Page 17 - Cannabis News Florida August 2022
P. 17
Graduate Clinical Education:
Essential to the Diversification
of the Workforce
Healthcare education is an
essential element to assuring all
patients have access to medical
care. We continue to see the
supply in physicians is not
meeting the patient demand
with staffing shortages and
appointments booked out 3-4
months as studied by the
Association of American
Medical Colleges. In order to
advance patient access to med- BY ILARIA GADALLA, DMSC, PA-C, FHM, AND
ical care in the health profes- MIKE MINGIONE, MHSC, CAA
sions of Physician Associates/
Physician Assistants (PAs) and within inpatient, outpatient, emergency
Anesthesiologist Assistants (AAs) South rooms, and operating room facilities,
University, West Palm Beach launched graduate health professional programs
corresponding graduate level programs cannot competently train students.
in 2021. The programs have recruited Education is the path to providing an
more than 50% of their cohorts from out- additional pair of healing hands to care
of-state to support the needs of the Palm for patients. Along this path, students
Beach community with the first cohorts prompt critical thinking and problem-
graduating in 2023. solving skills. Evidence-based medicine
PAs are licensed clinicians who prac- is explored and discussed to support
tice medicine in every specialty and set- comprehensive patient management by
ting. PAs are dedicated to expanding all team members involved.
access to care and transforming health As we increase diversity in healthcare
and wellness through patient-centered, education, we find further gaps in
team-based medical practice. AAs work matching our diverse student body with
under the supervision of an anesthesiol- healthcare clinicians of similar back-
ogist while providing anesthesia care in grounds, ethnicities, and race to support
the operating room. Students train in student growth. Consider mentorship
various settings, encompassing a com- and preceptorship of PA and AA students
prehensive span of surgical procedures to transform the future of healthcare.
performed on patients throughout the Clinical educators are essential to ensur-
life spectrum. ing patients have access to medical care
AA and PA students come from diverse in an economically viable model.
educational and healthcare backgrounds
such as paramedics, respiratory thera- Ilaria Gadalla is Interim Dean, College of
pists, medical assistants, sonography, Health Professions, South University. Mike
finance, hospitality, and even Broadway Mingione is Program Director,
performers. The collective cohort experi- Anesthesiologist Assistant Program, South
ence allows the students to explore calm- University. For more information, visit
ness and vigilance in stressful situations
with a variety of patient simulations Programs, credential levels, technology,
across the curriculum. They develop a and scheduling options vary by school and
compassionate approach to patients in are subject to change. Not all programs are
their most vulnerable states as cultivated available to residents of all U.S. states.
by the clinical community during clinical South University, West Palm Beach,
rotations. University Centre, 9801 Belvedere Road,
Without the administrative and physi- Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411. ©2022 South
cian clinical support of student training University. All rights reserved.
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. ed.
12 August 2022 South Florida Hospital News