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Largest Trade Show for Alternative Americanna Laboratories Receives
Products Coming to Ft. Lauderdale Certified Marijuana Testing
Laboratory Approval
SDiscover the products and services rev- ● Semi-synthetic extracts (Delta8/10)
olutionizing traditional markets, only at ● Functional beverages
ALTPRO EXPO Ft. Lauderdale ● Non-psychoactive mushrooms Americanna Laboratories, LLC was granted regulatory approval from the Florida
Many industry buyers discover products ● Kratom & Other Botanicals Department of Health to conduct cannabis compliance testing as the state’s most
by seeing them in other stores or browsing ● Nicotine Alternatives recent Certified Marijuana Testing Laboratory (CMTL).
through distributor catalogs, but who dis- ● Nutraceuticals With this approval, Americanna becomes only the ninth facility licensed by the
covers the products in these catalogs in the ● Other new, disruptive, innovative, Office of Medical Marijuana Use (OMMU) to perform consumer safety and quality
first place? trending, and high-demand products/ser- control testing in the State of Florida. The lab already possesses over 30 years of expe-
Innovative buyers will tell you that the vices rience to coincide with USDA and EPA registrations. Co-Founders Steven Perez and
best place to find disruptive and unique A prime opportunity for: David Perez first initiated expansion into analytical testing of cannabis in 2018 when
products with the potential to become the ● Convenience stores Florida introduced their plans to begin both hemp and medical marijuana programs.
next big thing is at trade shows. Brands ● Smoke shops “We were not in a rush to be the first CMTL,” stated Co-Founder Steven Perez.
like Redbull, Juul, and 5 Hour Energy were ● Tobacco chains “Every day we strive to give patients and consumers a greater sense of security know-
all discovered at these types of events ● Health, Wellness & Sports Centers ing the medicine they depend on has been tested for its safety and purity. This
before they went mainstream. The prob- ● Big-box Retailers approval is another step in our progression to be the premiere testing laboratory in
lem then lies in finding the right show to ● Industry Buyers like you the cannabis industry. We have come a long way with gaining ISO 17025 accredita-
attend. Most trade shows tend to be indus- “...our team has been working tirelessly tion, fine-tuning our methodologies, and developing satisfied clients across the
try-specific events, and so they only show- to create a new kind of event where we nation. Now, we can analyze medical marijuana samples to help patients throughout
case specific types of products. This has could incorporate the wide plethora of the state.”
made it difficult for buyers to choose products, services, and brands that make The approval marks the culmination of one noteworthy achievement with others to
which events to attend, never being able to up the alternative product’s industry.” - follow. “2021 was a year of investment for us. We dedicated a significant amount of
find an event that manages to encompass said Jason Monti, Director of Sales at ZJ time and resources into the development of not only our methods but also our per-
multiple industries and types of products Events. sonnel. The Americanna Lab team impresses us each day with their commitment to
under one roof, that is, until now. Join hundreds of exhibitors and thou- quality and accomplishing our mission of consumer safety. We are poised to expand
Alternative Products Expo emerged as sands of attendees who will gather in Ft. our footprint in the cannabis market due to this commitment,” said Wyman Dickey,
an upgrade of the nation’s largest CBD and Lauderdale this upcoming March 11th to CEO.
Hemp event, USA CBD Expo, to incorpo- the 13th at The Greater Fort Lauderdale /
rate new audiences, new markets and new Broward County Convention Center to
buyers in the most innovative industry experience an industry event where alter-
event. native products will take the spotlight.
The Alternative Products Expo -or ALT- Participate in expert talks on the new Delta
PRO Expo- was created with the idea of 8 craze, medicinal mushrooms extracts,
bringing together an assortment of indus- and many other subjects relating to alter-
tries (and the disruptive products & serv- native product developments (where it's
ices within) under one roof. With this in going, trends, categories, etc).
mind, the organizers behind this show, ZJ
Events, have consistently adjusted and To learn more about attending,
evolved their scope to remain at the van- exhibiting, sponsoring, or speaking at the
guard of industry trends. This evolution ALTPRO Expo, visit, email
has meant reaching out to include thou-, or call
sands of business owners from all spec- (631) 777-3455. Booth design, travel,
trums of the alternative product market. and accommodation assistance are
The largest gathering of: all available via the website.
● Hemp-derived products
Cannabis News Florida February 2022 41