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                                          New Flower Dispensary Limitations from

                                               the Office of Medical Marijuana Use

                                                     Medical Marijuana Use Registry Update

          Beginning Monday, March 1, 2022, the   35 days. The 35-day cycle is not based on   is the total available amount of marijuana   for smoking will become available the
        Medical   Marijuana  Use   Registry  the calendar month or certification-  in a form for smoking that a qualified   day following the date listed (i.e., the
        (Registry) will be updated to comply   issued date.                       patient or caregiver may receive at any   amount dispensed becomes available to
        with section 381.986(8)(e)16.b., Florida   All patients will be given a 35-day tran-  given time due to the patient’s 35-day   the patient at midnight of the day follow-
        Statutes (F.S.), which states, in part, med-  sitionary period from March 1, 2022 to   rolling limit.         ing the date listed on “Date Expires”).
        ical  marijuana  treatment  centers  April 4, 2022. During this time, only dis-  For more details about a patient’s dis-  The Office of Medical Marijuana Use
        (MMTCs) “may not dispense more than   pensations made on or after March 1,   pensation history and the date additional   (OMMU) has published an instructional
        one 35-day supply of marijuana in a form   2022, for marijuana in a form for smok-  amounts will become available to the   guide on how to understand the Amount
        for smoking within any 35-day period to   ing, will be used to calculate the amount   patient, you can access the new   Available Calculation Page.
        a qualified patient or caregiver.” As such,   available to be dispensed to the patient.   “Dispensation History” dashboard. This   This guide can also be found on the
        a 35-day rolling limit will now be used to   Beginning April 5, 2022, all patients will   dashboard tracks all smoking dispensa-  OMMU’s website, here: https://knowthe-
        calculate dispensation limits for marijua-  start their own 35-day rolling limit, and   tions used to calculate the patient’s
        na in a form for smoking. This means the   MMTCs will not be permitted to dis-  “Dispensable Amount.” To view this new   guides.
        amount of marijuana in a form for smok-  pense an amount in excess of a patient’s   dashboard, expand your active Smoking
        ing a patient may purchase on any given   35-day rolling limit.           Order in the Registry, and click the “See     For more information about this
        day is calculated as the difference    As part of this Registry update, patients   Calculation”  link  next  to  the      update, email the OMMU at
        between the amount permitted by the   and caregivers will see a new       “Dispensable Amount.” It is important to or by
        patient’s current order and the patient’s   “Dispensable Amount” value on their   note that “Date Expires” means that the    calling its support line at
        total dispensation history over the past   orders. The “Dispensable Amount” value   respective amount of marijuana in a form    (850) 245-4657, option 2.

                                   Visit us on the web at


                                                                A  LINE OF PREMIUM,            MIND-EX ANDING C              ANNAABIS

                                                          CONCENTRA          TESS AND      C AR  TRIDGEES,                                          MUSE A W AKEN Y OUR

                                                                            GIVING Y
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                                                          CREATIVIT      Y  GIVI  NG   YOU PERMISS                TO LET     GO    A A
                                                                                                                    O LET GO AND GIVE
                                                                                                                                   AND GIVE
                                                                 INT  O INSPIR TION          AND UNLOCK WHA              T T  IS  WIT HIN.
                                                                                            @MEET.   Y OURR.MUSE
                                           CREAATTEWI   ITHMUSECCAANNABIS
                 FOR MORE INFO
                                           PLEASE CONSUME RESSPONSIBLLYY..                                               This product has not been analyzzed or approved by the Food and Drug Admi nistration (FDA). There is limited information o the side effffects of
                                           using this product, and tthere may be associated health risks. Marijuanna use during pregnancy and breast-feeding mmay pose potential harms. It is against the laww to drive or operate

                                           machinery when under the influence off this product.  KEEP THIS PRRODUCT                                                WWAAYY FROM CHILDREN.                                             There mmay be health risks associated with consumpttion of this product.

                                           Marijuana can impair cooncentration, coordination, and judgment.                                               Thee impairment eff fects of edible marijuana prodducts may be delayed by two hours or more. In case of accidental
                                           ingestion, contact the Pooison Control Hotline at 1-800-222-1222 or 9-1-1.                                               This pr oduct may be illegal outside of MMA. Do not operate a vehicle or machinery under the influence of
                                           this drug. For use only bby adults 21 ye ars of age or older.
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