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R o  , d  w ho h  d a n i  e r r  g  a l u  r h e  t r a  b e , w  t i  h  D e m e tr i o C a  o l l i t s  o , M D
                                                         o a

                              A A Florida Heart Leader

                                          i n L         i fe     -  S   a    v   i n    g C          a   r
                              When Rod went to the emergency room with a heart racing out of control,
                              Demetrio Castillo, MD, and the Memorial Cardiac an                d VVaascular Institute
                              electrophysiology team diagnosed Rod with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
                              With a defibrillator implant and an ablation Rod’s heart rhythm was restored.

                              Using advanced techniques like fluoroless radiation-free ablation and minimally
                              invasive surgical- and catheter-based ablation, our electrophysiologists are
                              experts in diagnosing and treating complex arrhythmias.

                              More than that, “Dr. Castillo cared about him as if it was his own family member,”
                              said Rebecca, Rod’s daughter.

                              We know that providing life-saving heart care today can mean more time and
                              more memories with those you love. It’s why we do what we do. Memorial —
                              we lead with heart.

                                                                           SOUTH FLORIDA

                                                   W   a  c t  h R o d’ s s t o r y a t M   H     n . S  e  / t  EP

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                            February 2022                         23
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