Page 24 - Cannabis News Florida August 2022
P. 24

Care Combined With Compassion Spurs Successful Outcomes

                             Dr. Jason Hechtman’s treatment approach treats patients like family,

                                                    while offering world-class cancer care

                BY CHRIS CURTLAND            the best medical care possible, but also
                                             feel beautiful and confident with the
          Dr. Jason Hechtman has wanted to   result. With more than 16 years of expe-
        fight cancer since he was a little boy, and   rience, Hechtman is an expert in breast
        a beloved family member’s bout with the   lumpectomy, mastectomy, axillary dissec-
        disease still inspires him today. His   tion, sentinel lymph node procedures,
        grandmother was diagnosed with breast   breast ultrasound, ultrasound-guided
        cancer while he was young, and       breast interventions, partial breast radia-
        Hechtman felt helpless that he couldn’t   tion therapy, Savi Scout-guided breast
        take care of her.                    resections, breast oncoplastic surgery,
          “My grandma was filled with life and   hidden scar technique and other mini-
        vitality, and it was hard for me to watch   mally invasive breast interventions that
        the life slowly get taken out of her as she   maximize aesthetic outcomes.
        got more tired and became sicker and   Inspired by his relationship with his
        sicker,” he said. “I didn’t know how to   grandmother, Dr. Hechtman has always
        help her, so as I grew up, I knew I wanted   focused on developing close relation-
        to become a doctor.”                 ships with his patients and their families,
          Dr. Hechtman, is now on the medical   building trust and a system of support to
        staff at Tampa General Hospital as part of   improve patient outcomes and develop a
        TGH’s Cancer Institute, and was an assis-  continued road to success. He works                   Dr. Jason Hechtman and patient
        tant professor of breast surgery at the   with patients to develop individualized   The fused relationship between TGH   parents, their children, what they do,
        University of South Florida (USF) Health   plans that incorporate mental health and   and USF has allowed Hechtman to seize   what their likes and dislikes are. Because
        Morsani College of Medicine. He recent-  positivity.                      on the research, expertise and “environ-  we’re going on a journey together, and
        ly moved to Florida’s East Coast and sees   “What I try to do when I take care of   ment of learning” that the university   that journey is not going to be for a short
        patients from across West Palm Beach,   patients is treat everybody as I would my   structure offers.         time. When I take care of my patients, I
        Palm Springs, Wellington and Jupiter.   grandma, mother or sister,” Dr. Hechtman   “This environment breeds new   take care of them forever.”
          Dr. Hechtman specializes in the treat-  explained. “I focus on how to talk and   avenues and openings, but patients don’t
        ment of breast cancer and breast dis-  relate in that way, because family is the   always want to be bombarded with the   To refer a patient to Dr. Hechtman or to
        eases. He blends cutting-edge treatment   most important thing in everybody’s life. If   science because it gets confusing,” Dr.   schedule a consultation, please
        options with advanced surgical interven-  you treat your patient like you would treat   Hechtman explained. “So instead, I really   call (561) 644-0125.
        tions to ensure patients not only receive   your family, you can’t go wrong.”   enjoy getting to know my patients, their

         Cover Story:  Brackin Advises Future Leaders

         to Look Beyond Areas of Expertise                                                 When It Comes to

