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Florida’s Resource for
Medical & Business
Cannabis Developments
PO Box 812708
Back Cover Story: What Do Contemporary Cannabinoid Studies Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708
Phone: (561) 368-6950
Mean to the Medical Cannabis Movement? Website:
Continued from back cover fact that it is positive and timely to a con- This is a single study and rarely does a CHARLES FELIX
dition that nobody has truly seemed to single scientific study serve to create cul- CAROL FELIX
To some, this also comes as a surprise that find a great solution for makes it an inter- tural change. It is not likely this study will Publishers
part of the natural cannabis plant may be a esting story to share with the public. The either. However, this study dominated a
viable medical solution to what is arguably positive outcome of this initial work estab- news cycle and helped to bring to the NANCY LAMMIE
the largest global healthcare crisis in most lishes and justifies continued work to attention of the general public a positive JMC Graphics
of our lifetimes. Yet to others this is seen as advance the science in this area. Of course, study about cannabis in an extremely Art/Production
an opportunity to spread the word that the the hope is that the laboratory studies have timely manner for an extremely important
cannabis plant does have natural benefits future clinical and translational impact. topic. Today covid. Tomorrow cancer? As JUDY GRAMM
that remain to be seen and accepted in tra- Yet there is a greater effect that this study more quality research is not only conduct- Editorial Manager
ditional modern medicine. potentially has that reaches far beyond a ed but also disseminated, whatever effects
In the United States, many barriers exist potential COVID solution. Imagine, just cannabis has on the health of individuals CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
Daniel Casciato
that prevent much-needed cannabis-relat- imagine, if a cannabinoid is found to be a will ultimately be known to all. Barbara Fallon
ed research to occur. Research studies medically acceptable intervention or viable Vanessa Orr
begin with a question. It could be a “why?” preventative approach. In addition to the Dr. Jeff G. Konin is a Clinical Professor in Lois Thomson
as in “why does this do what it does?” It openly receptive and perhaps even enthu- the Department of Athletic Training in the
could be a “how?” as in “How does this do siastically requested thirst for the success- Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing and SUBSCRIPTIONS
what it does?” When it comes to cannabis ful cannabinoid, individuals from all facets Health Sciences at Florida International One Year - $45
as a medical intervention, there are many of life may begin to wonder if components University (FIU) where he directs the Global Two Years - $70
“why’s” and “how’s”. There are also many of the cannabis plant that some people Initiative for Cannabinoid Research and Three Years - $85
researchers, practitioners, educators, and have been claiming for years have medici- Education. To learn more about FIU’s
especially patients who want to know the nal value may in fact be true. Perhaps more cannabinoid research and education initia- To subscribe, call (561) 368-6950
Or email:
answers to the many questions surround- patients would inquire about cannabis for tive you can visit their website at
ing the mystery of the cannabis plant. In their ailing short and long-term health All rights reserved. Reproduction
fact, even those who condemn all things conditions. Researchers might find Views represented in this column do not In whole or part without written
cannabis would benefit from knowing as increased amount of funding available for reflect that of Florida International permission is prohibited.
much scientific fact as possible. If there are meaningful studies with less red tape to University and are solely Copyright ©2022
dangers and side effects, we all want to navigate through. Practitioners would lis- attributed to Dr. Jeff G. Konin.
know. If there are benefits, we for sure all ten to patients and adhere to their respon-
want to know. sibility of knowing how cannabis works,
Why is this particular study of such for what conditions, in what dosages,
importance? It is important on so many etc… Educators in all walks of life from
levels. Let’s begin with the obvious: it is a public health to business and marketing
positive story about cannabis that has would be taught in school the most cur-
sparked the interest of the media. The rent information. In essence, what Malcom
majority of media stories shared about Gladwell eloquently refers to as “The
cannabis have a negative angle. And the
Tipping Point” will have been reached.
PūrWell Offers Pain Relief
Without NSAIDs
PūrWell launches PūrRelēf, a first-of-its-
kind organic gummy that provides a safe and
effective alternative to NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal
Anti-Inflammatory Drugs.) Millions of people
rely on NSAIDs to control symptoms of chronic
pain and inflammation, however, NSAIDs
come with some risk. Studies have shown they
may cause toxicity to one's liver, kidneys, and
upper GI-tract. PūrRelēf combines powerful
flavonoids from Skull Cap and Green Tea to
provide extraordinary anti-inflammatory sup-
port, while added benefits of Boswellia and
Turmeric supercharge the anti-inflammatory
action. CBG and Delta-8 isolate round out the
overall analgesic effects. Unlike NSAIDs that
may cause undesirable side effects, PūrRelēf is
a combination of GRAS (Generally Regarded
As Safe) ingredients, that have shown no toxic-
ity over periods of long-term use. It is a COX-1, COX-2 and 5-LOX inhibitor.
PūrRelēf’s convenient form makes it easy to consume, and the Appleberry fla-
vor is derived from organic fruit extract.
Cannabis News Florida February 2022 37