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Cover Story: Memorial Cardiac and Jupiter Medical Center
Vascular Institute Continues Leadership Expands Cardiac Surgery
Role in Challenging Times Through Philanthropy
Continued from page 1 gists, heart failure cardiologists and
strokes and peripheral vascular throm- anesthesiologists, continues to grow and
boses) to providing advanced heart ther- provide catheter-based therapies as they
apies to those who develop heart failure, become available to treat structural heart
while also providing mechanical circula- problems such as valvular heart disease.
tory support with extracorporeal mem- Every case is reviewed by this group of
brane oxygenation (ECMO) for acute specialists to chart the course of treat-
cardio-respiratory failure in infant, child ment for each patient.
and adult patients throughout the entire The number of procedures performed
region. Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital in 2021 will be our highest ever, and our
and Memorial Regional Hospital are outcomes rank in the top decile nation-
each designated Gold Level Centers of ally. Our Cardiology program matricu-
Excellence, receiving the Extracorporeal lated its first class of cardiology fellows
Life Support Organization (ELSO) in July 2021 and looks forward to estab-
Award for Excellence in Life Support. lishing its footprint on Graduate
ECMO is often our last line of treatment Medical Education and research. Our
for the sickest of our COVID-19 Vascular Surgery program has imple-
patients. mented a new technique of treating
At the same time, Memorial Cardiac carotid artery disease in high-risk Madlyn K. Abramson's family poses in front of the water fountain at
and Vascular Institute has achieved patients. Transcarotid Artery Revas - Jupiter Medical Center named in her honor.
many accomplishments. cularization (TCAR) is less invasive than
• Our Adult Cardiac Surgery program conventional carotid endarterectomy Philanthropist and businessman Leonard Abramson, recently made a donation of $10
continues to be a regional leader in vol- and, hopefully, reduces the risk of stroke million to establish an endowed chair of cardiac surgery at Jupiter Medical Center.
umes and high-quality outcomes. even further compared to conventional Abramson made the gift in honor of his beloved late wife of 65 years, Madlyn.
• Memorial achieved the highest car- stenting and surgery. To recognize Abramson's generous gift, the new main entrance to Jupiter Medical
diac surgery volumes in the tri-county Finally, our Electrophysiology pro- Center has been named the Madlyn K. Abramson Plaza which features a water fountain
area during the third quarter of 2020 gram continues to be at the forefront of in her honor. This was not Abramson's first gift to the Jupiter Medical Center
and has again earned a three-star rating, advances in electrophysiology treat- Foundation, "and I don't expect it to be my last," said the JMC Foundation board mem-
the highest category of quality, from The ments. Our expert electrophysiologists ber of more than two decades. “I'm very impressed with their leadership, and I'd like to
Society of Thoracic Surgeons for patient using our new EP suite are employing help the hospital grow."
care and outcomes in coronary artery cutting edge, innovative approaches to In April of 2020, the medical center launched the Timothy and Jayne Donahue Cardiac
bypass grafting (CABG), aortic valve control cardiac arrhythmias. Surgery Program. Dr. Arthur Katz, Medical Director of Cardiac Surgery and the current
replacement (AVR) and mitral valve In addition to rising to the occasion Madlyn K. Abramson Endowed Chair of Cardiac Surgery, has performed more than 225
replacement and repair (MVRR) for the and meeting the demands imposed by open heart surgeries at Jupiter Medical Center. The additional philanthropic investment
period ending June2021. the Covid-19 pandemic, Memorial made by Abramson is enabling Jupiter Medical Center to continue expanding the
• Our Adult Heart Transplant program Cardiac and Vascular Institute has con- breadth of innovative cardiovascular services to treat such conditions as valvular heart
has completed its 75th heart transplant tinued to grow and be a leader in deliv- abnormalities, atrial fibrillation and aneurysms of the aorta. Treatments include
and is on track in 2021 to have the high- ering the comprehensive and quality Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) for aortic stenosis, MitraClip for leaking
est volume since inception. care to cardiovascular patients. mitral valves, the WATCHMAN for AFib and minimally invasive cardiac surgery.
• Our Heart Failure program has Memorial is committed to ensuring our "Since the launch of our cardiac program and the addition of a minimally invasive car-
recruited a fourth specialty cardiologist community and those further afield have diac surgeon, Jupiter Medical Center's capabilities have expanded to successfully treat
to extend its reach in caring for access to quality management and treat- nearly all cardiac conditions" said Dr. Amit Rastogi, President and CEO, Jupiter Medical
advanced heart failure patients and was ment of cardiovascular illnesses. Center.
recently recognized for excellence with Memorial Cardiac and Vascular Institute Dr. Katz emphasized "I am thrilled that we can now provide our patients the full gamut
American College of Cardiology Heart has become a destination center for best of cardiovascular services offered by our nation's top academic medical centers." Katz
Failure Accreditation. practice care and world-class outcomes. adds "we are honored to welcome NYU trained Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgeon, Dr.
Our structural heart team, a multidis- William Kokotos, to Jupiter Medical Center's cardiac surgery program.”
ciplinary team comprised of interven- Dr. Michael Cortelli is Chief, Memorial "Len's gift to cardiac surgery is creating a lasting legacy that will allow cardiac patients
tional cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, Cardiac and Vascular Institute. the care they need close to home," said Mike Morsberger, Chief Philanthropy Officer and
clinical cardiologists, imaging cardiolo-
President of Jupiter Medical Center Foundation.
Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center Adds New
Hi-Tech Imaging System for Cardiac Patients
Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center is physicians to capture higher quality of cardiac and vascular issues, including: comes where they get treated for cardiol-
now able to offer patients a new techno- images at lower radiation doses, directly • Coronary Artery Disease ogy, and our hospital continues to show
logical advancement allowing doctors to resulting in safe and quality care for our • Stroke why we are among the very best when it
see high quality images at low radiation cardiac and vascular patients,” said Dr. • Peripheral Vascular Disease comes to heart care.”
dose levels for those suffering from heart Shah. • Thoracic and Aortic Aneurysms These catheter-based procedures are
disease. “Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center • Carotid Artery Disease designed to reduce some of the risks and
The Philips Azurion 7 M20 system continues to be at the forefront when it • Structural Heart Disease recovery time inherent in traditional sur-
with Clarity IQ provides high quality comes to cardiac care and this new tech- “We are proud to be able to offer this gical approaches. Among the many ben-
imaging, achieving a clearer visibility at nology will allow patients to get the new imaging system to our patients, and efits of catheter-based interventions
low X-ray dose levels for any patient. Dr. quality treatment they need at one of the expand our cardiac services at Palm include:
Neerav Shah, chief of cardiology at Palm top heart hospitals in South Florida.” Beach Gardens Medical Center”, said • Shorter hospital stays
Beach Gardens Medical Center, per- The Philips Azurion 7 M20 system Teresa Urquhart, chief executive officer • Reduced recovery time without the
formed the first case. allows physicians to conduct minimally at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center. pain of a large incision
“This new technology will enable invasive procedures treating a wide range “Our community has a choice when it • Less visible surgical scarring.
28 February 2022 South Florida Hospital News