Page 11 - South Florida Hospital News Nov 2021
P. 11

Tips for Safer Travel                                              How Being Credit Invisible

                 for the 2021 Holiday Season                                             Is Affecting Minority Groups’

                                                                                                 Access to Healthcare
          The safe and effective                        created equal. Surgical,
         COVID-19 vaccines have                         NK95 and multilayer
         facilitated safer travel.                      masks are the safest.      In a year of racial                        or a home and affording medical
         Over the past 18 months,                       Remember that the sick   reckoning on many                            expenses is nearly impossible.
         we have learned that the                       person wearing a mask can   fronts, we’re also seeing                  As someone who spent most of
         COVID-19     virus   is                        still transmit the virus, but   a greater focus on racial             my career in finance, I’ve become
         resilient, changes frequent-                   if you wear the correct   health disparities —                        convinced that moving away
         ly, and the currently circu-                   mask properly, it prevents   why people of color                      from an over-reliance on credit
         lating Delta variant not                       you from inhaling the    have    lower    life                        scores and looking at patients’
         only affects people of all                     virus. Keep the mask on at   expectancies and are                     bigger financial picture will help
         ages, including younger                        all times. If you have to eat   sicker as a group than                to close the medical access gap.
         children, but is also more                     or drink, put the mask   the white population.                        The “old way” of simply using
         transmissible and infec-    BY KUNJANA         back on as soon as possi-  Some might be sur-                         credit scores to evaluate some-
         tious. Fortunately, we     MAVUNDA, MD         ble. Bring your own      prised that an over-                         one’s ability to pay is archaic and
         expect children ages five                      snacks that do not require   reliance on credit scores   BY JAMES N.   it disfavors younger people,
         to twelve to be eligible for                   too much food handling.   may be a key contribut-   GIORDANO          Blacks and Hispanics, and any-
         the shot soon.                       • Trip Logistics: It is important to  ing factor.                               one without favorable credit
          Younger children and unvaccinated   consider who you are visiting and the   Much has been studied and written   scores. Credit scores are limiting and sim-
         children and adults remain a concern   logistics of the potential stay. You should   about the varied causes of health dispari-  ply don’t provide the full picture. And
         for holiday travel. They can be asympto-  know that those around you are vacci-  ties for Black and Hispanic populations,   finally big lenders are realizing that credit
         matic carriers of the virus, and can   nated, and if you are staying overnight   including less access to care and implicit   scores aren’t a reliable way to measure
         unknowingly transmit the virus to   with family, consider how crowded the   bias on the part of healthcare providers.   lending decisions. In fact, according to a
         unvaccinated children and vulnerable or   residence will be. Make sure the sleep-  But at a time when people are having to   recent survey, 48% of lenders are less con-
         immune-compromised people – leading   ing arrangements don’t mix and match   reach into their own pockets to pay for big   fident making consumer decisions based
         to serious outcomes.                pods; people sleeping in the same room   deductibles, high co-pays, and medical   on traditional credit scores and reports.
          Many travel plans include visiting   should be from the same household.   expenses not covered by insurance, the   Fortunately, there are better ways to
         families and friends, and as plans come   Finally, consider whether or to what   inability to access medical credit is a major   evaluate people’s propensity to pay, if
         together, we must all make sure to   extent everyone will be able to follow   aggravating factor, especially for this pop-  healthcare providers are willing to think
         explore the safest ways to do so.   social distancing guidelines.       ulation.                             outside the box. We work with medical
          • General Hygiene:  COVID-19 isn’t  • Hotels and Lodging: If families are  Most medical credit cards and other   providers to successfully extend healthcare
         the only disease we can pick up during   coming together, staying at a hotel may   medical financing solutions rely on credit   financing to people with credit scores as
         a trip! Maintaining protocols, such as   be a safer option. Most hotels have   scores as the primary – sometimes the only   low as 400 (and, in some cases, people
