the event offers our students,
Management and Policy at Our MHA students set a ment and policy curricula. alumni, and supporters unparalleled
the University of Miami new program record for the Our master’s degree programs are access to industry experts.
Herbert Business School number of prestigious accredited by the Association to Advance Our faculty continue to publish research
continue to excel and administrative fellowships, Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and play editorial roles in high-impact
demonstrate remarkable residencies, and internships, and the Commission on Accreditation of journals, serve the community, and hold
resilience and leadership including opportunities at Healthcare Management Education leadership positions in the department,
through uncertainty. Uncer - Vanderbilt Medical Center, (CAHME). The rigorous standards of school, and university.
tainty over the past three UNC Health, Nicklaus these organizations ensure our curricula This glimpse into a sample of the rich
years of the COVID-19 pan- Children's, and other adhere to the highest quality standards. set of activities occurring in our depart-
demic, shifting economic BY KAROLINE impactful organizations. We actively participate in the Business ment and programs suggests that the reach
forces, and workforce issues MORTENSEN Our Health Executive MBA School Alliance for Health Management of the Department of Health Management
have emphasized the im - is ranked the #1 Health (BAHM), an elite, collaborative group of and Policy is local, national, and global.
portance of teamwork, human resource Executive MBA program by U.S. News and business school-based health management Leading through this uncertainty has
management, supply chain efficiency, World Report, and the #1 program overall programs offering national and global challenges. The mission of Miami Herbert
compassionate leadership, and strategic in Florida. Our alumni span the nation resources. Business School resonates now more than
alignment with core business principles. and the world, offering students access to Our Center for Health Care ever: to develop transformative scholar-
The business school-based curricula we an expansive network. Management and Policy hosted its 11th ship and principled leaders for business
offer in our undergraduate, Master of It is with great honor we announce that annual conference, “The Business of and society.
Health Administration (MHA), Health our Public Policy in Health class in our Health Care: Technology, Access, and the
Executive Master in Business Health Executive MBA will be co-taught in New Normal.” Over one thousand partici- Karoline Mortensen is a Professor in the
Administration (HEMBA), and MD/MBA spring 2023 by two former United States pants joined in person and via livestream. Department of Health Management and
programs provides our students and alum- Health and Human Services Secretaries- Top leadership from major professional Policy at the University of Miami Herbert
ni with essential skills necessary to navi- perhaps the first time in history for such a organizations, including the Medical Business School. She is Associate Dean for
gate uncertainty and transform organiza- collaboration. Secretary Donna E. Shalala Group Management Association, National Business Programs, Associate Director of the
tions. (also former member of Congress in the Medical Association, America’s Health Center for Health Management and Policy,
The successes and accomplishments of U.S. House of Representatives and former Insurance Plans, the American Hospital and was the founding Director of the Master
our students continue to impress and University of Miami president) will by Association, the American Nurses of Health Administration (MHA) program.
make an impact. Our undergraduate team joined by the Honorable Alex M. Azar (for- Association, the Healthcare Financial For more information, visit
placed first again in the South Florida mer president of the U.S. division of Eli Management Association, and Guidewell-
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South Florida Hospital News August 2022 13