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                                  Join Our T                                                      e eam

               R e gis  t er ed Nur      se s - Licennse      d Pr   actical NNur       se  s - Cer    tifi d Nur       sing    As      t an  ts
                                                                                    B ene   fits
                                                                                    In addition t o e x celllen t he alth,  den t al,  an vision
                                                                                          ance plans
                                                                                    insurance plans,                            we ffeo er the fffwe o  er the following r o robust benefit s:
                                                                                                                       ollowing obust b

                                                                                    • T uition  R eimbur semen                                   t
                                                                                    • P aid  Time O ff  (P T O)
                   DELRAY MEDICAL CENTER                                 |  GOOD  SAMARITTAAN MEDICAL CENTER
              P PAALM BEA CH CHILDREN’S HOSPITTAAL |                                 PPAALM BEACH GARDENS MEDICAL CENTER  • 4 0 1(K) R etir emen t Pr o gr am

                     ST.  MARRYY’S MEDICAL CENTER      |                                                                     WEST BO CAA MEDICAL CENTER  • Clinical L adder Opp or t unities f or E ducation

                                                                                       and Car  e er Pr o gr ession
                                                                                    • Emplo    e y  e  A ssist ance Pr o gr ams
              Y Yoour career in the Palm Beach
                                                                                    • Lif e Insur ance
              Health Network
                                                                                    • L ong-t erm Disability   Insur ance
              A A career at Palm Beach Health Network is a lot more
                                                                                    • L ong-t erm Car   e Insur ance
                                                        y to change
              than a routine job, it’s an opportunity
                                                                                    • Emplo    e y  e S  o t  ck Pur chase Plan
              lives! We are now hiring nurses across our network in
                                                                                    • F  e r  e P arking
              multiple departments. Flexible shifts and generous
              sign on bonus available.                                              • E ducation S  t ar t er L o ans
                                                                                    • Dep  enden  t Car e Sp ending  A ccoun                                   t
              Support for Nurses and Care Team                                      • Fle xible Sp ending  A ccoun                                  t
              We understand that nurses and clinical staff need                                         • Chr onic Car e Managemen                                  t

              more support more than ever. We have invested in                      • Emplo    e y  e Discoun                                  t
              more resources on our units and want to give our                                         • T enet P erk s at  W ork Emplo  e y  e Discoun                                  s t
              nurses the best environment to work in. In addition,                                        and Sp e cial Pricing
              we offer flexible work schedules and focus on your                                        • Dir e c t Dep osit
              individualized needs.                                                 • A cciden  t  Insur ance
                                                                                    • Critical Illness Insur ance
                                                                                    • Emplo    e y  e R ef err al Pr o gr am and Gener ous
                                                                                       Sign-On Bonus

                          T o le arn mor   e ab  out car  e er opp  or tunitie   s,  ple ase  visit t ene t he alt  / car e er s.

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                            February 2022                            5
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