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Kindred Rehabilitation Services Around the Region… Around
and South Florida Health
Announce Plans for Inpatient LeadingAge Florida Promotes Dawn
Rehabilitation Hospital Jiménez to Chief Operating Officer
Kindred Rehabilitation Services and South Florida Health announced a joint venture LeadingAge Florida announced the promotion of Dawn
to build and operate a 40-bed inpatient rehabilitation hospital located on land adjacent Jiménez to the position of Chief Operating Officer. Jiménez
to Broward Health Medical Center in Fort Lauderdale. most recently served as the association’s Vice President of
The new hospital will have all private rooms and focus on acute rehabilitation for Operations, where she was responsible for overseeing its
patients who suffer from stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, complex neu- continuing professional education and events, group pur-
rological disorders, orthopedic conditions, multiple trauma, amputation and other chasing, event exhibits and sponsorships.
injuries or disorders. The rehabilitation facility will also feature multidisciplinary therapy In her new role, Jiménez will continue to oversee
gymnasiums outfitted with the latest therapeutic technologies, including augmented LeadingAge Florida’s daily operations, as well as driving oper- Dawn Jiménez
reality balance training, therapy bionics and a full-body exoskeleton. Additionally, it will ational efficiencies, managing new member growth initiatives
include a therapeutic courtyard with exterior amenities to support patient care and help and implementing innovative non-dues revenue strategies.
patients return to daily living activities. A graduate of St. Mary’s College of California, Jiménez earned a degree in Industrial and
“We are excited to work with South Florida Health and Broward Health – one of the Organizational Psychology and was a member of the college’s first National Champion
10 largest public healthcare systems in the U.S. – to increase access to high-quality inpa- women’s soccer team.
tient rehabilitation services in South Florida,” said Russ Bailey, President, Kindred
Rehabilitation Services. “As with our existing rehabilitation hospitals across the country, Alison Mincey, J.D., Named
this new hospital will be dedicated to passionately advocating for patients and providing
the hope, healing and recovery they need.” Chief Human Resources Officer for
“We are thrilled to be able to bring much needed rehabilitation services to the citizens
of Broward County,” said Jim Petkas, CEO of South Florida Health. “And working with University of Miami Health System
a high-quality organization like Kindred Rehabilitation Services will ensure that the level
of service is of the highest order.” and Miller School of Medicine
“One of Broward Health’s primary goals is to increase access to high-quality care,” said
Shane Strum, President and CEO of Broward Health. “This new hospital, and the collab-
oration with Kindred Rehabilitation Services and South Florida Health, will help ensure Alison Mincey, J.D., has been named chief human
that our patients have the ability to seamlessly transition from the recovery setting into resources officer at the University of Miami Health System
rehabilitation, receiving care close to home as they reclaim their lives.” and the Miller School of Medicine.
The hospital is expected to open in Q3 2023. Mincey joins UHealth from The Ohio State University Alison Mincey
Wexner Medical Center, where she served on the leadership
team as senior associate vice president, human resources. Prior to her work at OSU, she
PūrWell Offers Pain Relief spent seven years at Mutual Nationwide Insurance Company where she was responsible
for legal support and governance oversight of the Fortune 100 company’s human
resources organization.
Without NSAIDs Mincey has been active in community organizations throughout her career, leading a
campaign to support the Mid-Ohio Food Bank, serving on the local Workforce
PūrWell launches PūrRelēf, a first-of-its-kind organic Development Board, and receiving a community service award from Columbus City
gummy that provides a safe and effective alternative to Schools. She also recently earned an inaugural HR Impact Award from Columbus’
NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs.) Business First.
Millions of people rely on NSAIDs to control symptoms
of chronic pain and inflammation, however, NSAIDs NCH Welcomes Margaret Dimond
come with some risk. Studies have shown they may
cause toxicity to one's liver, kidneys, and upper GI-tract. as Chief Administrative Officer
PūrRelēf combines powerful flavonoids from Skull Cap
and Green Tea to provide extraordinary anti-inflammato- of the NCH Physician Group
ry support, while added benefits of Boswellia and
Turmeric supercharge the anti-inflammatory action.
CBG and Delta-8 isolate round out the overall analgesic The NCH Healthcare System is pleased to share that
effects. Unlike NSAIDs that may cause undesirable side Margaret Dimond, Ph.D., was appointed the role of Chief
effects, PūrRelēf is a combination of GRAS (Generally Administrative Officer of the NCH Physician Group and will
Regarded As Safe) ingredients, that have shown no toxi- be working alongside Dr. Bryan Murphey , Ambulatory Chief
city over periods of long-term use. It is a COX-1, COX- Medical Officer, in their dyad model.
2 and 5-LOX inhibitor. PūrRelēf’s convenient form Margaret comes to NCH from McLaren Oakland Hospital Margaret Dimond
makes it easy to consume, and the Appleberry flavor is in Pontiac MI, where she served as the President and CEO
derived from organic fruit extract. for over four years. She has also served as President and CEO of the Karmanos Cancer
Hospital and President and CEO of the McLaren Medical Group, both within the McLaren
Health System. She has held the position of Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for
Henry Ford Hospital Warren campus, and Vice President of Ambulatory Services for
Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. She also served in the position of Assistant Dean for the
Michigan State University College of Human Medicine and Physician Practice Plan.
Margaret earned her Bachelor of Arts from St Mary’s College, Notre Dame and a Master
of Social Work from Boston College. She has a Master of Public Administration from the
University of Michigan and a Doctor of Philosophy from Michigan State University . She
was recently honored as a Distinguished Alumnae by the Michigan State University
College of Social Sciences.
12 February 2022 South Florida Hospital News