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Do Physician-led Hospitals

                                                                                                      Perform Better?

                                                                                    According to the global                        CEOs report better clini-
                                                                                  executive  search   firm,                        cal and financial perform-
                                                                                  WittKieffer, the demand for                      ance than hospitals with
                                                                                  physicians to lead hospitals                     nonphysician CEOs (at
                                                                                  and health systems has been                      the  95%    confidence
                                                                                  increasing over the past three                   level). The data did
                                                                                  years. What is driving this                      demonstrate that physi-
                                                                                  demand? Some say that it is                      cians were more likely to
                                                                                  the industry’s move to value-                    be the CEOs of teaching
                                                                                  based care, which focuses on                     hospitals, nonprofit hos-
                                                                                  quality care versus volume-                      pitals, and larger hospi-
                                                                                  based care.                                      tals. Physicians were also
                                                                                    As a practicing pediatric   BY LEON E. MOORES,   more likely to lead hospi-
                                                                                  neurosurgeon, I have spent      MD, DSC          tals owned by a system.
                                                                                  much of my career serving in                       This was a very focused
                                                                                  combined clinical and lead-                      review and therefore sub-
                                                                                  ership roles in various healthcare organ-  ject to a number of limitations. This
                                                                                  izations. In questioning whether care   study does not imply causality due to the
                                                                                  quality differs in healthcare organiza-  retrospective nature of a cross-sectional
                                                                                  tions led by physicians I’ve found little   data analysis. Second, this study used a
                                                                                  evidence-based research measuring hos-  single year of data, which for many rea-
                                                                                  pital performance relative to physician   sons may not be representative of longer-
                                                                                  CEOs versus non-physician CEOs. As   term performance. CEO tenure is impor-
                                                                                  such, I chose this research topic as I pur-  tant, as there is often a lag between the
                                                                                  sued my Executive Doctor of Science in   CEO’s appointment and CEO-driven
                                                                                  Healthcare Leadership degree at the   changes in organizational outcomes.
                                                                                  University of Alabama at Birmingham. In   This study included CEOs with more
                                                                                  2021, my dissertation “Reported Clinical   than one year in the position, resulting
                                                                                  and Financial Performance of Hospitals   in over 25% of CEOs with less than two
                                                                                  with Physician CEOs Compared to those   years’ tenure. Finally, the study did not
                                                                                  with Nonphysician CEOs” was pub-    examine additional hospital characteris-
                                                                                  lished in the American College of   tics and/or CEO leadership traits which
                                                                                  Healthcare Executives’ (ACHE) Journal   may be better predictors of clinical or
                                                                                  of     Healthcare    Management’s   financial performance.
                                                                                  November/December 2021 issue.         As previously mentioned, there has
                                                                                    Since existing leadership theory and   been little empirical work done compar-
                                                                                  some research suggest a relationship   ing the performance of hospitals with
                                                                                  between technical expertise and success   physician CEOs versus non-physician
                                                                                  in leading highly technical organiza-  CEOs. More work in this area could be
                                                                                  tions, I hypothesized that hospitals led   useful to inform hospital CEO recruit-
                                                                                  by physician CEOs would report higher   ment and selection processes. Future
                                                                                  levels of clinical and financial perform-  studies may consider independent vari-
                                                                                  ance compared to hospitals with non-  ables of hospital size, teaching status,
                                                                                  physician CEOs. The single-year, cross-  not-for-profit ownership, or clinical lead-
                                                                                  sectional analysis of U.S. acute care hos-  ers in other professions such as nurses,
                                                                                  pitals showed no differences in reported   therapists, and technicians. This work
                                                                                  performance.                        adds to that discussion, and hopefully
                                                                                    The sample population included 190   will be useful.
                                                                                  hospitals, half (95) with non-physician   In conclusion, while it may be appeal-
                                                                                  CEOs and half with physician CEOs,   ing – and would certainly be efficient –
                                                                                  randomly selected from over 1,900 AHA   to be able to ascribe outsized impact of a
                                                                                  database U.S. medical surgical hospitals   single, measurable leader characteristic
                                                                                  with more than forty beds. All CEOs had   (such as being a physician), this study’s
                                                                                  at least one year of tenure. Three stan-  data do not strongly support that. It
                                                                                  dard reported quality measures were   turns out that, like leadership itself, lead-
                                                                                  chosen: actual/ predicted central line-  ership selection is a complicated busi-
                                                                                  associated bloodstream infection (CLAB-  ness and there are likely no simple solu-
                                                                                  SI) rates, acute myocardial infarction   tions to help organizations choose the
                                                                                  (AMI) 30-day risk-adjusted mortality   leader best suited to maximizing hospital
                                                                                  rates, and pneumonia 30-day risk-   performance.
                                                                                  adjusted excess readmission rates.
                                                                                  Financial performance was evaluated   Dr. Leon E. Moores is Professor of Surgery
                                                                                  based on hospitals’ return on assets and    and Pediatrics, Uniformed Services
                                                                                  operating margin. The study also con-       University School of Medicine, and
                                                                                  trolled for 13 hospital characteristics and   Professor of Medical Education,
                                                                                  market factor variables.                              University of Virginia
                                                                                    This analysis did not support the               School of Medicine (Inova)
                                                                                  hypotheses that hospitals with physician

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