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                                          How GME Programs Continue to Thrive

          The internal medicine                        Cross office in Wilton     specifically to patients with services   efit from exceptional training and future
        resident physicians in the                     Manors.                    designed to help those in need. Resident   career opportunities, particularly in
        University of Miami at                           Involving our resident   physicians utilize their interpersonal   South Florida where there is an increas-
        Holy    Cross   Health                         physicians in MD ASAP as   communication skills to communicate   ing demand for primary care physicians.
        Graduate Medical Edu -                         part of their training has   and develop a rapport with patients   The hospital system benefits by having
        cation program have a                          many benefits:             which is critical. Residents also hone   access to exceptional resident physicians
        unique opportunity to                            Volume of diseases: Be -  their communication skills collaborating   added to their staff; while referring
        grow and expand their                          cause we see a vast array of   with fellow residents and staff physi-  physicians can rest assured that their
        experiences while pro-                         patients, many for a same-  cians.                             patients will be served expeditiously and
        viding a valued service to                     day appointment through     Partnerships: The partnerships that are   with the utmost compassionate care,
        the community through                          MD ASAP, resident physi-   created between the hospital, physician   with records sent to referring physicians
        Holy Cross Health’s MD                         cians are introduced to    groups and clinical practices increase the   for follow-up care.
        ASAP. Our resident physi-  BY FREDERICK K.     diverse illnesses with an   access resident physicians have to other   As a primary care physician for 30
        cians have completed     WILLIAMS, MD, FACP    acute presentation every day   physicians and to a large referral net-  years, training the next generation of
        their medical degree and                       during the work week. This   work.                             doctors has been the most fulfilling part
        are in training to special-                    allows the patients to have   Pipeline for physicians: Residencies   of my career. I am so fortunate to contin-
        ize in Internal Medicine.            their illness addressed immediately and   can lead to full-time positions with hos-  ue this mission as director of the Internal
          As a commitment to improving access   enables resident physicians to learn from   pitals and physician groups. That’s a ben-  Medicine Residency Program at Holy
        to outstanding primary care services to   the sheer volume of cases that come in.   efit to both the resident physician and   Cross as we partner to deliver the highest
        patients and the community, Holy Cross   Collaboration and continuity of care:   the physician practice group. For resi-  quality of care to our vibrant and unique
        Health has a same-day primary care prac-  The team-based approach to care, the   dent physicians, that means a full-time   community.
        tice, MD ASAP, which is staffed by   team’s full access to electronic medical   position in an already-familiar environ-
        University of Miami – Holy Cross Health   records and the fact that patients who are   ment. For the hospital and physician   Dr. Frederick K. Williams is Associate
        Internal Medicine faculty and resident   seen through MD ASAP are referred back   group, this ensures that the best and   Professor of Clinical Medicine at University
        physicians. MD ASAP targets patients   to their primary physician if there is one,   brightest resident physicians will contin-  of Miami Miller School of Medicine and
        who need same-day care, need to estab-  means that resident physicians learn to   ue providing the highest quality health-  Designated Institutional Official at
        lish with a new primary care doctor or   better collaborate, communicate and   care in South Florida.            University of Miami Hospital and Clinics,
        are unable to see their own doctor. Our   provide continuity of care. We have 42   A win-win-win: Patients benefit   and Program Director, Internal Medicine
        residents practice in two sites, one in the   residents in our offices at different times   twofold with access to a team approach   Residency, University of Miami at Holy
        Holy Cross Health medical office build-  maintaining that continuity and commu-  to care, as well as longer appointment   Cross Health Graduate Medical Education.
        ing across from the Holy Cross       nication. Our approach allows for a more   times that allow more face time with our   He can be reached at (954) 938-3359 or
        Healthplex and the other at the Holy   in-depth assessment and a plan tailored   physicians. Our resident physicians ben-

         18                        February 2022                                                                                                                      South Florida Hospital News
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