         wearing masks properly over the nose   guidelines about sanitizing, masking,   – factor in deciding whether to extend  who are credit invisible). I say successfully
         and mouth in public, social distancing,   and social distancing. Unfortunately,   someone’s credit. So patients with credit  because more than 99% of the time, the
         washing hands or using hand sanitizer   since these guidelines are not always fol-  scores below 640 are usually out of luck if  patients we’ve worked with have paid back
         frequently, being careful about not   lowed, it is up to the travelers to protect   they can’t afford to pay out of pocket for  their debts within 12 months.
         touching the face – will help prevent the   themselves. Remember to sanitize, wear   medical expenses.         Being credit challenged or credit invisi-
         transmission of not only the COVID-19   masks, and follow social distancing   About 45 million American adults fit   ble shouldn’t mean that someone can’t par-
         virus, but also other respiratory viruses.   guidelines in shared spaces.   this definition, according to the Consumer   ticipate in the credit economy like anyone
          • Routine Immunizations: All adults  • COVID-19 Testing: PCR testing is  Financial Protection Bureau. Around 26   else, and it certainly shouldn’t deny them
         and children must have their routine   less likely to provide false negative   million of them have no credit record at   access to healthcare.
         immunizations updated. Every year, the   results, but there is generally a longer   all. Fifty three million adults lack tradi-  Poor credit might mean limited prior
         influenza vaccine is updated to provide   wait for results. Rapid testing results can   tional FICO scores and another 19 million   opportunity to demonstrate financial relia-
         protection against four strains that are   be available within 20 minutes, but the   have some kind of credit record, but their   bility or even previous mistakes. It’s time
         expected to be circulating in the com-  possibility of a false negative result is   information is either incomplete or out of   for the medical establishment to look past
         munity. Since the influenza vaccine is   higher than with PCR testing.   date, which means they don’t have a score.   this and see whether patients are financial-
         changed every year, annual shots help   Remember, we can all be asymptomatic   That adds up to almost 1 in 5 of all   ly stable, make payments regularly, and
         boost immunity over time.           carriers of COVID-19. If a family with   American adults left with few good   have steady income. Their business is no
          • Plane Travel: If you are traveling by  children travels to a family with older   options.                 less valuable and shouldn’t be overlooked.
         plane, vaccines mitigate the risk of virus   adults, people with chronic illnesses or   That disproportionately affects people of   Looking at the patient’s propensity to
         transmission. Other factors that may   immune-suppression, it is important for   color. A 2021 survey of 5,000 adults by   pay based on a variety of factors, rather
         help prevent transmission are: time of   all travelers to be tested.    Credit Sesame found that 54% of Black   than just their credit score, can bring
         travel – flying early morning and off-  Unfortunately, many people around   Americans and 41% of Hispanic    healthcare within reach of many disenfran-
         peak hours is safest; organizing carry-on   us do not take precautions and choose   Americans report credit scores below 640   chised people. We have a moral imperative
         bags so that access to necessary items is   not to be vaccinated. Whether we are   – that’s 10% below the national average –  to do that.
         easy; choosing seats away from areas   traveling or in our daily life, it is impor-  or they have no credit score at all, making
         where there may be more movement    tant for us to protect ourselves from   them “credit invisible.” As a consequence,       James N. Giordano is the
         (such as lavatories); select window seats   these people who may be asymptomatic   making large purchases like buying a car   CEO of Care Cap Plus.
         where less air may circulate than aisle   carriers. We can protect ourselves, our
         seats; wipe all surfaces upon boarding;   children and our families by following
         avoid using the toilet – but if you have   guidelines regarding hand washing or
         to, make sure you wipe all surfaces with   using hand sanitizers, wearing effective
         anti-septic wipes – especially handles,   masks properly, social distancing and
         taps, seats; be the last to board and dis-  sanitizing our space frequently.
         embark. If people around you do not
         follow FAA guidelines for flying, the    Dr. Kunjana Mavunda is a practicing
         staff should be notified although mov-       travel medicine specialist and a
         ing may not be possible.               board-certified pediatric pulmonologist
          • Masks and Eating: Not all masks are                with KIDZ Medical


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