Page 21 - Cannabis News Florida August 2022
P. 21

Associations.... Associations....

                                                                                          Broward County Osteopathic

                                                                                                   Medical Association

                                                                                    Dr. Kayvan Amini, DO, FACC, the President of the Broward County Osteopathic
                                                                                  Medical Association (BCOMA) and current Vice Chair of the State of Florida Drug
                                                                                  Utilization Review Board along with the BCOMA Board of Governors attended the
                                                                                  American Osteopathic Association (AOA) House of Delegates as voting member del-
                                                                                  egates representing the Florida Osteopathic Medical Association (FOMA). Pictured
                                                                                  from left to right are: Dr. Eric Goldsmith, Dr. Anna Hayden, Dr. Kayvan Amini, Dr.
                                                                                  Jorge Luna, and Dr. Joshua Lenchus. Dr. Amini is also on the Board of Trustees of
                                                                                  (FOMA). The AOA House of Delegates convened in Chicago, July 15-17, to consider
                                                                                  and take action on resolutions submitted by osteopathic specialty societies, state asso-
                                                                                  ciations and other osteopathic affiliate organizations.

                                                                                  Cover Story:  ACHE of South Florida

                                                                                  Member Spotlight: Dr. Marie Sandra Severe

                                                                                  Continued from page 1                 Dr. Severe, who is a professor at
                                                                                  areas we serve.”                    Florida Atlantic University, uses ACHE’s
                                                                                   One challenge facing Dr. Severe is that   resources in her healthcare operations
                                                                                  Jackson North is still dealing with the   course. “I wanted the best support mate-
                                                                                  effects of COVID, including increased   rials to help students grasp certain con-
                                                                                  hospital admissions and staffing issues.    cepts, so I typed ACHE into a search to
                                                                                   “A lot of people left the industry dur-  see what resources they’d recommend,”
                                                                                  ing COVID; either for new careers or to   said Dr. Severe. “Their publishing branch
                                                                                  travel for more money,” she said.   had the perfect textbook. What I like
                                                                                  “Although some are coming back, we’re   most about this ACHE-approved text is
                                                                                  still dealing with the fiscal impact of the   that the information is translatable and
                                                                                  past two and half years and figuring out   practical.”
                                                                                  how to sustain operations given these   Dr. Severe also appreciates the access
                                                                                  challenges.”                        that membership provides. “It’s phenom-
                                                                                   One of the places that Dr. Severe looks   enal; you’re not only interacting with
                                                                                  for ideas—as well as support and    operations executives; you’re meeting
                                                                                  advice—is ACHE of South Florida,    supply chain professionals, performance
                                                                                  which she joined six years ago.     improvement professionals, healthcare
                                                                                   “I decided to join for the educational   finance experts—there is a plethora of
                                                                                  and resource aspects; networking is not   opportunities to garner different per-
                                                                                  my strong suit,” she said. “Yet support is   spectives on healthcare,” she said.
                                                                                  innate within the organization.       She adds, “ACHE also allows members
                                                                                   “It is really critical for healthcare exec-  to give back to the field by using their
                                                                                  utives to be able to exchange ideas, best   talent, skills, and lessons learned to help
                                                                                  practices, and issues that they are experi-  early careerists/up-and-coming profes-
                                                                                  encing together,” she said. “It keeps me   sionals, and that’s really powerful.”
                                                                                  engaged as well.”

         8                         August 2022                                                                                                                         South Florida Hospital News
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