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               ACCOUNTING & ADVISORY SERVICES                       CONSULTANT SERVICES                            MEDICAL MARIJUANA
            Marc Egort, CPA, P.A.                         Zing Online Services, Inc.                                TREATMENT CENTERS
            Marc Egort, CPA, P.A. is a South Florida CPA firm of dedi-  A web design and hosting company   Trulieve
            cated accountants who work closely with our clients provid-   Trulieve is the first and leading medical cannabis company
            ing accounting services as well as tax preparation and          in the state of Florida. At Trulieve, we strive to bring you the
            bookkeeping. We offer value-added services in areas of                                       relief you need in a product you can trust. We offer an
            assurance, CFO services, and other areas of compliance.   DATA & ANALYTICS                   extensive variety of premium medical cannabis products to
            Our philosophy is client focused service that addresses the   Strainprint™ Technologies      meet our patients' needs. Our plants are hand-grown in a
            needs of our personal and corporate clients whether they   Strainprint™  Technologies is the leader in demand-side   facility with a controlled environment specially designed to
            are considered a startup venture or a seasoned organiza-  cannabis data and analytics. Strainprint™ was created by   reduce unwanted chemicals and pests, keeping the
            tion. For more information, please visit or   patients for patients with a mission to advance the scientific   process as natural as possible at every turn. With over 70
            call us at (754) 301-2183.                    understanding of cannabis and its legitimization as a main-  locations statewide, including Miami, Kendall, Deerfield
                                                          stream therapy. We support cannabis patients, practition-  Beach, and Fort Lauderdale, Medical Marijuana Patients in
                            ATTORNEYS                     ers, industry and government with the most sophisticated   the Miami-Dade area can be sure there is a Trulieve dis-
            Ged Lawyers, LLP                              digital technologies for responsible cannabis use and global   pensary nearby. We also offer convenient delivery options,
            Ged Lawyers, LLP has successfully recovered over $85M   research. Strainprint™ is privacy compliant, military-grade   including free delivery for patients over the age of 65. For
            representing hospitals and other medical facilities in PIP   encrypted and all patient data is completely anonymized   natural relief you can rely on, visit us at
            collections. Our proprietary software analyzes and identi-  and at rest in Canada.
            fies claims inaccurately paid by insurance companies and                       PAYROLL SERVICES
            generates demand letters, which insurance companies                    Paymaster
            typically pay. In the event the insurance company doesn't,      EDIBLES                      PayMaster provides payroll processing, time & labor, and
            we then file suit. Ged Lawyers' mission is to GET EVERY   The Green Baker, LLC               human resources to the cannabis industry. Our services
            DOLLAR owed. For more information, call 844-4GEDLAW   The Green Baker, LLC is a full service chef driven infused   include payroll tax service, employee direct deposit,
            or visit                  edibles company. Through this innovative company The   employee self-service, paperless on-boarding and much
                                                          Green Baker also offers personalized virtual cannabis   more.  Serving Florida for 25 years.  Give us a call and see
                  CBD PRODUCTS AND SERVICES               cooking classes, infused dining experiences, educational   why PayMaster is “A Better Way To Pay.” Contact Rhonda
            PŪRWELL                                       lectures on cannabis lifestyle and ready made edibles   at or (561) 735-9969, or visit our
            PūrWell was founded in 2018 by Nick DiFrancesco who   options for all dietary needs. Let The Green Baker help you   website at for more information.
            partnered with a farm in Pueblo, CO where PūrWell hemp   better understand how cannabis can fit into your healthy
            is grown, cultivated, processed, and packaged. PūrWell’s   lifestyle!                                       PHYSICIANS
            medical-grade products are designed for and are sold – (954) 546-4166 -    Cannabis Card Orlando
            exclusively through healthcare professionals and in the   IG - FB The Green Baker, LLC   Also providing Concierge Medicine program, Immigration
            PūrWell online store. PūrWell’s proprietary formulations                                     Exams, Emotional Support Animal Certifications
            are crafted specifically to meet the needs of the healthcare                       
            marketplace, offering a range of strengths and applications   INSURANCE SERVICES   
            for seamless customized treatment. PūrWell has a variety   Kairos Insurance Group
            of programs that enable healthcare providers to capitalize   An independent agency with access to many carriers,   DOCMJ
            on the emerging CBD market. For more information,   Kairos works with clients from all sectors of the Cannabis   DocMJ was started in August 2016 as a small group of
            please visit or call 844-PUR-WELL    industry, from manufacturers to wholesale and retail oper-  physicians saw the need for affordable, direct patient
            (787-9355).                                   ations to address the unique challenges facing the indus-  access to medical cannabis recommendations under the
                                                          try’s efforts to provide quality insurance options for its   Amendment 2 guidelines. Check out our Pricing page for
                CONSTRUCTION, DESIGN, PROJECT             employees. Kairos employee benefit/health insurance spe-  our current options.
                          MANAGEMENT                      cialists craft comprehensive solutions and provide superior   DocMJ Values - We’re big believers in the virtues we live
            S.R. Construction                             service to meet all business needs. For more information   and work by — empathy, compassion, and kindness.
            S.R. Construction Services (SRCS) is a FL statewide divi-  about the best available coverage at the lowest cost, con-  We’re here to support patients in getting the help they
            sion 1 commercial & industrial turn-key General   tact  Summer  Westerbur  at  719.331.1832  or  deserve as quickly as possible. We strive to accomplish
            Contractor. One of the most critical and over looked chal-   that in the most effective way possible. Our Mission - We
            lenges for any General Contractor operating in the Medical       aim to bring affordable medical marijuana recommenda-
            Cannabis sector is the inability to 1. find a bank to provide                                tions to qualified patients across the state of Florida. We
            basic depositary and other financial services and 2. meet   MEDICAL MARIJUANA                work tirelessly to be the most convenient, streamlined, and
            the stringent qualifications and required ongoing reporting   TREATMENT CENTERS              cost-effective solution for Floridians, and our mission is to
            and monthly audits for a (CRB) Cannabis related business.   Curaleaf Florida – Cannabis with Confidence   provide the highest quality of care in the process.
            SRCS satisfies both. Noteworthy Experience: Cultivation   Curaleaf Florida offers premium, safe and reliable medical   Check us out at or call (888) 908-0143
            (both indoor and outdoor facilities) including Research   cannabis products to our patients. Our mission is to
            Nursery Facilities; Large scale Processing & Distribution   improve lives by providing clarity around cannabis and
            (New Construction & Renovation); Fertigation Systems:   confidence around consumption.  Advanced industry
            Dosatron (Injectors / Nutrient Delivery Systems), Growlink   research is used to develop our products. We cultivate our
            and Consolidated Water Systems; IT Automation Systems:   cannabis products using the highest standards of produc-
            Climate Control Systems CCS, ARGUS Control Systems,   tion with medically precise extraction and purification meth-
            Ridder Controls and HydroFarm; Industrial Hardware:   ods. Dispensaries are located across Florida with delivery
            Vitalis Extraction  Technology systems, Eden Labs   offered statewide. Free patient consultations are available.
            Extraction, Shaeffer Fans,  Thermocore SIP panels,   Please visit us at
            Nichiha Building Wall Panels, Permatherm Panel, NexG3n
            Table systems, RollaBond Rack Systems, numerous LED
            (Light-Emitting Diode), HPS (High-Pressure Sodium) grow
            light systems. Completed more than 80 Retail Dispensary
            renovations. CRB Bankable. For more information go to
  , or contact Eric@S-R-
  , (561) 290-0402

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