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Myocarditis Is Rare After Vaccination,
According to New Research
If you’ve been listening ing COVID-19 vaccination dence of myocarditis after testing posi-
to the news, you’ve proba- have been reported. This Findings reported tive for COVID-19. Importantly, patients
bly heard people talking rare side effect has sparked were at least 4x more likely to have
about a condition called a lot of media attention, in Nature Medicine: myocarditis from COVID-19 infection
myocarditis. Myocarditis is resulting in many rumors than from the vaccine. Also, heart disease
defined as inflammation of on social media and • Post-vaccine myocarditis remains from COVID-19 infection is more severe
the heart muscle, and it can beyond. Research coordi- rare, occurring between one and ten and may require a longer hospitalization
result from a viral infec- nated by the medical com- times for every million patients. or more involved treatment. In addition,
tion, immune-mediated munity has provided • Post-vaccine myocarditis is more the study observed an increased risk of
disease, or immunomodu- answers to these questions. likely to occur in patients younger pericarditis and cardiac arrhythmias for
latory treat ments. Notably, a large case than 40. those who tested positive for COVID-19
There can be a wide series out of England, • Myocarditis is more likely to infection.
range at presentation, but BY ELLIOT PEARSON, including more than 38 occur after an mRNA vaccine. Researchers and physicians generally
symptoms generally in - million adults ages 16 and • Patients were at least 4x more agree that the vaccine is a safer option,
clude chest pain, difficulty MD older, has studied the inci- likely to have myocarditis from when compared to the cardiac risks of
breathing, and/ or palpita- dence of myocarditis in COVID-19 infection than from the getting the COVID-19 infection itself.
tions. Mild presentations of myocarditis patients after COVID-19 vaccine or vaccine. Nowadays, there is a lot of misinforma-
can resolve with minimal to no treat- infection. This is the largest study to date • Heart disease from COVID-19 tion which can be misleading or confus-
ment. Severe myocarditis can reduce the of cardiac outcomes after COVID-19 vac- infection is more severe and may ing. When it comes to making an impor-
heart’s ability to pump, elicit abnormal cination or infection, and the findings require a longer hospitalization or tant decision about your health, be sure
rhythms of the heart (arrhythmias), and are published in the December 2021 more involved treatment. to talk to your own doctor about any
result in permanent damage. issue of Nature Medicine. questions or concerns you may have.
This condition has been reported to Fortunately, post-vaccine myocarditis They should be able to answer most
affect the heart in adolescent boys after remains rare, with occurrence ranging after receiving an mRNA vaccine, and questions about the vaccine and help you
Covid-19 vaccination. Clinical trials of between one and ten for every million most occurred within the first week after determine which option is best for you.
the COVID-19 vaccines lacked sufficient patients, depending upon the type of vaccination. However, the myocarditis
power to detect this rare complication. vaccine and patient demographic. Post- was typically mild, with symptoms
Now that more than 6 billion doses of vaccine myocarditis was more likely to resolving in a short time frame and with Dr. Elliot Pearson is
the vaccine have been administered be seen in patients younger than 40 minimal treatment. a Pediatric Cardiologist at KIDZ Medical
worldwide, cases of myocarditis follow- years. It was also more likely to occur The study also reports on the inci- in Palm Beach County.
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South Florida Hospital News February 2022 25