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Barry University With La Barra MDC Homestead Campus
Films Produces Its First-Ever Opens New Nursing Simulation
Full Length Film to Celebrate and Skills Center
Black History Month Miami Dade College (MDC)
Homestead Campus recently hosted a
ribbon-cutting ceremony for its new
Barry University‘s College of Nursing
and Health Sciences is proud to showcase Benjamin Leon School of Nursing,
a celebration of Black History Month with Simulation and Skills Center, a state-
a touching alumni tribute. The joy of one of-the-art learning environment and
incredible alum overcoming family trau- training center that will prepare stu-
ma, then going on to secure a prestigious dents to deliver excellent patient care.
healthcare administrative fellowship is cer- The Benjamin Leon School of
tainly noteworthy, but when a brother and Nursing, Simulation and Skills Center
sister both accomplish these feats, it’s a at the Homestead Campus is designed
story we are honored to share. to prepare individuals with the evi-
“The Durojaiye Siblings: A Shared dence-based principles and skills nec-
Journey of Dreams” will make its premier essary to successfully perform in real-
at a Virtual Watch Party on February 19, world clinical settings by helping
2022 at 7:00 pm. Assistant Professor, Dr. them reduce errors, improve safety,
Jeffrey Ritter, will host the evening and will and elevate the quality of patient care.
lead a virtual Q&A with the Durojaiye This 4,850 square foot facility fea-
Siblings, and Oyinkansola Ogunrinde, tures a control room, two simulation
president of ACHE of South Florida rooms, two debriefing rooms, two
(ACHE-SFL), immediately following the skills wings, and a health assessment
film premier. Nigerian lottery taking a chance for a wing. This supportive learning envi-
“It is exciting to know our College of future in America. As luck would have it, ronment where our MDC Nursing stu-
Nursing and Health Sciences has been part the siblings were both selected and moved dents will thrive, can also be utilized
of creating this first-ever documentary together to Missouri in July 2014. for interdisciplinary collaborative
highlighting two former CNHS graduate Learning a new culture and creating con- efforts with the South Dade healthcare community and other health-related programs
students. I am grateful these distinguished nections proved an arduous task, but within the college.
alums are willing to share their journeys through commitment and determination Students will ensure their professional competency by mastering skill application,
with the world. I think many who watch they created a path full of integrity, dedica- clinical judgement, and critical thinking skills in a non-threatening environment.
this film will see qualities within them- tion and an obvious passion for helping This one-of-a-kind health training venue will provide much needed resources and
selves exemplified in siblings Bukky and others. expertise for the ever-growing community of South Dade and beyond.
Dapo. I believe their grit and dedication to Starting part-time, then promoted to full
reaching their dreams will inspire you. It is time, the siblings both earned promotions To learn more and to register for classes, visit
stories like this that showcase the pride we and started bright futures in banking.
have in our students and their incredible Dapo enjoyed banking, but wanted to
commitment to improving both healthcare return to his original career plan – to work Lee Health Creates Greater
and the lives of others,” Dr. John in healthcare, so he researched and started
McFadden, Dean. the Master of Science in Health Services Accessibility to Care Through
The film takes us on a journey, as the Administration and Master of Science in
Durojaiye Siblings take a chance on the Public Health, a dual degree program at
Nigerian VISA lottery, move together to Barry University. Intrigued, Bukky was Internal Medicine Residency
the United States and succeed first in quick to enroll in the dual degree program
banking, then in a dual master’s degree as well and their experiences ignited a for- Program and Clinic
program at Barry University, which propels midable desire that could not be extin-
each to a competitive fellowship opportu- guished. Southwest Florida community members While the residency program will be
nity at renowned U.S. hospitals. Watching this film, viewers will see how will now have additional access to care in based at Cape Coral Hospital, it will offer
The film, written by Zac Rigg and filmed their journey unfolds and undoubtedly be Cape Coral. opportunities for residents to also train
by Antonio Paris and Francisco Roa, intro- inspired by their commitment to family, A new Lee Health internal medicine res- and see patients at the new Cape Coral
duces Olubukola (Bukky) and Oladapo culture, education and fellow humans. A idency clinic has opened as part of the Internal Medicine Residency Clinic with
(Dapo) Durojaiye. Along with their imme- testament that with hard work and dedica- recently announced Florida State oversight from several faculty physicians
diate family members, the pair entered the tion, dreams can indeed come true. University College of Medicine Internal who will begin practicing at the clinic
Medicine Residency Program at Cape once it opens.
Coral Hospital/Lee Health. The new clinic – formerly a bank –
The program received initial accredita- underwent extensive renovations before
tion in September and approval to begin opening to the public. It has ten exam
recruiting its first class of residents, who rooms, a room for small outpatient proce-
are expected to begin training on July 1. dures, and a designated room for vaccine
West Palm Beach, Florida
The residency program, which takes three administration and blood work. Plans are
years to complete, is approved to accept 12 being made for the clinic to have a psy-
residents a year for a total of 36 at full chologist and social worker in the future.
BEGI N YOUR capacity. the recruitment process, receiving nearly
The residency program is currently in
“Through this new residency program
SUCC ESS STOR Y Y and clinic, Lee Health is developing well- 1,700 applications to date, including more
than 1,000 in the first 24 hours. Match
educated, highly trained physicians, creat-
DEGREES IN B S T THCARE, ing greater accessibility to needed care in Day will take place on March 18.
AND COUNSE LING the community,” said Dr. Maja Delibasic, FSU College of Medicine is also the aca-
SOUTHUNIVE Y .EDU program director of the Internal Medicine demic sponsor of a family medicine resi-
866.242.1840 Residency Program at Lee Health/Cape dency program at Lee Memorial Hospital,
Coral and associate professor of Clinical a Global Health Fellowship program, and
Sciences at Florida State University a postdoctoral psychology fellowship
College of Medicine. “Our hope is that the training program. This will be the fourth
majority of the residents we train stay here academic teaching program Lee Health
in Southwest Florida once they complete offers in partnership with the Florida State
Programs, cre dential levels, technology , and scheduling options vary by school and ar e subject to change. Not all pr oggrams ar e available to r esidents of all U.S. states.
South Univers ity , W est Palm Beach, University Centr e, 9801 Belveder e Rd., Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411. © 2021 South h University . All rights r eserved. their residency.” University College of Medicine.
14 February 2022 South Florida Hospital News