Page 3 - Cannabis News Florida August 2022
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Back Cover Story: Women’s Cannabis
Chamber of Commerce
Continued from back cover ers, to navigate the development of goods
and services that better attract this demo-
WCCC is determined to create an ecosys-
tem that equips women to become self- graphic. Most people won't need to
sufficient contributors. That sometimes explore further than their nearest head
means if there isn't a seat at the table we shop to confirm that cannabis is still pre-
make our own table. dominantly presented through the male
The WCCC is a national organization gaze.
founded in Denver, CO with a mission to The WCCC fights for real representa-
move women beyond empowerment and tion, not the check-the-box variety. Jessica
propel them into powerful result-driven Passman writes in How to Actually
career strategies, executive positions, and Empower Women in Cannabis, “Having
business ownership. Chapters across the more women in leadership roles is essen-
nation are committed to providing mem- tial, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of
bers with resources, education, and sup- women.” I believe the best way to effect
port for financial success and expansion. change is through the support and educa-
We go far beyond your typical networking tion of our current and future leaders. This
group. Members receive free and discount- is part of the reason The WCCC puts
ed courses, inclusion in coveted industry heavy emphasis on the continued educa-
events or discussions, and free publicity tion of its members through partnerships
through individual chamber participants with nationally recognized Cannabis
or sponsors. All while having the ability to Course providers. That and the other serv-
cultivate authentic and reliable relation- ices mentioned above are our way of creat-
ships. ing the change we want to see. The
Dorri C. McWhorter, a board member of cannabis industry has seen a dramatic
Green Thumb Industries recently said, transition as our economy and culture has
“Women have been experiencing the found new homes, products, and a
cumulative effect of being denied econom- renewed sense of purpose. With user and
ic opportunity and that has put [them] at CPG diversification, aided by a steady
a significant disadvantage throughout chipping away of stigma, The WCCC is
years in being able to influence and committed to ensuring that the future of
advance [their] interests.” What gives me Cannabis is not just inclusive and equi-
hope is that she made this comment at the table, but female.
Illinois Women in Cannabis Annual
Conference, a critical type of forum that For more information on The WCCC,
I'm seeing more and more of across the please contact Brianna Bowes at
U.S. And this makes sense given Gen Z brianna@womenscannabischamber
women are now the fastest-growing con- or find the next event
sumers of legal cannabis, increasing year- at or
over-year sales by 151%, according to a www.womenscannabischamberof
report by Headset. We need more women
leaders, particularly diverse women lead-
Back Cover Story: Cannabis Spotlight
Continued from back cover sion for helping others and found the per-
which means I manage a team that edu- fect opportunity for me. In 2016, I joined
cates physicians about the benefits of med- the business development team of another
ical cannabis, how the various products medical cannabis company and helped
impact a patient’s health and the latest them grow before moving to Trulieve in
information from the Department of 2018.
Are you personally a MJ card
How can people in Florida bene- holder?
fit from the company you repre- I am a medical marijuana card holder
sent? due to a few symptoms and conditions
Trulieve has more than 115 dispensaries that I have. I mainly use cannabis for
in Florida, making it the largest and most insomnia, anxiety, and stress.
accessible in the state. In addition, Trulieve
patients in Florida can choose from the Do you see Florida moving for-
largest selection of THC and CBD prod- ward with recreational
ucts available in a variety of consumption Marijuana/cannabis and how
methods. will that affect your business?
I think adult use will happen one day. It
How did you get started within is clearly something that Floridians want,
the cannabis industry? as poll after poll shows that 70% of voters
I first started in alternative medicine in the state would vote to allow it.
more than 12 years, because I had a pas-
26 August 2022 Cannabis News Florida