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Broward Health’s Commitment to Advanced Heart Care
Broward Health is committed Emergency Department.
to investing in advanced cardiac This provides cardiac
services upgrades. With its more patients and their fami-
than 50-year history of provid- lies with a more seam-
ing heart care, Broward Health is less experience. The new
considered a leader in cardiovas- cardiac suite includes
cular treatments. two procedures rooms,
As one of the nation’s top 10 seven patient care bays,
largest public hospital systems, an isolation room, a
Broward Health’s multidiscipli- room devoted to
nary team of experienced car- echocardiograms, three
diac team provides comprehen- diagnostic stress lab sta-
sive clinical, surgical and reha- Dr. Mammen P. tions, and a spacious
bilitative care. Zachariah waiting room equipped
with the latest patient improve the overall health of the com-
Advanced Care Close to Home monitoring technology. The comprehen- munity where our physicians perform a
Both Broward Health Coral Springs and sive cardiac and interventional radiology variety of diagnostic tests associated
Broward Health Imperial Point recently unit seamlessly combines interconnected with cardiac and vascular diseases, so
expanded cardiovascular offerings with services, providing patients with the high- patients are treated closer to home,” said
state-of-the-art cardiac catheterization labs est quality, timely care. Jared Smith, CEO of Broward Health
to provide patients with advanced and life- “Patients also have access to screenings Coral Springs.
saving cardiac procedures close to home. and diagnoses as well as treatment for car-
“When it comes to a heart attack, time is diovascular conditions such as chest pain, A Leader in Cardiac Technology
of the essence,” said Mammen P. heart attacks, heart failure, heart valve In bringing the latest in cardiac care to
Zachariah, M.D., Director of problems, cardiogenic shock and more,” Florida, Broward Health Medical Center
Cardiovascular Services, Broward Health said Randy Gross, CEO of Broward Health recently established a robotic electro-
Imperial Point. “Having a cardiac catheter- Imperial Point. physiology program to treat heart
ization lab close to home allows our mul- At Broward Health Coral Springs, rhythm disorders. By partnering with
tidisciplinary medical team to quickly patients also have access to advanced Stereotaxis, a global leader in innovative
determine crucial and life-saving next screenings and diagnoses in the hospital’s robotic technologies for cardiac arrhyth-
steps in treatment.” expansive cath lab that includes four mias, the Fort Lauderdale hospital
At Broward Health Imperial Point, the patient care bays and is equipped with the expands access to advanced minimally
cath lab and interventional radiology suite latest patient monitoring technology. invasive heart treatments.
is on the ground floor -- just steps from the “The goal of our cath lab is to help Broward Health Medical Center is the
only hospital in South Florida offering
robotic-assisted procedures to treat
patients suffering from arrhythmias and
is the first in Florida, and among the first rate of about 99%, said Ahmed Osman,
in the nation, to adopt the latest Genesis M.D., medical director of the Cardiac
Robotic Magnetic Navigation system. Electrophysiology Lab at Broward Health
Broward Health Medical Center was also Medical Center. “We can discontinue
the first hospital in Broward County to blood thinners and have just as much pro-
offer patients with non-valvular atrial fib- tection from stroke,” he said.
rillation (NVAF), an alternative to long- Additionally, Watchman FLX protection
term blood thinners with the next-genera- is continuous, unlike blood thinners,
Specializing in Medically tion WATCHMAN FLX Left Atrial which must be stopped before and after
Appendage Closure (LAAC) implant. surgery. Other benefits include potentially
Complex Patients The WATCHMAN FLX, which was reducing risks of complication and possi-
approved by the U.S. Food and Drug bly accelerating patient recovery.
“We are hoping that all patients who
Kindred Hospitals are owned by Kindred Administration, may re duce the risk of have AFib will have the chance of coming
Healthcare, Inc., a national network of Long Term stroke in patients with NVAF who need an off blood thinners,” Dr. Osman said.
Acute Care Hospitals (LTACH's). alternative to oral anticoagulation therapy.
Since its inception, more than 300 proce- The re-imagined cardiac cath labs, clini-
Kindred Hospitals provide specialized, high quality dures have been performed in seven years. cal trials and the use of first-in-its-kind
care for acutely ill patients. For more than a decade, In addition to being the first in bringing technology are just a few examples of
we have fine-tuned the art of medically complex care. this technology, Broward Health is part of Broward Health’s multilayered approach to
advanced cardiac care with a focus on
Our services range from complex catastrophic a large-scale clinical trial looking to enhancing patients’ health and wellness.
illnesses that require intensive care, post-surgical medical expand the patient population eligible for
rehabilitation to patients suffering from chronic diseases requiring respiratory and the Watchman FLX. For more information, visit
rehabilitative therapies. Kindred Hospitals provide outcome-oriented A clinical study, partly conducted at
cost effective care for patients with a wide spectrum of Broward Health Medical Center, revealed Cardiac or call (954) 759-7500.
medical conditions. that the WATCHMAN FLX had a success
Admissions to Kindred Hospitals may be
recommended by physicians, acute-care hospitals,
rehabilitation hospitals, managed care providers, case Subscribe to...
management companies or by the patient’s family.
In all cases family tours are encouraged.
Kindred Hospital Kindred Hospital Kindred Hospital Kindred Hospital
Fort Lauderdale Hollywood Coral Gables The Palm Beaches Subscribe online at
1516 East Las Olas Blvd. 1859 Van Buren St. 5190 Southwest Eighth St. 5555 West Blue Heron Blvd
Ft. Lauderdale FL 33301 Hollywood, FL 33020 Coral Gables, FL 33134 Riviera Beach, FL 33418
954-764-8900, ext. 5136 954-920-9000 305-448-1585 561-904-8451
or call 561-368-6950
24 February 2022 South Florida Hospital News