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P.O. Box 19268         Plantation        FL        33318

            A message from our President

                        So, What Can We Expect in 2022?

            Well, let’s talk about the SFHHA.                                     medical clinics, we needed to remain virtual. Moreover,
            2022 is a year of revitalization. We, like you, have learned what does and does not   our attendance began to decline as our members and
          work during a never-ending pandemic. We all thought that virtual meetings would be   friends began to suffer the “too much on my plate,” real-
          our future. I know that most non-profit organizations in early 2020 shifted gears and   ity as many had to return to work after having worked
          transitioned to virtual meetings in an abundance of caution and a dearth of informa-  from home and staffing realities left little time, or desire,
          tion, at that time, on this circulating virus.                          to participate in one more virtual event.
            In the beginning, this was exciting technology time! Using platforms like ZOOM,   Well, we are two years down the road and are now
          Teams, etc., our usual face-to-face, family-style meetings turned into technological   seeing the Omicron variant, hopefully, burning itself   Jaime Caldwell
          wonders (at least, for me). We increased our ZOOM subscription to take advantage of   out. What we also know is that over the last two years,
          more available options and our aggressive schedule of educational programs was   we have gained much more knowledge about the many faces of COVID-19 and how
          underway. Through the first few months of 2020, when more people than not were   to protect ourselves from being infected (masking and distancing) or, if infected, what
          working from home, attendance at our virtual events was amazing. Depending on the   we need to do individually (vaccination and booster) to minimize the chance that we
          subject of the programs, attendance was routinely in the 50+ range.     might require hospitalization.
            We further pivoted our annual healthcare summit conference to a virtual event   Yes, 2022, will be a year of revitalization. With advice and counsel from our Board of
          bringing in international speakers to talk about the challenges being presented by the   Directors and our medical director, we will be pivoting yet again to offer more face-to-
          COVID-19 response and attendance continued to exceed expectations. Then, realities   face opportunities this year. In several planning sessions with our Board, we have iden-
          set in.                                                                 tified an exciting array of programs that we believe will hit the mark for our entire
            Our usual sponsors began to question whether their value expectations were being   membership.
          met when our events were virtual versus face-to-face. At the same time, our Board of   In the coming weeks, look forward to receiving a survey from us asking for your
          Directors, consisting mostly of healthcare professionals, and our medical director were   input. What we have also discovered over this last two years is that what seem to be
          all advising that in the interest of public safety and consistent with the experiences that   important topics to us, do not necessarily resonate with our members and friends.
          all our chief executives were having at their hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and   2022 will be an exciting year. Cheers!

        Cover Story: ACHE of South Florida

        Member Spotlight:

        President Oyinkansola "Bukky" Ogunrinde

        Continued from page 1                professional development opportunities.
        organizations.                         “I found mentors through ACHE who
          “One of my goals is to make sure that   helped make me the leader that I am
        all members feel included with a focus   today, and now it’s time to give back
        on diversity, equity, inclusion and   since I have received so much,” she
        belonging, and to ensure that members   added.
        of different backgrounds and orienta-  Ogunrinde has already held her first
        tions feel that they belong here and are   planning meeting with board members
        welcome to interact,” she said.      and has scheduled an annual member
          “I also want to prioritize our members’   meeting in February. “We want to talk to
        well-being, which is more critical than   members, update them on what hap-
        ever before,” she added. “Not only do we   pened last year and what we’re planning
        suffer from the pandemic like the rest of   for this year, and get them excited,” she
        the population, but as the healthcare   said.
        provider community, we have the obliga-  “It’s important that our members be
        tion of taking care of everyone else.”   active participants, which is why I want
          Ogunrinde, the founder and chief   to speak to them directly about the
        practice transformation officer for Funmi   opportunities that ACHE provides,” she
        Healthcare Consulting, where she pro-  continued, adding that members can
        vides physician practice and ambulatory   become engaged by serving on any one
        care management services, joined ACHE   of the organization’s five standing com-
        in 2007 and the South Florida chapter in   mittees (educational programming, net-
        2016.                                working, membership, student services
          “I joined because ACHE is the premier   and sponsorship).
        organization for healthcare professionals   “Membership engagement is very
        and leaders, and as an administrator in   important to me,” she added. “Being a
        healthcare management, which is a rela-  part of ACHE is synonymous with being
        tively small world, I was looking to grow   in the profession, and our mission is to
        professionally,” she said. “ACHE pro-  give our members the tools they need to
        vides educational programs and the abil-  operate effectively as leaders—especially
        ity to network, along with personal and   during these trying times.”

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        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                            February 2022                          13
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