Page 19 - Cannabis News Florida August 2022
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                                                                                                  Miami Dade College:
                  Dr. Juan C. Cendan Named                                                Surgical Technology Program

                       Dean at FIU’s Herbert                                                 to Meet Workforce Needs

               Wertheim College of Medicine
                                                                                    According to the Bureau of                     According    to    the
             Interim Dean and Professor of Surgery Dr. Juan                       Labor Statistics, surgical                       Association of Surgical
           C. Cendan has been appointed senior vice-presi-                        technologists are projected to                   Technologists (AST), the
           dent for health affairs and dean of the Florida                        increase by 12% from 2016 to                     primary role of the surgi-
           International University Herbert Wertheim College                      2026, faster than the average                    cal technologist is the first
           of Medicine (HWCOM).                                                   for all occupations. Advances                    scrub role. In this role,
             Dr. Cendan joined FIU last summer as vice-dean                       in medical technology have                       the Certified Surgical
           and executive associate dean for student affairs. He                   made surgery safer, and more                     Technologist (CST) has
           is a board-certified surgeon with a clinical focus on                  operations are being per-                        the knowledge and tech-
           minimally invasive surgery and surgical disorders                      formed to treat a variety of                     nical skills needed to han-
           of the breast. He also has a lengthy career in aca-                    illnesses and injuries. The                      dle the surgical instru-
           demic medicine.                                                        need for health care profes-                     ments and supplies that
             Following his medical training at the University                     sionals like surgical technol-  BY DR. ALWYN LEIBA   are necessary to perform
           of Florida, Dr. Cendan practiced as a general sur-   Dr. Juan C. Cendan   ogists is growing in tandem                   the specific surgical pro-
           geon in Gainesville, Florida. He then returned to                      with the aging population of                     cedure. Therefore, the
           UF as faculty, where he developed an academic focus on simulation-based med-  the baby-boom generation. Workforce   CST must have detailed knowledge of
           ical education.                                                        Development Area 23, which includes   the surgical procedure to meet the needs
             Dr. Cendan joined the University of Central Florida College of Medicine as   Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties, will   of the surgeon. Students completing this
           founding faculty in 2010, where he served several institutional roles, including   need approximately 682 employees in   program will be eligible to sit for the
           assistant dean for simulation, medical director of the simulation laboratory, and   the Surgical Technology field per year   Certified Surgical Technologist Exam
           chairman of the department of medical education. As provost chair and asso-  between 2018 and 2026, according to the   through the National Board of Surgical
           ciate dean in residence alongside UCF’s provost, he developed the framework   Florida Department of Economic   Technology and Surgical Assisting
           for founding the UCF Academic Health Center.                           Opportunities. To meet this demand,   (NBSTSA). Obtaining this associate
                                                                                  Miami Dade College, a leader in address-  degree and passing the certification exam
                                                                                  ing the workforce needs of the communi-  demonstrates that the student is compe-
                                                                                  ty, is dedicated to preparing students for   tent to perform entry-level job duties of a
                                                                                  the ever-changing field of health sci-  Surgical Technologist.
                             Visit us on the web at                               ences.                                 Miami Dade College, School of Health
                                                                                    Surgical technologists, also called   Sciences offers a 64-credit hour Florida
                                        “operating room technicians,” assist in   Department of Education (FLDOE)
                                                                                  different surgical procedures. Surgical   approved Associate in Science (AS)
                                                                                  technologists are an integral part of the   degree in Surgical Technology. The
                                                                                  team of medical practitioners providing   degree in Surgical Technology is
                                                                                  surgical care to patients in a variety of   designed to educate and prepare gradu-
                                                                                  settings. Surgical technologists prepare   ates with the skills required for entry-
                                                                                  operating rooms, arrange equipment,   level employment as a member of the
                                                                                  and help surgeons during surgeries.   surgical healthcare team. By training the
                                                                                  Surgical technologists are responsible for   next generation of healthcare providers,
                                                                                  preparing the sterile field using sterile   the Miami Dade College, School of
                                                                                  techniques; assembling, counting, and   Health Sciences turns health care career
                                                                                  passing surgical instruments; and mak-  dreams into reality for thousands of stu-
                                                                                  ing sure there are no breaks in sterile   dents every year.
                                                                                  techniques to prevent patients from get-
                                                                                  ting an infection in the surgical site.           For more information, visit
                                                                                    Surgical technologists are vital mem-
                                                                                  bers of the surgical team during surgery,           or call (305) 237-4103.
                                                                                  as they assist in the operating room   Dr. Alwyn Leiba is Dean, School of Health
                                                                                  under the direct supervision of surgeons.     Sciences at Miami Dade College.

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