Page 23 - Cannabis News Florida August 2022
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Local Teacher and Musician Undergoes Robotically

                                              Assisted Mitral Valve Repair Surgery

         Cleveland Clinic Weston Offers Minimally Invasive Approach New to South Florida Region

          When Joe Santoro, 57,                           endoscopic, closed chest   structed, 3D view provided by a high-  only center that offers robotically assisted
        began experiencing short-                         approach that repairs   power camera and combined with a later-  mitral valve repair.
        ness of breath and difficulty                     heart valves that are   al thoracic approach gives the surgeon a   As heart disease remains the leading
        maintaining normal activity,                      working    incorrectly,  clear view into not only the mitral valve,   cause of death for men, women, and peo-
        he knew something was                             often caused by valve   but leaflets and sub-valvular structures, as   ple of most racial and ethnic groups in the
        wrong and pursued medical                         stenosis (stiff, fused,   well.                             United States, according to the Centers for
        advice. After having already                      inflexible leaflets, limit-  The surgeon uses the robot’s thin arms   Disease Control and Prevention, it is
        been diagnosed with mitral                        ing flow of blood) or   to mirror his own arm and wrist move-  imperative that the public is aware of and
        valve disease eight years ago,                    valve     regurgitation  ments, carefully controlling the movement   takes the risk of heart disease seriously.
        he was informed he had atri-                      (leaky heart valve, which   and placement of operating instruments to   Treatment for heart disease is based on a
        al fibrillation and would                         occurs when the leaflets   make incisions no larger than two inches   series of diagnostic tests that can deter-
        need to undergo traditional                       do not close completely).   that are much more precise and smaller,   mine whether an individual is an ideal
        heart surgery.                  Dr. Jose Navia      “A robotically-assisted   with less pain and less trauma for a shorter   candidate for robotically assisted heart
          Traditional heart surgery                       approach   for  valve   hospital stay and overall faster healing   valve surgery, which is dependent on the
        typically involves a long and                     repair surgery is the ulti-  process that requires fewer pain medica-  type and severity of the individual’s heart
        painful recovery due to the six- to eight-  mate new use for technology,” Dr. Navia   tions. This is largely attributed to the fact   disease, age, medical history and lifestyle.
        inch incision made through the middle of   says. “This approach provides the patient   that the breastbone does not need to be   As with most other medical procedures,
        the chest, through the breastbone, so   with a better option to have a durable   opened and the ribs do not have to be   lifestyle changes are still strongly encour-
        Santoro sought a second opinion from   repair or replacement of the valve.”   spread, in order to successfully perform   aged to ensure continued cardiovascular
        Dr. Jose Navia, Regional Director of the   While traditional heart surgery is still   the procedure even though the same steps   health. These changes can include quitting
        Cleveland Clinic Florida Heart, Vascular   usually suggested for patients needing to   as traditional heart surgery are performed,   smoking, treating high cholesterol, man-
        and Thoracic Institute and Minimally   undergo complex aorta or multiple coro-  including any repair techniques or valve   aging blood pressure and diabetes, and
        Invasive Valve Program.              nary artery bypass procedures, reopera-  replacements.                   participating in a cardiac rehabilitation
          Santoro shares, “After seeing Dr.   tions, and complicated heart surgeries,   Other benefits of the robotically assist-  program.
        Navia, I knew there were more options.”   robotically assisted minimally invasive   ed, less invasive heart valve surgery   With any surgical procedure, risks do
        Instead of a traditional procedure,   heart surgery is often recommended for   include minimal scarring, less bleeding,   exist, such as the age of the patient,
        Santoro chose a robotically assisted   those needing mitral or tricuspid valve   decreased risk of infection, and no specific   lifestyle habits, other preexisting medical
        approach to his mitral valve repair sur-  repair like Santoro, removal of cardiac   activity restrictions post-surgery. Patients   conditions, and the number of procedures
        gery, as it is much less invasive and   tumors, ablation of atrial fibrillation,   like Santoro can often return to work with-  performed in an operation. However, over-
        would heal faster. Dr. Navia performed   atrial septal defect repair, and patent   in a few days or one week after the opera-  all, this technology has forever changed
        the operation using Cleveland Clinic   foramen ovale repair.              tion.                               the way heart surgery is performed, both
        Weston’s state-of-the-art and FDA-     During the minimally invasive proce-  Santoro’s procedure was the fourth per-  procedurally and with improved patient
        approved robotic surgical system, allow-  dure, a surgeon operates a robot from a   formed by Cleveland Clinic Weston after   outcomes.
        ing the first-grade teacher and musician   console in an operating room that pro-  the Cardiac Robotic Program was
        to return to normal activity within only   vides a high definition and magnified   launched in January of 2022. In South   To learn more about Cleveland Clinic
        three weeks. This operation involves an   view of the patient’s valve. This unob-  Florida, Cleveland Clinic Weston is the   Florida, visit

