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Profiles In Cardiology
Dr. Thomas Forbes, a pediatric cardiologist and the chief
of pediatric cardiology at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, Richard Faro, MD, FACS
has a master plan for making Memorial Healthcare System
an epicenter for data that aids in the development of cardiac In 1983, Dr. Richard Faro performed the first open-heart
equipment and devices. surgery in Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast at
“In collaboration with the nonprofit CCISC (Congenital Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center. He also helped Palm
Cardiovascular Interventional Study Consortium), we’d Beach Gardens Medical Center start the heart surgery pro-
build modular registries that would cover nearly all of the gram at the hospital, which just eclipsed 19,000 open-heart
procedures performed here,” said Dr. Forbes, who was pre- surgeries. Dr. Faro is on-staff at Palm Beach Gardens Medical
viously at Detroit Medical Center in Michigan. “Our goal in Center and has an office on the campus of the hospital with
working with the FDA and Japanese regulatory organiza- his colleague, Dr. Joseph Motta. The practice encompasses a
tions is to get pediatric devices more quickly approved, so manufacturers would be able wide range of cardiac surgery care including coronary artery
to go through the registries we’ve set up to access clinical trial data. Registries that, for bypass graft (CABG), transcatheter aortic valve replacement
the first time, would enable them to utilize retrospective data for a more efficient and (TAVR) and acute aortic dissection repair. In addition, the
cost-effective process.” practice provides vascular surgery care including transcarotid artery revascularization
Dr. Forbes says fetal, pediatric, and adult cardiology would all benefit from the global (TCAR), and open endarterectomy surgery. Additionally, Dr. Faro’s practice offers multi-
initiative. ple interventions utilized in the office for chronic venous insufficiency including ablation
and sclerotherapy to treat varicose and spider veins. Dr. Faro is board-certified with the
Peter Guyon, MD American Board of Surgery, American Board of Thoracic Surgery and American Board of
Phlebology. For his education and training, Dr. Faro completed a cardiovascular/thoracic
A pediatric interventional cardiologist, Dr. Peter Guyon surgery fellowship and peripheral vascular surgery fellowship at Rush University Medical
decided early on during rotations at the University of Center, Chicago, IL. In addition, Dr. Faro completed a general surgery residency at
Pennsylvania’s School of Medicine that caring for children Creighton University School of Medicine, Omaha, NE, internship at S.U.N.Y. Downstate
would be his focus. “I appreciate the resiliency of kids and Medical Center and Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn, NY, and graduated medical school
how direct and honest they are about their feelings,” said Dr. from the Creighton University School of Medicine.
Guyon. Dr. Guyon says it’s important for him to be flexible
in his approach to patients, since diagnosis and treatment Joseph Motta, MD, FACS
explanations for the congenital issues he most often sees dif-
fer depending on the age of the individual. Parents can also Dr. Joseph Motta specializes in cardiovascular and tho-
add another challenging dynamic. racic surgery. Dr. Motta’s practice encompasses a wide range
The study of cardiology caught Dr. Guyon’s interest from of procedures including transcatheter aortic valve replace-
the beginning, with its mixture of physiology, physics, and ment (TAVR), acute aortic dissection repair and coronary
engineering. Following medical school in Philadelphia, Dr. Guyon headed west to the artery bypass surgery (CABG). In addition, the practice pro-
University of California San Diego, where he completed an internship, residency, and fel- vides vascular surgery care including transcarotid artery
lowship training. revascularization (TCAR), and open endarterectomy sur-
The doctor arrived in South Florida late in 2021 and is part of the expansion of Joe gery. Additionally, Dr. Motta’s practice offers multiple inter-
DiMaggio Children’s Hospital’s cardiology team. ventions utilized in the office for chronic venous insufficien-
cy including ablation and sclerotherapy to treat varicose and
Jared Klein, MD, MPH spider veins. Along with his long-time colleague, Dr. Richard Faro, Dr. Motta helped start
the open-heart surgery program at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center, which has just
Dr. Jared Klein, a specialist in pediatric imaging cardiology, passed a milestone of over 19,000 open-heart surgeries. Dr. Motta is currently on-staff at
didn’t have to look beyond his own home to find a medical Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center and his office is located on the campus of the hos-
role model. “I remember my dad (Dr. Allan Klein) reading pital. He is board-certified with the American Board of Surgery and American Board of
echocardiograms on VHS tapes when I was a kid. I was Thoracic Surgery. For his education and training, Dr. Motta completed his fellowship in
exposed to hospitals early on and went to national and inter- thoracic and vascular surgery at Emory University, located in Atlanta, GA. Dr. Motta
national medical conferences.” completed his general surgery residency at Jackson Memorial Hospital as well as Miami
Unlike his father, the younger Dr. Klein chose to work Veterans Hospital and the University of Miami School of Medicine. He graduated medical
with pediatric patients, focusing on both echo and MRI. school from the University of Miami School of Medicine.
“The experience I gained in MRI (a fellowship at Nemours
Children’s Health in Wilmington, Delaware) really helps
arrive at a quicker diagnosis,” said Dr. Klein, who also did
fellowship training in pediatric cardiology at Cleveland
Clinic Hospital. “I enjoy that everything you need to know is right in front of you.”
A newcomer to South Florida that is part of Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital’s growing
cardiology team, Dr. Klein says ‘Joe D.’ provides one of the most collegial and unique hos-
pital environments he’s ever worked in.
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South Florida Hospital News February 2022 33