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Creating a New Career Path - Yale Highlights a Florida Alumnus

          Often when viewing                        What is your                  How did YSPH prepare you for        and humble, and they have insights that
        how one’s own career                        current job?                  your current work?                  we students surely did not have at the
        is progressing, those                         As an attorney representing   YSPH taught me the evolution of how   time we were there. Stay in touch with
        on the rise look to find                    healthcare organizations from   the healthcare industry has progressed   your friends and they will be your sup-
        related stories of oth-                     hospitals to physician groups,   over the last 100+ years. Because of   port.
        ers  reaching  new                          health care private equity firms,   YSPH, I understand the trajectory of
        heights.                                    software companies, and diag-  where my clients need to go. Without the   Were there any faculty or staff
          How they got to                           nostic testing labs and facilities   YSPH training, my ability to guide clients   mentors who influenced your
        where they are? Yale                        - I passionately represent my   would be simply limited. In the health-  YSPH experience?
        University highlights                       clients’ legal positions in transac-  care law space, it is not only important   The faculty and staff at YSPH are
        certain notable alumni                      tions and before courts. I prose-  for attorneys to know the law, but also   incredible, starting with Dr. Mayur Desai,
        and provides insights                       cute and defend claims for my   the business and the practical side of   who is the “AP student whisperer.” Dr.
        into how the alumnus’   Ben Assad Mirza, Esq.,   clients. I started the firm MIRZA   how businesses are evolving. When I   Yusuf Ransome showed us a side of
        career path has shaped     LLM, MPHA        | Healthcare Law partners. In our   engage with clients, I do it confidently   humanity that we rarely see. Dr. Mark
        them and how they                           firm, we help senior healthcare   because of my training at YSPH. YSPH   Schlesinger taught us how our govern-
        have shaped the world.               administrators, physicians and in-house   actually changed the way I practice law. I   mental health system got where it is
          Recently Yale School of Public Health   legal counsels, who are overwhelmed by   am forever grateful.       today and where it is going. Dr. Zack
        (YSPH), in conjunction with Yale School   the competition and economic squeeze                                Cooper explained the economics of
        of Medicine, highlighted a Florida   they see coming. We protect their contrac-  Do you have a favorite YSPH   healthcare and how money impacts deci-
        healthcare attorney, Ben Assad Mirza.    tual rights and litigate if needed. We are   experience you can share?   sion making. Dr. Jason Schwartz helped
          Understanding the path to career suc-  former large healthcare institution attor-  My favorite YSPH experiences are   us figure out the maze of healthcare play-
        cess and fulfillment is not easy, but in   neys protecting the small guys.   understanding healthcare policies and   ers and processes. Dr. Howard Forman
        healthcare, people like Ben Mirza are                                     the conversations on campus. Walking   led engaging colloquiums and brought
        finding new ways to achieve. They take   Describe your work and why       on campus, one really feels the sense of   transparency to ACHE student board
        the time and the steps to:           you find it rewarding/challeng-      history. I really enjoyed my professors,   meetings. Dr. Melinda Pettigrew made
          1. Start by defining the space (aka   ing.                              and their insights are invaluable to me.   me realize that microbials can and will
        industry) and the people (aka customer)   I usually represent “golden nuggets” –   The administrative team at YSPH makes   change my life and Dr. Catherine Yeckel
        they find the most satisfaction in serving.   the small precious healthcare businesses.   you feel like family and their welcoming   explained to us the obesity pandemic.
          2. Look for gaps in service (aka market   When my clients are in a squeeze or hit-  warmth is incredibly generous. The col-  The YSPH administrative team is incred-
        opportunities) of what the customers are   ting full stride, I feel it. I am here to help   lection of restaurants in New Haven is   ible too. Associate Dean for Student and
        seeking.                             guide them through the process and dili-  incredible too; and East Rock is where I   External Affairs Dr. Frank Grosso always
          3. Tool-up for gaining the ability to   gently represent their position. Conversely,   went to catch my solace.   brought a firm hand and sensibility to
        serve.                               I am also there when my clients need to do                               discussions. Career Services Director
          4. Take time to serve from the heart,   a “reality check”, and when we interact, I   What advice do you have for   Felicia Spencer gave us grounded career
        without regard to compensation.      speak from the heart and what I would do   current students?             guidance. Admissions Director Mary
          5. Once these “dues” are paid, the   if I was running their business. When the   The advice I have for current students   Keefe is instrumental in bringing incred-
        uniqueness of the service, niche and   clients come back to me repeatedly is   is to be engaged on campus and do as   ibly talented students to YSPH. Student
        financial returns leads to new horizons   when I feel most rewarded. I know my   many things as you can, for your time at   Affairs Director Stacey Tuttle helped us
        for those willing to pave new paths.   clients have many choices. I know they   YSPH will fly by. Each interaction is   balance our curriculum and goals in life.
          To understand the new horizon that   have serious concerns. Of all the choices,   invaluable. When you go to class, listen   And of course Dean Sten Vermund is at
        Ben Mirza has embarked upon, read the   they chose me as their legal guide. It is my   to each lecture and think about how that   the helm and always direct and humble
        following Yale article excerpt or visit   responsibility and my honor to protect and   information or process is being applied   in his conversations no matter who he is              guide them.                          in the real world. Talk to the YSPH staff   talking to. What an incredible team of
                                                                                  regularly. They are incredibly refreshing   people I was blessed to meet.

         8                         February 2022                                                                                                                      South Florida Hospital News
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