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CANNABIS                                   PūrWell Offers

                                                                        BUSINESS                                   Pain Relief
                                                                                                                   Without NSAIDs

                                                                                    page  36                                         page 37

                                       February 2022

                                      2019 Cannabis Business Award’s Publication of the Year

                                                Americanna Laboratories Expands

                                                 Footprint into Medical Marijuana

                                                                                                                                    Dr. Jeff Konin
                    Jackie Rothman
                                                                                                                               What Do
        DocMJ to Expand                                                                                                   Contemporary

                 Wellness                                           Americanna Laboratories staff
                                                                      BY DANIEL CASCIATO                                    Cannabinoid
          Offerings, Open                      In Florida, one of the premier cannabis testing labs to turn to is Jacksonville-based
                                             Americanna Laboratories (Americanna), a laboratory facility with deep roots in agri-  Studies Mean to
             New Medspa                      cultural, pharmaceutical and dietary supplements testing. Americanna performs
                                             advanced analytical testing for hemp and cannabis products from the farm to con-  the Medical
                                             sumer using the most trusted and leading instrumentation which provides customers
                 BY VANESSA ORR
                                             with greater accuracy, reliability, and faster turnaround times.
                                               As one of the first approved by the USDA to be a Hemp Analytical Testing        Cannabis
          Since 2016, DocMJ has been providing   Laboratory in the country and the first in the State of Florida, Americanna conducts
        a simple, patient-friendly option for                                                                                Movement?
        those interested in obtaining a medical                                                   Continued on page 38
        marijuana card in Florida. Now the
        organization, made up of the largest and              Cannabis Spotlight                                              BY DR. JEFF G. KONIN
        most experienced group of certified
        medical marijuana physicians in the                                                                              Recently van Breemen et al. from
        state, is offering expanded wellness serv-                     Barry Gordon, MD                                Oregon State University published a study
        ices and opening its first medspa as well.                     Owner and Chief Medical Officer                 titled “Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry
          “We decided to add total wellness                            The Compassionate Cannabis Clinic               of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging
        services as a way to help our patients                                                                         Variants” in the  Journal of Natural
        extend their knowledge not only of the                         What benefits do you see for patients           Products. Published in a journal that likely
        medications they get at the dispensaries,                      throughout Florida within this space?           even the most devoted of cannabis sup-
        but of other CBD products as well,”                              Cannabis as a plant has ALWAYS been medicinal.   porters do not read on a regular basis, this
        explained DocMJ Chief Operating Office                         We are simply living in an era of big pharma and big   article swept the headlines of news agen-
        Jackie Rothman. “Working with our                              government control over our healthcare choices. The   cies around the world. Why? Because the
        patient care team, they can learn more                         benefits of Medical Cannabis in Florida should be   results show in a controlled in vitro envi-
        about how both THC and CBD can help                            clear; to utilize it in a SAFE, LEGAL, and EDUCATED   ronment that two cannabinoids (CBGA
        with their symptoms and increase their                         manner! The medical program, IF your doctor     and CBDA) possess ligands with high
        general all-around wellness.”                                  respects both the plant and the patient with the   affinity to the receptors where SARS-CoV-
          According to Rothman, CBD should                             APPROPRIATE EDUCATION, allows this to happen.   2 binds, serving as entry inhibitors and
        actually be used with THC for patients                                                                         therefore preventing potential infection of
        to get the most benefit.             What motivates you to be a part of the cannabis Industry?                 the virus.
          “This is not just for people who have   The motivation behind being a part of the cannabis industry is easy; It’s all about being   Further clinical phased trials are needed
        severe conditions, but for those who   a 2022 Physician and utilizing my 40 years of healthcare experience to the BEST benefit   to determine the efficacy and safety of
        want to utilize CBD as a sort of multivi-  to modern society and my individual patients. I need to be one of those who lead the   similar interventions in humans before we
        tamin to enhance day-to-day wellness,”   way toward the appropriate understanding of cannabis as a medicinal agent. Very few   jump to conclusions and make false
        said Rothman. “Even if a person doesn’t   western conventionally trained are willing to carry the ball forward. For me, it’s a daily   claims regarding the meaning and inter-
        meet the state’s qualifying conditions to   passion.                                                           pretation of this study. However, in a
        use medical marijuana, they can still use                                                                      world grasping for solutions to the cur-
        CBD from hemp products to enrich their   What field are you in within the cannabis space?                      rent pandemic, a glimmer of promise is
        daily lives. Through a no-cost consulta-  I have been the owner and Chief Medical Officer of The Compassionate Cannabis   pleasantly welcomed. The glimmer comes
        tion, either by phone or virtually, we can   Clinic in Venice since January 2017, with our Fort Myers office opening shortly there-  in the form of timely and quality research.
                        Continued on page 40                                                      Continued on page 42                 Continued on page 37
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