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Employee Benefits Packages in 2022 CMS Requirements for MIPS 2022
– What’s at Stake?
Preventive care and mental health benefits will be the
most important part of your employee benefits package this
year. Healthcare is transitioning
One unfortunate result of the pandemic is that many peo- from a volume to value-based
ple delayed preventative medical screenings because they care model. CMS is driving this
wanted to avoid exposure to COVID in doctors’ offices. In transition with the Merit Based
early 2021, the American Society for Radiation Oncology Incentive Payment System
(ASTRO) found that two-thirds of doctors were seeing an (MIPS) program, which ultimate-
increase in patients with advanced disease and nearly 75% ly links a clinician’s Medicare
had patients who had missed routine cancer screenings, reimbursements with how many
leading to delayed diagnoses and treatment. A survey by the points they earn. CMS sets the
non-profit Business Group on Health discovered 94% of requirements of the MIPS pro-
employers are anticipating an increase in 2022 medical BY SUMMER gram based on the MACRA law , BY SARAH REITER AND
spending attributable to more cases of advanced disease WESTERBUR and for the 2022 reporting peri-
because of delayed treatment. Many businesses are seeing an od, failure to comply or earn SCOTT RICE, MD, PHD, MBA, MS
increased interest in emergency savings accounts through payroll deductions. enough MIPS points results in an
Mental health is also priority for employees this year. Employees are seeking easy automatic 9% penalty on annual Medicare Part B claims. This equates to a reimburse-
access to care, extra resources, and understanding from their colleagues and employers. ment reduction of $90,000 for every $1 million billed to Medicare. Starting in the 2022
As we all learn to live with the reality of endemic COVID, mental health benefits will con- Reporting Period, 1 out of every 2 clinicians will be penalized.
tinue to be an important piece of any employee benefits package. A trend in 2021 Open It can be challenging to know what to do to earn MIPS points, optimize your score,
Enrollment was employers adding additional mental health benefits and resources, a sign and protect your reimbursements given there are many nuances and commonly misun-
many employers recognize the pressures employees have been under. Many of my groups derstood aspects about the MIPS program. However, one of the things you can control is
requested these plans, including options that provide mental health benefits to the the MIPS reporting partner and corresponding reporting method you choose. Given the
employees waiving health insurance. More employers are offering voluntary mental complexity in earning MIPS points, it’s critical to select the right partner and methodol-
health benefits — not every employee will take advantage of these programs, but it’s an ogy , as all reporting options are not the same.
option for those who want it. Your Doctor In Touch CCM program is coordinating with Health eFilings, a CEHRT
As employers continue to navigate ‘The Great Resignation’, taking care of current and national leader in automated MIPS reporting, and the most comprehensive and effec-
employees will remain a top priority. Businesses should consider providing benefits to tive choice, with a 100% success rate. They use a cloud-based, ONC-certified software
part time and contingent workers. Additionally, thinking beyond the traditional vision, that fully automates the process and does all the work without requiring IT resources,
medical, and dental insurance, some employers are offering student debt products, child administrative support or workflow changes. Health eFilings will save you significant
care support, home office stipends, pet insurance, and other options that allow employ- time, be a turnkey process and maximize reimbursement by earning you the most MIPS
ees to customize their benefits to their unique needs. points. These benefits are enhanced when working with our quality Next Gen CCM pro-
As an employer, consider encouraging employees to seek medical care they delayed. gram. With what’s at stake this year and beyond, you can’t afford to make mistakes with
Make sure your plan provides mental health benefits and that these benefits have been MIPS.
properly communicated to employees. Finally , if you haven’t filed for the 2021 MIPS reporting period, it is not too late. But
time is of the essence, reach out now to find out more.
Summer Westerbur, founder of Kairos Insurance Group, is experienced in all types of insur-
To find out how you can set your practice up for success with MIPS
ance including employee benefit packages, product liability, general liability, professional liability
and Next Gen CCM, contact Richard Grosso at
and building insurance. For more information, contact
Sarah Reiter is SVP Strategic Partnerships with Health eFilings. or call (719) 331-1832.
Dr. Scott Rice is CMO at Your Doctor In Touch.
4 February 2022 South Florida Hospital News