                                                                                         P.O. Box 19268         Plantation        FL        33318

           A message from our President                                                                        In the July 11 edition of “The Keckley Report,”
                                                                                                             Paul talks about the American Hospital
               Career Path Influences Outlook                                                                Association’s Leadership Summit (July 17-19) and
                                                                                                             some of the ideas that he saw being discussed at
                                                                                                             the event. You can reach out to find “The Keckley
                                                                                                             Report” to read all of what he has to say. But there
            My family and I moved down to South Florida in September of 1994 as my                           were one or two that I thought, if I were an early
          career had taken a dramatic turn. Moving from a leadership role in what is now                     careerist, I would keep my eyes on.
          known as the Florida Department of Health to working for a national private                          While there will always be a need for hospitals
          ambulance company; the future was full of possibilities.                                           to treat the sickest of the sick, research, financial
            I even remember the impetus for this change. I attended an American                              pressure, and acceptability will drive where
          Ambulance Association annual meeting in Orlando (I think at one of the SeaWorld                    much of healthcare will be delivered in the
          hotels, maybe the Renaissance) and one of the speakers at that event looked into                   future. In Paul’s opinion, ““Transformation” will
          their crystal ball and shared a list of ten future changes that would affect the ambu-  Jaime Caldwell  be a frequent theme: most hospitals recognize
          lance industry. The presentation was eye-opening (mind opening) and from that                      their future is not a repeat of their past.” Paul
          point, I wanted to be part of that change.                             talks about two plans of action. I guess one plan is the status quo where COOs and
            I think back to those days and I remember the excitement and the conversations   CFOs focus on the cost side of the equation. I was part of that and it always
          that came from that presentation. Today, I look at headlines and the articles written   reminded me of the process of hypovolemic shock. As the body loses fluid or
          about healthcare and I get that same excitement. The big difference is that I am   blood, the brain and the heart decide to pump faster to compensate. Without sig-
          well along my career path, yet I am excited for those early careerists who can   nificant intervention, the result is inevitable.
          explore the many opportunities in healthcare.                            Paul argues that hospitals need to change their paradigm and this paradigm shift
            As I have shared, I am an unrepentant fan of Paul Keckley’s writings. While we   presumes, “a shift of care from facilities to homes and self-care devices. These pre-
          don’t always totally agree, I think his “crystal ball” writings about, in particular,   sume an orientation shift from patients to consumers. These presume interoper-
          the future role of hospitals in healthcare, is very telling. Moreover, I couple that   ability and data-driven decision-making by individuals in collaboration with their
          with other notable presentations like one that Dr. Wael Barsoum, former head of   coaches. These presume a bigger role of federal regulation and heightened trans-
          Cleveland Clinic Florida, gave at the groundbreaking for their new tower in   parency.”
          Weston and many conversations that I have had with other local hospital leaders   Early careerists take note, anticipate these changes, and plan your careers
          and my sense is that the old hospital paradigm is in the midst of change.   accordingly.

         6                         August 2022                                                                                                                         South Florida Hospital News
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