Page 27 - Cannabis News Florida August 2022
P. 27

Publisher’s Note
                                                                                         Publisher’s Note

                                                                                              Is It Time to Put My “Casual”

                     Specializing in Medically                                                Pandemic Wardrobe to Bed?

                            Complex Patients                                         Like everyone
                                                                                   else, my online
                                Kindred Hospitals are owned by Kindred             shopping skills
                              Healthcare, Inc., a national network of Long Term
                              Acute Care Hospitals (LTACH's).                      (always pretty
                                                                                   good) were truly
                                Kindred Hospitals provide specialized, high quality    honed during the
                              care for acutely ill patients. For more than a decade,
                              we have fine-tuned the art of medically complex care.   COVID pandem-
                                                                                   ic. And
                                Our services range from complex catastrophic
                             illnesses that require intensive care, post-surgical medical
           rehabilitation to patients suffering from chronic diseases requiring respiratory and    wasn’t the only
           rehabilitative therapies. Kindred Hospitals provide outcome-oriented    beneficiary. I’m a
           cost effective care for patients with a wide spectrum of                pretty casual guy
           medical conditions.                                                     at the best of
                                                                                   times, but
                  Admissions to Kindred Hospitals may be                           according to
           recommended by physicians, acute-care hospitals,
           rehabilitation hospitals, managed care providers, case                  Carol (our resi-
           management companies or by the patient’s family.                        dent stylist) I’ve reached a new low.   I discovered and
           In all cases family tours are encouraged.                               found 100 percent polyester black or blue golf shirts for a mere $10.99
                                                                                   and I’ve bought them by the dozen, over and over again. You can literal-
                                                                                   ly mush these shirts into a ball and and presto – no wrinkles. Going on
             Kindred Hospital                  Kindred Hospital             Kindred Hospital             Kindred Hospital   a trip – just toss them into a suitcase – no folding necessary. Trust me,
               Fort Lauderdale                      Hollywood                     Coral Gables               The Palm Beaches   Carol doesn’t even think they merit a hanger.
             1516 East Las Olas Blvd.                         1859 Van Buren St.                 5190 Southwest Eighth St.          5555 West Blue Heron Blvd
             Ft. Lauderdale FL 33301                       Hollywood, FL 33020                 Coral Gables, FL 33134               Riviera Beach, FL 33418   Although she’s all but given up getting me to “dress” for business
          954-764-8900, ext. 5136                    954-920-9000                       305-448-1585                       561-904-8451   meetings or shows, she does draw the line at me wearing them out to
   dinner on a “date” night. Unfortunately for me, last week I forgot and
                                                                                   appeared on a Saturday night freshly showered and attired in my
                                                                                   Walmart special. I know I can be pretty oblivious sometimes, but I
                                                                                   couldn’t escape her glare when I grabbed the car keys and said, “Let’s
                                                                                   go.” Too late to change, needless to say it was a rather tense night.
                                                                                     Hence the memo I received the following Monday morning:

                                                                                     Attention: Charles
                                                                                     Re: Casual Attire
                                                                                     A seminar on how to casual dress will be held at 4 p.m. Friday in the
                                                                                   cafeteria (aka Felix kitchen). A fashion show will follow.
                                                                                   Attendance is mandatory.
                                                                                     Love, Carol
                                                                                                                                Charles Felix

                How healthy is your med maal policy?                                              You can reach Charles Felix at





                ’ It’s s no     longer   just         signs     hinting      hardening market.     Indisputable
            evidenceisnowatthe f forefront.Malpracticeratesaregoingupacrosstheboard.
            Weaker malpractice carriers are being placed into receivership or sold.Juries in
            Florida are making shockingly high awards.And this is only the beginning.
            Isn’t it time your med mal policy got a checkup?
                               form a no-obligation comprehensive review of your
            Risk Strategies will perfo
            current malpractice coverage. Few doctors and administrators have an in-
            depth knowledge of their coverage or insurer and may not be asking all the
            right questions.For instance,do you know the  f following about your coverage:

                • Are the policy exclusions outlined and clearly defined?

                    • Do      you      have      full or       limited      rights to    any      lawsuit      settlement?

                                              consent to

              •I             age offfeered outside or inside the limits of liability?
                    s deffeense cover
                    • What are the “tail” provisions upon termination of the policy?
              • How is your corporation,profe
                                     fessional association or other entity covered?
            These are just a  f few of the questions you should
            be asking in this volatile market. It’s not too late
            f for    a no-obligation medical malpractice insurance

            review,just contact Risk Strategies at 800.966.2120
          M ed M al • W ork ers’  C ’ omp • C yb er • EPLI • M edic al D ir ec t orship • D&O
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