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                        Miami Herbert’s Master of Health Administration Programs

                           Help Advance the Careers of Those Who Are Passionate

                            About Making a Difference in the Health Care Industry

          The Department of                            MD/MBA     and   JD/MHA      To develop high levels of competence,   Furthermore, we actively engage with
         Health Manage ment and                        degrees as well as a health   students are exposed to exceptional fac-  professional colleagues through the
         Policy at the Miami                           administration undergradu-  ulty, including two former Secretaries,   Association of University Programs in
         Herbert   School   of                         ate major and minor, each of   U.S. Health and Human Services, Donna   Health Administration (AUPHA), recent-
         Business celebrates its                       which draw a significant   Shalala, PhD, who served also in the U.S.   ly spearheading the planning of its 2021
         nearly 45-year history as                     number of pre-med and      House of Representatives, and Alex M.   Annual Meeting, providing keynote
         one of the oldest business                    other service-oriented stu-  Azar, JD. Faculty are led by University of   speakers, and serving on committees as
         school-based Executive                        dents.                     Miami President, Dr. Julio Frenk, former   well as the board of directors.
         MBA of Health Manage -                          Several years ago, Miami   Secretary of Health, Mexico, and Dean,   The COVID-19 pandemic has intensi-
         ment    and    Policy                         Herbert Business School’s   Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public   fied the need for healthcare trendsetters
         (HEMBA) programs in                           HEMBA program adopted      Health, as well as Dr. John Quelch, Dean,   equipped to solve complex operational
         the country. Having grad-                     the gold standard for compe-  Miami Herbert School of Business, for-  issues while harnessing opportunities for
         uated over 1,000 students   BY SUZANNE J.     tency development and      merly Senior Associate Dean, Harvard   innovation. Miami Herbert’s HEMBA and
         to date, it is worth noting   WOOD, PHD, MS,   achievement, the National   Business School, and Dean, London   MHA programs prepare executives,
         that U.S. News and World      FACHE           Center   for   Healthcare  Business School.                     health care professionals, and early
         Reports ranks the pro-                        Leadership (NCHL) compe-     We are uniquely positioned in the mar-  careerists to meet such challenges. With
         gram as the number one Health       tency model, which was also applied to   ketplace, as the HEMBA and MHA pro-  its distinguished business faculty, adja-
         Administration program in Florida and   MHA program development. The pur-  grams are dually accredited by the   cent ties to UHealth, the University of
         further as the number one Health Care   pose of implementing this model was to   Assembly of Accredited Collegiate   Miami’s medical school, and partnerships
         Executive MBA program in the United   assure that the programs could develop   Schools of Business (AACSB) and the   with health care leaders worldwide, our
         States.                             through their curricula the knowledge   Commission on Accreditation of    programs offer rich learning experiences
          Leveraging our expertise in delivering   and skills necessary for graduates to   Healthcare Management Education   that position graduates for executive and
         health management and policy education   excel in the field of practice. It was well   (CAHME). In addition, we belong to the   other leadership roles across the health-
         and wishing to draw from a broader pool   understood among the academic and   Business  Alliance  for  Health  care landscape.
         of less experienced applicants, in 2017   professional communities that, with the   Management Education (BAHM), mem-
         we launched an in-residence Master of   appropriate tools, graduates could suc-  bership of which comprises a small   Suzanne J. Wood, PhD, MS, FACHE,
         Health Management and Policy (MHA)   cessfully lead organizations to deliver   group of 17 of the most prestigious   Associate Professor of Professional Practice
         program geared toward early careerists.   quality outcomes, including the skills   Business  School  based  Health  and MHA Program Director, Department of
         This resident MHA program serves also   necessary to confidently assume chal-  Management programs globally, includ-  Health Management and Policy, Miami
         as a suitable option for applicants await-  lenges and advance innovative solutions   ing Harvard, Yale, the University of   Herbert Business School, University of
         ing acceptance and matriculation into   to the complex problems of health serv-  Pennsylvania (Wharton), and the            Miami, can be reached at
         medical school. We further offer joint   ices delivery today.            University of California, Berkeley.          

        Cover Story: Advance Into Leadership

        Roles With FIU's Healthcare MBA

        Continued from page 1                directly with healthcare institutions and
        January or August.                   their executives to address real problems,
          Our highly ranked Healthcare MBA   including the chance to participate in the
        features a unique curriculum that weaves   ACHE of South Florida Annual Case
        healthcare topics into every business   Competition
        course, taught by FIU’s world-class facul-  • Build a valuable network - Our
        ty known for their academic prestige and   cohort-based program introduces you to
        real-world experience. This accelerated   a diverse group of professionals, includ-
        18-month MBA program focuses on the   ing fellow students, highly-esteemed fac-
        complex real-world challenges facing   ulty, and senior healthcare executives
        professionals in healthcare administra-  • Earn certifications that are highly
        tion, healthcare management, and execu-  respected by employers and critical in the
        tive healthcare positions by helping you   field, including:
        gain a deep understanding of the health-  - Visual Analytics with Tableau
        care industry. Additionally, you’ll build   - CMS Healthcare Regulatory
        the critical thinking, communication,   Compliance Certification
        and problem-solving skills required to   - Lean Six Sigma Yellow and Green
        excel in the healthcare field. As one of   Belt certifications
        the few programs accredited by both    - An Advanced Certificate in Global
        CAHME and AACSB, our Healthcare      Healthcare
        MBA offers the kind of high-quality edu-
        cation that healthcare employers and     Scholarships and financial aid are avail-
        recruiters actively seek when they are hir-  able to those who qualify. To learn more
        ing for top managerial, senior adminis-  about how FIU’s HCMBA program can open
        trative, and C-level positions.               new doors for you, contact Andre
          FIU’s Healthcare MBA can expand your   Lightbourn, Associate Director|Health Care
        horizon and lead you to real success with   MBA Program, FIU|Chapman Graduate
        opportunities to:                      School of Business, at (305) 779-9229 or
          • Gain hands-on experience working or visit


                       Visit us online at


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