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                                Robinson Heart & Vascular Institute at Jupiter Medical Center

                                                 Provides Renowned Cardiac Care

           BY DENISE MOORE                               • Mitral valve regurgitation.   at Jupiter Medical Center recently intro-  stroke as we get older.
                                                         • Tricuspid valve regurgita-  duced innovative alternatives for patients   TAVR, MITRACLIPTM and WATCH-
          For   many    decades,                       tion                       suffering from life threatening or life alter-  MANTM are just some of the revolution-
        patients with structural                         • Hypertrophic cardiomy-  ing cardiac issues including:      ary cardiac procedures at Jupiter Medical
        heart diseases could only be                   opathy                      Transcatheter aortic valve replacement   Center. Additional structural heart proce-
        helped with open-heart sur-                      • Holes in the heart, includ-  (TAVR):  This minimally invasive proce-  dures include:
        gery. Thanks to advance-                       ing atrial septal defect (ASD)   dure treats patients diagnosed with aortic   • Transcatheter mitral valve replacement
        ments in cardiac care, how-                    and patent foramen ovale   valve stenosis. During the procedure a   • Minimally invasive surgical valve
        ever, new options are now                      (PFO)                      catheter is inserted via an artery. The   repair or replacement
        available for patients suffer-                   Additionally, arrhythmias,   catheter is used to place a new valve with-  • Percutaneous closure of Atrial Septal
        ing from many types of                         such as atrial fibrillation may   in the diseased valve. Once the new valve   Defects/Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO)
        heart disease.             Dr. William Kokotos   have structural heart implica-  is secure, the catheter is removed. The   Closure
          Today, minimally inva-                       tions because they can lead to   replacement valve takes over for the dis-  • Balloon valvuloplasty
        sive approaches designed to treat heart   blood clots forming within the left atrial   eased valve and helps regulate blood flow   • Minimally invasive treatments for atri-
        conditions can offer alternatives to tradi-  appendage of the heart.      from the heart.                     al fibrillation. Convergent procedure
        tional open surgeries. Structural heart spe-  Recognizing the need for maore   MITRACLIPTM : This is a percutaneous   • Minimally invasive treatments to pre-
        cialists can replace heart valves and repair   advanced treatment options, The Robson   minimally invasive procedure to treat a   vent thrombotic complications associated
        structural heart defects without the large   Heart & Vascular Institute at Jupiter   leaking mitral valve. It is used as an alter-  with atrial fibrillation. These treatments
        incisions used in standard open-heart sur-  Medical Center created a dedicated   native for the high-risk patient, rather than   include the watchman device and thoraco-
        gery. These small incision surgeries and   Structural Heart Program. Led by William   undergoing traditional open cardiac surgi-  scopic ligation of the left atrial appendage.
        “transcatheter” procedures are less inva-  Kokotos, M.D., a pioneer in structural   cal intervention. This is a catheter-based   • Alcohol septal ablation
        sive and often result in less pain, less scar-  heart procedures, his addition to the hos-  procedure that is performed from the   Patients suffering from cardiac condi-
        ring and a shorter recovery period.    pital’s heart center further expands the   groin.                      tions should talk to their doctor about
          Structural heart disease refers to defects   treatment options for patients with heart   WATCHMANTM:  The  WATCH-  their individual diagnosis and treatments
        in the valves, or walls of the heart cham-  disease. Dr. Kokotos was Chief of Cardiac   MANTM procedure offers an alternative   that may be right for them. Jupiter Medical
        bers. The term also encompasses condi-  Surgery at NYU Langone Hospital-Long   for patients with atrial fibrillation (AFib)   Center’s Valve Clinic evaluates patients to
        tions that one is born with, acquired by   Island (NYULH-LI) prior to his tenure at   who need an alternative to blood thinners.   determine the most appropriate treatment
        injury, infection or developed over time by   Jupiter Medical Center. He initiated and   The WATCHMANTM implant is designed   options.
        aging. Structural heart conditions may   directed the program that performed the   to close the heart’s left atrial appendage.
        include:                             first commercial percutaneous mitral valve   The device permanently reduces the risk   To speak to the Valve Clinic Coordinator,
          • Aortic valve stenosis            repair on Long Island, NY.           of atrial fibrillation related stroke. Atrial   call (561) 263-3767. For more information,
          • Aortic insufficiency               Under Dr. Kokotos’ direction, specialists   fibrillation is the most common cause of      visit

                   Born with half a heart.

                                                                                                          The Heart Institute at Nicklaus Children’s
                 *LYHQ D NJJKWLQJ FKDQFH                                                                   Hospital is dedicated to the care of
                                                                                                          children with congenital heart disorders.

                                                                                                          :H RʏHU WKH PRVW LQQRYDWLYH DQG
                                                                                                          OHDVW LQYDVLYH DSSURDFKHV LQ SHGLDWULF
                                                                                          FDUGLRORJ\ DQG FDUGLRYDVFXODU VXUJHU\ IRU WKH WUHDWPHQW RI
                                                                                          FRQJHQLWDO KHDUW GLVHDVH  LQFOXGLQJ PDQ\ ʐUVW LQ WKH ZRUOG
                                                                                          procedures pioneered by our own clinicians.

                                                                                          )RU PRUH WKDQ    \HDUV  1LFNODXV &KLOGUHQşV +RVSLWDO KDV
                                                                                          VHUYHG DQG FRQWLQXHV WR VHUYH DV WKH UHJLRQşV SHGLDWULF
                                                                                          FDUH OHDGHU  RʏHULQJ D IXOO UDQJH RI VHUYLFHV IRU HYHU\
                                                                                          stage of a child’s life.

                                                                                          To schedule a consultation, please call  305-662-8301.

         20                       February 2022                                                                                                                      South Florida Hospital News
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