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Profiles In Cardiology
South Florida's
Lucia Blanchard, DO Mohamed Osman, MD Monthly
Lucia Blanchard, D.O., is a cardi- Mohamed Osman, M.D., is an Healthcare Newspaper
ologist with Broward Health interventional cardiologist with
Physician Group and practices out Broward Health Physician Group PO Box 812708
of Broward Health Coral Springs. and is affiliated with all the hospi- Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708
She specializes in acute care, tals in the Broward Health system. Phone: (561) 368-6950
echocardiography, congestive heart He is board certified in interven-
failure, myocardial infraction, and tional cardiology, cardiology and Website:
disease prevention and intervention. nuclear cardiology. Dr. Osman has
“I love to treat people and I think been practicing medicine for more
this is one field with an instanta- than 20 years. CHARLES FELIX
neous award because the patients “In the field of interventional car- CAROL FELIX
get better right away,” Dr. Blanchard diology, you see an immediate result,” Dr. Osman said. “For Publishers
said. “Cardiology incorporates critical care, high acuity, plus example, a person with a heart attack can be literally on the
the continuation of care with patients.” verge of death and you do something for them and then the NANCY LAMMIE
Dr. Blanchard has been practicing medicine since 2013. Over next thing they feel much better, he said. “There are few fields Editor
the years, she has participated in lectures and research projects. in medicine where you can achieve that kind of dramatic
In 2015, she published in the Osteopathic Family Physician response.” JUDY GRAMM
journal on “Congestive Heart Failure in Adults.” Dr. Osman is also the medical director of the interventional Editorial Manager & Webmaster
One of Dr. Blanchard’s special interests in cardiology deals cardiology program at Broward Health Coral Springs. Over the
with clinical trials. “I am excited that women and minorities are past several years, the hospital’s cardiac program has expanded JMC GRAPHICS
being taken in consideration more and more in clinical trials to include a state-of-the-art cardiac catherization lab that Art/Production
but there is still a need in cardiology to facilitate access to treat- opened in June 2020 and a Level 1 Heart Program designation
ments and new technology. I promise to work hard to facilitate in January 2021 by the Agency for Healthcare Administration 412-877-5321
such diversity,” she said. (ACHA).
Dr. Blanchard is board certified by the American Osteopathic “In the past decade, there has been continuous improvement CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
Board of Internal Medicine in internal medicine and cardiology, of catheter-based therapies – it changes the way we do things,” Daniel Casciato
and by the American Society of Echocardiography. She received Dr. Osman said. “It went from open heart surgery with hospital Barbara Fallon
her Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree from Nova stay for at least a week to now overnight procedures for our Vanessa Orr
Southeastern University. Dr. Blanchard completed her internal patients.” Lois Thomson
medicine residency and cardiology fellowship at Broward Dr. Osman received his medical degree from Cairo University
Health Medical Center in Fort Lauderdale. School of Medicine in Egypt. He completed his internal medi-
cine residency with the New York University Langone Health’s
Department of Medicine. He completed his critical care fellow- LOOK FOR OUR
BROWARD HEALTH MEDICAL CENTER ship at New York Medical College and his cardiology fellowship NEXT ISSUE
at Good Samaritan Hospital in Ohio. He completed his inter- IN MARCH
ventional cardiology fellowship at New York Medical College.
Kenneth Zelnick, MD Dr. Osman is a professional member of the American College of
Cardiology. TO REACH US
Kenneth Zelnick, M.D., is an
interventional cardiologist at Alan Niederman, MD, FOR
Broward Health Medical Center ADVERTISING
where he has been practicing medi- FACC OR EDITORIAL
cine since 2006. Dr. Zelnick is board
certified in internal medicine, cardi- Alan Niederman, M.D., FACC, is Call (561) 368-6950
ology and interventional cardiology. an interventional cardiologist with or e-mail
“I was drawn to cardiology like Broward Health Physician Group.
many of us over a fascination with Niederman has been with Broward
the mechanics of the heart. The Health since 2018 and has practiced
heart is this beautiful machine that medicine for more than 32 years.
just works with this perfect rhythmic timing despite no elec- “Medicine is the only profession I SUBSCRIPTIONS
tronics or winding mechanisms,” he said. “As cardiologists we know that joins science with
get to make sure that machine works.” humanity,” he said. “It has been an One Year $40
Dr. Zelnick is also the medical director of the cardiac rehabil- honor to spend my life caring for Two Years $60
itation program at Broward Health Medical Center where a patients long-term.”
multidisciplinary team works with heart disease patients Dr. Niederman specializes in clinical cardiology, echocardio- Three Years $75
though exercise, education, counseling and training to main- gram and electrocardiogram interpretation, diagnostic cardiac
tain a healthy lifestyle. catherization, percutaneous coronary intervention, transcather To subscribe,
“Cardiology also allows for us to meet people both in the pre- aortic valve replacement, and valvuloplasty. call (561) 368-6950
ventive stages of their life, in the routine maintenance, as well Over the last decade, the field of interventional cardiology
as in the setting of acute injury.” has evolved rapidly with new treatments and technologies for or subscribe online at
Dr. Zelnick received his medical degree from the University patients. “We now have gene therapy for elevated cholesterol
of Miami Miller School of Medicine. He completed his internal level,” Dr. Niederman said. “Further, we will soon have mitral ____________
medicine residency at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New valve replacements that will be put through the leg artery
York. Dr. Zelnick completed his cardiology fellowship and instead of patient’s having to undergo open heart surgery.”
All rights reserved. Reproduction
interventional cardiology fellowship at the University of Miami Dr. Niederman received his medical degree from the Emory in whole or part without written
Miller School of Medicine. University School of Medicine where he also completed his res- permission prohibited. Copyright © 2022
idency in internal medicine and fellowship in cardiovascular
disease. Dr. Niederman is a professional member of the
American College of Cardiology and the Society for
Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions. Don’t forget to include
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