Page 11 - Cannabis News Florida August 2022
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                 South Florida's                     BROWARD HEALTH NORTH                             BROWARD HEALTH CORAL SPRINGS
             Healthcare Newspaper

                                             Frosina Taneva                                         Melissa Leamon, RN
                   PO Box 812708
              Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708      Nurse Manager                                          CNO

                Phone: (561) 368-6950
                                              Frosina Taneva is the nurse man-                        Melissa Leamon, the chief nursing
                                             ager of Broward Health North’s car-                    officer at Broward Health Coral
                      Website:               diac telemetry and stepdown units,                     Springs, started her career in 2004 as
   where she has successfully advanced                    a patient care assistant while in nurs-

                                             the delivery of patient care in quality,               ing school. She currently leads all
                   CHARLES FELIX             safety and service.                                    nursing operations at the community
                    CAROL FELIX               The hospital leadership team rec-                     hospital, working closely with man-
                     Publishers              ognizes Taneva as a constant source                    agers to consistently provide highly
                                             of strength and comfort for her staff. She is a hands-on leader,   reliable care and assist in developing service lines based on com-
                   NANCY LAMMIE              personally invested in the success and development of her   munity needs.
                       Editor                teams.                                                   When asked what leadership means to her, Leamon said:
                                              Taneva is the first person to volunteer for improvement proj-  “Being a leader is celebrating successes and reminding employ-
                    JUDY GRAMM               ects. She sets the example for service by doing more than   ees of the purpose of their work when feeling discouraged.”
             Editorial Manager & Webmaster   expected, and her work ethic is contagious.              Leamon welcomes the bedside staff to directly impact deci-
                                              She doesn’t just go above and beyond at work as a nurse   sions making at Broward Health Coral Springs.
                   JMC GRAPHICS              leader. In her free time, Taneva volunteers for the American   “Listening to people, cultivating collaboration, removing the
                    Art/Production           Heart Association and has coordinated several outreach pro-  barriers for employees so they can do the job they are passionate
                grams with homeless shelters in Broward County.        about is my responsibility,” she said.
                    412-877-5321              Taneva completed a Bachelor of Arts in Macedonia, prior to   Leamon has been recognized twice as Nurse of the Year. She

              CONTRIBUTING WRITERS           immigrating to the United States. As Taneva describes it, she   earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing and has a master’s
                                             was following her “passion and purpose” when she pursued an   degree in business administration from Florida Atlantic
                   Daniel Casciato
                                             associate nursing degree from Broward College in 2005, and her   University.
                   Barbara Fallon            Bachelor of Science in nursing at Florida Atlantic University in
                     Vanessa Orr
                    Lois Thomson
                                                                                                                  BROWARD HEALTH
                                                          BROWARD HEALTH                                            IMPERIAL POINT
               LOOK FOR OUR                                MEDICAL CENTER
                 NEXT ISSUE                                                                         Jerry Capote, MD

               IN SEPTEMBER                                                                         Chief Medical Officer
                                             David Gidley
                 TO REACH US                 Associate Administrator                                  Jerry Capote, M.D., who most
                                                                                                    recently was a critical care physi-
                                              As the person responsible for the                     cian, is passionate about making a
                 ADVERTISING                 daily operations of Broward Health                     difference for the medical staff and
                 OR EDITORIAL                Medical Center, Broward Health’s                       patients as the hospital’s chief med-
                                             largest   hospital,   Associate                        ical officer.
                 Call (561) 368-6950
                                             Administrator David Gidley is a ded-                     “I’ve always felt there is nothing
                     or e-mail               icated leader who is committed to                      bigger than one person helping
    patient care. Gidley oversees envi-                 another one when they are vulnera-
                                             ronmental services, nutritional serv-                  ble,” Dr. Capote said. “I got into healthcare administration
                                             ices, radiology, pharmacy, rehabilita-                 because I want to take that idea and implement it on a grander
                                             tion, security, transportation, facilities, and the division of life   scale.”
               SUBSCRIPTIONS                 safety and environment of care for the 723-bed hospital.    At the 204-bed hospital where he serves as CMO, Capote acts

                                              “Although I don’t play a clinical role, there is nothing more   as a liaison between the administration and the medical staff
                  One Year $40
                                             rewarding than seeing patients get better, and the smiles from   and helps ensure that patients receive high-quality and individ-
                  Two Years $60              their families as the patients leave our hospital,” Gidley said.    ualized medical care.
                                              Gidley, who has worked in healthcare for 13 years, believes   “Leadership to me means you encourage others to take the
                 Three Years $75
                                             leadership is about demonstrating compassion and empathy   actions they need to succeed,” Dr. Capote said.
                                             while empowering staff to do the right thing. “Great leadership   Dr. Capote completed his bachelor’s degree in biological sci-
                   To subscribe,             is building a superb team focused on the vision for the end   ences from Florida State University and earned his medical
                                             goal,” he said.                                        degree from St. Matthew’s University School of Medicine in
                call (561) 368-6950
                                              Gidley is a member of the Florida Healthcare Engineering   Grand Cayman.
               or subscribe online at        Association. He earned both his bachelor’s degree in health
      administration with a minor in business administration and his
                    ____________             Master of Business Administration from Florida Atlantic


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               in whole or part without written
            permission prohibited. Copyright © 2022

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