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        Back Cover Story: Americanna Laboratories Expands Footprint into Medical Marijuana

        Continued from back cover
                                               “At Americanna, we have set a high   industry. The company is dedicated to   Florida sampled for THC compliance
        all analyses under the strictest of quality
        programs meeting ISO/IEC 17025, GLP   standard for ourselves,” says Wyman   providing the best, most reliable and   (not to exceed 0.3%) within 30 days of
        and cGMP standards. Their laboratory   Dickey, CEO of the company. “It’s great   accurate testing by bringing ADPEN   harvest by one of the seven approved
        facilities are registered with the FDA,   to see our dedicated team achieving, and   Laboratories’ 30 years of analytical test-  labs on the list.
        EPA, and have been audited by these   in many cases, exceeding the goals we   ing experience in agrochemical, pharma-  Last year, the company expanded its
        agencies to ensure compliance with GLP   have set for them. Attaining our CMTL is   ceutical, nutritional and food safety to   scope of ISO accreditation to include
        and cGMP standards.                  another example of how our team sur-  the cannabis lab.                  more products and offer a one-stop test-
          In late December 2021, Americanna   passes benchmarks and raises future   The minority and family-owned com-  ing solution, which complies with FDA
        was granted regulatory approval from the   expectations.”                 pany’s commitment to the highest labo-  regulations. Tests such as identification,
        Florida Department of Health to conduct   As a result of the certification, Dickey   ratory quality standards translates into   potency, dosage uniformity, homogeneity
        medical marijuana compliance testing as   notes they can further expand their qual-  consumer safety and good science. With   dissolution and shelf-life along with con-
        the state’s most recent Certified    ity initiatives.                     over three decades of testing experience,   taminant testing for pesticides, microbial
        Marijuana Testing Laboratory (CMTL).   “Providing an assurance of safety to   many Fortune 500 companies trust its   agents, residual solvents and heavy met-
        This will allow them to analyze medical   Florida medical marijuana patients is a   analytical knowledge and services. In   als can all be done in-house at its facility.
        marijuana samples from Medical       serious endeavor,” he adds. “One we   2018, this led brothers Steven Perez and
        Marijuana Treatment Centers who are   heartily understood and accepted when   David Perez to form Americanna   Looking Ahead
        providing much needed medicine to    entering this industry. Our passion for   Laboratories.                    Recently, the company’s method devel-
        patients throughout the state.       the mission took root here in Florida, but   “As an FDA and EPA audited facility,   opment for testing Delta 8 products has
          The company is now the ninth facility   it’s only the beginning. We are continu-  we understand the most stringent quality   allowed for greater peak separation to be
        licensed by the Office of Medical    ing our work to improve in every facet   standard requirements to which our   identified and provide greater service to
        Marijuana Use (OMMU) to perform con-  and expand our reach every day.”    clients must adhere,” explains Steven   its existing clients.
        sumer safety and quality control testing                                  Perez, Co-Founder and Chief Science   “Based on the needs of our clients, we
        in the state of Florida. Under state regu-  30 Years of Testing Experience   Officer. “We save our clients time,   had added more testing of dietary sup-
        lations, medical marijuana testing labs   as a Minority Owned Business    money and effort by managing, coordi-  plements which coincides well with our
        can acquire, possess, test, transport, and   As a leader in analytical testing servic-  nating and reporting multiple test results   30+ years of experience as an analytical
        lawfully dispose of medical cannabis   es, Americanna Labs has set the standard   under one roof, while providing the   lab,” says Dickey. “We also offer potency
        only if licensed to do so by the OMMU.   for testing in the cannabis and hemp   highest level of assurance of safety for   to full panel testing on hemp and
                                                                                  the end-user.”                      cannabis products. This allows clients to
                                                                                                                      first view the potency results prior to
                                                                                  Accomplishments Over                tests being run for heavy metals, residual
                                                                                  the Years                           solvents, mycotoxins, and pesticides.
                                                                                   Americanna’s experience with FDA   This can save a client time and money if
                                                                                  regulations provides new manufacturers   a product does not meet their manufac-
                                                                                  a trustworthy partner who can advise   tured expectations. Certain clients devel-
                                                                                  clients on the importance of method test-  oping specific formulations and ratios of
                                                                                  ing and setting specifications for product   cannabinoids benefit from our high level
                                                                                  ingredients and characteristics.    of customer service.”
                                                                                   One of its proudest achievements is an   All of these items lead up to a firm
                              A LIVE MARKETPLACE                                  ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation by PJLA, an   footing for the start of 2022, says Dickey.
                                                                                  international accreditation body. After   While expansion is on the horizon, he
                  For thousands of different alternative products                 earning  that   ISO    certification,  says that the focus will always remain on
                                                                                  Americanna became one of just seven   consumer safety and bringing added
                                                                                  testing labs statewide added to the   value to its clients.
                                                                                  FDACS approved lab (List of Approved   "The Americanna Lab team is poised
                                                                                  Designated Laboratories) for THC    to make this happen,” he concludes.
                                                                                  Testing. Florida is known for having one
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