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6 Dead y Cardiology
H eart Redefining Cardiac
Conditiions and Vascular Care
th Signs of
K Kno wing the Sig f H t
Disease Can Sa e Your Lif e e
UHealth – University of Miami Health
System is home to cardiac and vascular
experts who pioneer and advance the lat-
est diagnostic and surgical procedures.
As an academic-based cardiac and vascu-
lar center, patients are provided with
innovative, research-based approaches to
clinical care for even the most complex
cases. Leading experts from cardiology,
cardiac surgery, and vascular surgery
work collaboratively with subspecialists (l-r) Dr. Jorge Rey and Dr. Jeffrey
from several disciplines. Goldberger
In 2021, the American Heart
Association and Mitral Foundation rec-
ognized UHealth with the Mitral Valve
Repair Reference Center Award for
demonstrating a record of superior clini-
cal outcomes resulting from evidence-
based, guideline-directed degenerative
mitral valve repair. Joseph Lamelas,
M.D., chief and program director of car-
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. diac surgery at UHealth and the
W Wiith the heart, immediate treatment can lessen the damage and University of Miami Miller School of
having access to a specialized cardiac team is crucial. Medicine, said of the recognition, “This
is truly a team effort, and we are proud to
See a doctor if you have these symptoms: be able to offer our patients the best pos- Dr. Joseph Lamelas
sible outcomes in their journey to better
• Feelings of indigestion orr heartburn, any discomfort, Innovation, oversees the newly expand-
heart health.” Dr. Lamelas pioneered a
pressure, aching, burning, or squeezing orr chest pain ed Heart Failure Program’s advanced
minimally invasive approach to cardiac interventions that help prevent disease
• Shortness of breath surgery called “The Miami Method.” He progression. This includes stem cell
performs five to seven mitral valve
3DOSLWDWLRQV LUUHJXODU KHDUWEHDWV ´ÁLS ÁRSµ treatment and research, heart transplant
repairs and/or replacements each week.
feeling in your chest at the Miami Transplant Institute at
His approach, which offers quicker UM/Jackson Memorial Hospital, and
• An elevated heartbeat recovery, and reduced risk of infection ventricular assist device (VAD) place-
and complications, is especially promis-
Weakness or dizziness, nausea or sweating
• We ment.
ing for high-risk patients who otherwise
Through the cardiovascular division’s
• Pain in the shoulders, arms, neck, throat, jaw or back have limited surgical treatments. These Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine
excellent patient outcomes have been
,I DQ\ RI WKH D DE ERYH V\PSWRPV ODVW ÀYH PLQXWHV RU ORQJHU Program, UHealth offers specialized care
recognized with maximum star ratings
call 911 immediately. by the Society of Thoracic Surgeons. to patients with lipid disorders, high
For patients with irregular heartbeats, cholesterol or high triglycerides and
other conditions that carry high risks for
5 Other Heart Conditions to Wa the Center for Atrial Fibrillation offers major vascular disease complications.
leading-edge personalized care and inno-
Heart Failure: occurs when the heart isn’t pumping as strongly Led by Carl E. Orringer, M.D., a top lipid
vative diagnostic tools and treatments
as it should. Symptoms include shortness of breath and swelling. that are only available at UHealth. Chief expert and associate professor of medi-
of the cardiovascular division, Jeffrey cine, the program incorporates genetic
Arrhythmia: occurs when the heart beats out of rhythm. If testing to better diagnose and treat
Goldberger, M.D., M.B.A., is the princi-
untreated, arrhythmia can lead to stroke, heart failure or pal investigator of a National Institutes patients and their family members.
Adding to UHealth’s stellar cardiovas-
cardiac arrest. of Health-funded clinical trial that exam- cular and cardiac surgery programs, vas-
ines the role of epicardial fat on heart
Coronary Artery Disease: occurs when not enough oxygen rich function and disease. cular surgeons, led by Jorge Rey, M.D.,
blood is delivered to the heart. Symptoms can vary and many Dr. Goldberger, a renowned electro- are experts in peripheral artery disease
(PAD) and treat all types of aortic and
experience no symptoms. physiologist, also developed “4D” MRI, vascular disease – saving the limbs of
an innovative approach to accurately
Cardiomyopathy: reduces the heart muscle’s ability to pump measure the velocity of blood flow in the even complex PAD cases through
blood. Symptoms include irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, heart. Known for its comprehensive advanced minimally invasive and hybrid
surgical approaches, as well as tradition-
exhaustion, ankle and leg swelling or fainting. treatment options and risk modification al open surgery methods.
programs, UHealth’s expert cardiology
“What sets us apart is that we also
Heart Va team delivers in-depth and comprehen- have access to the latest clinical trials
Valve Disease: occurs when one or more of the valves
doesn’t work properly. Symptoms include unusual heartbeat, sive care to each patient. “We are com- that involve new devices or investiga-
fatigue, shortness of breath and swelling of the lower extremities. mitted to improving the health and well- tional cellular treatments,” said Dr. Rey.
being of every AFib patient,” said Dr. “These are not yet available on the mar-
Goldberger. “Our center will continue to ket, but are here in the context of our
A multidisciplinaryy apprrooach in c arrddiac be in the forefront of advancing care for partnering with industry for clinical tri-
this progressive disease.”
c arre y .FFo morree info Luanda Grazette, M.D., M.P.H., profes- als.”
formation, visit
e is keeyy.
Brrowa dHHeealth. orrg Carrd sor of medicine at the Miller School and Visit
director of Advanced Heart Failure,
orr call 954.7559.75500. Heart Failure Recovery and Therapeutic to learn more.
Visit us on the web at
22 February 2022 South Florida Hospital News