                                                                                           Patient Care, Are
         Continued from page 1               marks on the community in a positive
         developing field hospitals for the Marine   way.”
         Corps.”                               As a former mentor to many up-and-         You Capitalizing on
          After his military experience, Brackin   coming healthcare professionals, Brackin
         attended graduate school at George   advises those looking to grow to move      New Opportunities?
         Washington University, followed by a one-  beyond their comfort zones and explore
         year administrative residency at South   other areas.
         Miami Hospital. Three years later, he   “Look for opportunities to participate in   Are we there yet? As of this writing, it seems
         became the CEO of Homestead Hospital,   projects or initiatives outside your area of   like we are almost, maybe, perhaps, we hope,
         and later the CEO of South Miami    expertise—if you’re a physical therapist,   putting COVID in the rearview mirror. I think   BY JAY JUFFRE
         Hospital, where he guided the merger of   for example, get involved in quality   headlines, variants and unfortunately some
         both hospitals with Baptist Health South   improvement initiatives in clinical areas   more hospitalization and death will continue to
         Florida.                            beyond yours. If you’re working in         haunt us for months to come, but overall, most people are returning to pre-
          One of Brackin’s strengths lies in being   finance, get involved in HR initiatives or   COVID lifestyles. For most organizations, this is a tremendous opportunity.
         able to find common ground with other   initiatives to improve morale. Seek out   No matter how your associate, staff or patient experience was like pre pan-
         healthcare professionals throughout hos-  areas where you’re not the most comfort-  demic, there is a limited window to implement changes which will make
         pital systems.                      able, but have the most opportunity for    things even better. A quick example, I have a colleague who grew so frustrat-
          “I grew up in a very diverse environ-  growth,” he said.                      ed (because of supply chain issues) that his dealer could not locate brakes
         ment in Virginia, and between that and my   Being able to adapt to any situation is   for the vehicle he had purchased just 18 months earlier, that he went to a
         military experience, I have developed the   also a big plus, as healthcare is a continu-  competitor and traded the vehicle in for a new one. Much to his surprise,
         ability to communicate and relate to peo-  ally evolving field.                when he showed up to take possession of the new sedan, after signing some
         ple of many different backgrounds, similar   “Anybody in a leadership role for any   paperwork, he walked out to find his new fully detailed car pulled right up
         to the diversity you find in South Florida’s   period of time knows that you have to be   front. Not that impressive yet, but there is more. A red carpet had been rolled
         healthcare teams,” he explained. “I am just   prepared for change,” said Brackin. “We’ve   out and velvet ropes lined each side of the pathway he would take from the
         as comfortable talking to physicians as I   had some kind of major upheaval practi-  exit to the car. The salesperson and dealership had gone out of their way to
         am to environmental service workers or   cally every five to seven years for as long as   make the purchase a big deal. My friend felt like a million bucks and more
         engineering guys or lab techs. This has   I’ve been working. At times, the upheaval   importantly, he went out of his way to tell everyone about his experience.
         been invaluable to me over the years to   comes at you unexpectedly, but this cre-  Was the dealer doing this pre-COVID? Who knows? But they are doing this
         really understand what’s going on in   ates growth opportunities, and you have   now. If you were great at creating a wonderful human experience pre-
         organizations from different viewpoints.”   to adjust quickly to extreme circum-  COVID but put some of those activities on hold out of safety concerns, get
          Brackin also attributes his success to his   stances, whether it’s a hurricane or   back to them quickly. If you were only good, you now can be great. There
         ability to place the right people in the right   COVID.”                       are some who are looking carefully at ways to impress visitors, patients and
         roles. “I believe that I am a good judge of   He noted that healthcare professionals   employees and others who are stuck in neutral. The companies who recon-
         talent,” he said. “Throughout my career, I   in South Florida need to be more readily   nect with patients, their teams, and the community the quickest will be the
         have selected people for leadership roles   adaptable as a result of dealing with so   ones who win in this post-COVID era.
         who have taken the opportunity to grow   many natural disasters.
         and make bigger contributions to the   Brackin added that no matter how suc-         Jay Juffre is Executive Vice President, ImageFIRST. For more information on
         organizations. If you look around the   cessful a leader becomes, it’s important to           ImageFIRST, call 1-800-932-7472 or visit
         South Florida community, there are many   stay grounded as well.
         people that I’ve had the pleasure to work   “One thing I tell all of the up-and-com-
         with, particularly earlier in their careers,   ing rising stars that I’ve mentored over the
         who have done well and made significant   years is to stay humble,” he said.

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                               August 2022                            5
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