Page 15 - Cannabis News Florida August 2022
P. 15
Cover Story: The Future of
Healthcare Administration
Continued from page 1
impacting the industry, and hospitals, is services administration.” The healthcare
the development of the acute care hospital landscape has opened far beyond the hos-
at home. These programs on the rise and pital sector and will require leadership to
supported by CMS will offer acute care provide the vital direction needed during
services delivered in the home and moni- these turbulent times. Since I follow
tored by a hospital. Monitoring hospitals healthcare history and know many of the
will provide several physical visits in the students preparing to lead our healthcare
home a day from multidisciplinary staff. In system, I am confident the country is in
addition, these programs will have 24/7 good hands and healthcare will continue
remote monitoring, ongoing daily video to be led by the brightest and most inno-
visits, and rapid response capabilities. vative executives who have always been
These threats are not all that are targeted the trademark of our healthcare system. In
to impact hospitals and must be recog- addition to our centerpiece, hospitals, stu-
nized. In a time when hospitals are coming dents will also have the opportunity to
out of a pandemic and desperately looking explore well beyond our acute care tradi-
to restore financial footing, they are tional healthcare into enhanced long-term
Pediatric Specia attracted to merger and consolidation care, healthcare technology, a more sophis-
ticated mental health system, a highly
opportunities. These options and moves
by hospitals are being carefully monitored focused and targeted outpatient arena,
Close to Hom by the FTC as they enforce antitrust laws hospital care delivered at home, and of
course, the non-traditional players such as
protecting healthcare consumers. In fact,
recently the FTC thwarted a major consol- Walmart, CVS, Amazon, to name a few.
idation in Utah that disrupted the planned This new breed of non-traditional players
m Beach —
Whether you’re in Naples, Miami or W est Palm
merger of HCA and Steward Health Care has what most in the past didn’t have and
or somewhere in between — KIDZ Medical physicians based on its perceived anticompetitive that is significant financial resources.
hi i
posture. If this is not enough, the hospital To take advantage of these opportuni-
y.. W
e are a physician-owned pediaatric multi-
are nearby We
price transparency rule went into effect on ties, students and all future leaders must
specialty practice offering state-of-the-art caare throughout January 1, 2021 and requires all hospitals prepare themselves by being academically
South Florida. to report complete pricing data for com- qualified to lead in today’s dynamic and
mon services. This initiative is designed to fast-growing healthcare industry. There is
lower hospital costs by stimulating the no better academic program available than
healthcare consumer to shop around for Florida Atlantic University which provides
various healthcare services. Only time will the most contemporary educational expe-
tell if this measure will indeed impact rience attainable with the most highly
overall healthcare costs. qualified faculty committed to student
Non-traditional players are poised to success and future healthcare leaders.
continue to make a move in healthcare. FAU has developed its programs with
Amazon has made a decision to buy the best interest of students a priority.
OneMedical for almost $4 billion. These programs include an undergradu-
OneMedical is a concierge primary care ate, a traditional Master of Health
provider that operates 188 clinics in 29 Administration (MHA) with courses
markets. Amazon is not a shy company offered in a face-to-face format or online,
and will make noise in the industry and and an executive program (EMHA) that
likely be a disruptive force. Four billion meets every third weekend on campus and
dollars is a significant investment suggest- designed for students with healthcare
ing this may be just the beginning. experience and working in a healthcare
Walmart and CVS are proceeding forward organization needing a graduate degree to
with their healthcare agenda and could pursue promotional opportunities.
add to hospital woes in select markets. Please feel free to contact me should you
Finally, mega-entrepreneur Mark Cuban, want to discuss a career in healthcare
recently opened his company, Mark administration. I am available to share my
Cuban Cost-Plus Drug Co. that presented 35 years of healthcare executive experi-
CMS with a proposal to save over $3.5 bil- ence and guide students on an academic
lion in generic drug costs for Medicare course that will best suit your needs and
subscribers. This is not a direct threat to maximize your educational and profes-
sional experience.
K K K K K I I I I I Z Z Z Z Z currently underway in healthcare. Director, Health Administration Programs,
hospitals but supports the overall activity
What does all of this mean for students
Dr. Salvatore Barbera, Associate Program
preparing academically to pursue a career
in health services administration? It
College of Business, Florida Atlantic
means OPPORTUNITIES! This is why my
University, can be reached at
opening statement suggests “there is not a
better time to pursue a career in health (561) 297-4444 or
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14 August 2022 South Florida Hospital News