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SPOTLIGHT:                                              ARFINN LEARNING
                                                                   Exec. Chef Camilo                                       SOLUTIONS:
                                                                   Cuartas                                                 Arfinn Learning
                                                                   Executive Director for                                  Solutions Adds New
                                                                                                                           Functionalities to
                                                                   Sunshine NORML
                                                                                                                           Cannabis Platform
                                                                                 page 30                                                  page 39

                                         December 2019

                                         2019 Cannabis Business Award’s Publication of the Year

                                                  One Plant: Cultivating Cannabis

                                                     for Better Patient Outcomes

                                                         BY DANIEL CASCIATO

                                              Cannabis has always been in Brady Cobb’s blood.
                                              From 1977 to 1983, his father, Bill Cobb imported
                                             about $200 million worth of marijuana into the
                                             United States for Colombia’s Medellin cartel. This led
                                             to a sentence of 20 years in prison. Ironically,
                                             cannabis also provided his father with relief from his                                 Jon Fedele
                Steven and David Perez       battle with bone cancer which ultimately ended his
                                             life in 2010.
                                              “My dad did it his way by violating the law and I
         Quality Analytical                  have been active working to change the law,” says                                 PūrWell:
                                             Brady, a Fort Lauderdale-based lawyer, lobbyist, and
         Cannabis Testing:                   the CEO of One Plant Florida (formerly 3 Boys Farm,                            A Medically
                                             LLC, a vertically integrated and licensed, cultivator,   Brady Cobb
          A Family Legacy                    processor, and dispenser of high quality medical                            Focused Hemp
                                             cannabis. “I’m in this industry because I believe in it and want to change people’s
                                             lives for the better.”                                                      CBD Company
              BY BARBARA R. FALLON            Brady also had his own relationship with cannabis for a long time.
                                              “It provided me with stress relief along with a sense of calm,” he says. “It also
          For many All in the Family conjures up   helped foster my creativity. “Anyone who knows me, knows that I think outside of   BY DANIEL CASCIATO
        the iconic TV show from the 70’s … but   the box. I’m a bit of a disruptor and when people are going left, I turn right. It’s cer-
        to the Perez family, it means Americanna   tainly helped me in that journey.”                                   As a medically focused hemp CBD com-
        Laboratories, a family operated business   Today, the younger Cobb is helping to shape legislation at the U.S. federal level,   pany, PūrWell provides all-natural hemp
        that strives to translate a 30-year legacy   including the 2018 Farm Bill that declassified hemp as a controlled substance. He   oil products that promote general health
        of expertise into bringing good science                                                   Continued on page 38  and wellness. Its proprietary custom for-
        to the cannabis testing industry to                                                                           mulations are designed specifically for the
        ensure the safety of products to con-                                                                         healthcare marketplace.
        sumers.                              GrowHealthy Undergoing Aggressive                                          PūrWell’s executive team has been in the
          Americanna Laboratories is a pharma-                                                                        healthcare industry for 25 years. Its sister
        ceutical grade laboratory performing                                                                          company, VirtuOx, is the largest in-home
        advanced analytical testing on all hemp   Expansion to Meet Market Demand                                     respiratory and sleep diagnostics company
        and CBD products using leading edge                                                                           in the nation, testing over 30,000 patients
        instrumentation for greater accuracy and                                                                      each month. Two years ago, the company
        faster turnaround times, based in              BY VANESSA ORR                                                 was approached by experts in the hemp
        Jacksonville, Florida.                                                                                        industry who were interested in collabo-
          Brothers Steven Perez, CEO, David    When GrowHealthy was awarded a                                         rating on a custom formulation for sleep.
        Perez, COO, and their father Rolando   Medical Marijuana Treatment Center                                       “We surveyed hundreds of physicians in
        Perez, Chief Scientific Officer, formed   license in 2016, the Florida medical                                our network and every one of them told us
        Americanna Laboratories in 2018 as a   cannabis industry was still in its infancy.                            that their patients ask them about CBD
        division of ADPEN Laboratories. Their   Today, the state ranks second in the                                  practically daily,” says Jon Fedele, Chief
        mother, Maria Julia, who passed in 2017,   nation for industry growth, with more                              Executive Officer of  PūrWell. “Many of
        was an original founder of ADPEN Labs   than 600 new people signing up each day.                              them also expressed interest in promoting
        and remains the inspiration for        As a result, GrowHealthy, which was                                    or selling CBD but didn’t have a trusted
        Americanna’s efforts to help advance the   acquired by iAnthus Capital Management                             company to help them. The lightbulb went
        science of cannabis for cancer patients   in 2018, is expanding its cultivation facil-                        on and we got to work.”
        who need it for relief. The Perez Family   ities, delivery services and product lines                           Given its 25 plus years of experience in
        partnered with Greg Stringfellow, M.D.,   to meet the need. “Our company mission                              healthcare, Fedele says that they knew that
        Chief Medical Officer and Brian DiTore,   is to help customers live their best lives,                         they weren’t interested in creating another
        CFO, to round off their executive team.   and our goal is to deliver on that promise each day,” explained GrowHealthy   “me too” lifestyle brand.
          ADPEN is a global leader of Agro -  Compliance Manager Vijay Choksi. “We do that by making sure that when people   “We wanted to create CBD products that
        chemical, Nutraceutical, Pharma ceutical   need medicine, the product is on the shelves.”                     physicians could trust and feel comfort-
        and Food Safety testing for over 30    “Since this time last year, the patient population has doubled in the state, and we   able recommending to their patients,” he
        years. Now, with more than 30 employ-  see that trend continuing,” he added. “There are 21 million people in Florida, and   says. “You’ll never find our products at a
        ees strong (MD’s, PhD’s, microbiologists,   each day, more are entering the medical marijuana registry; this requires aggressive   convenience store, gas station or vape
        chemists and business entrepreneurs)   growth to meet the demand.”                                            shop. We only sell through medical profes-
        Americanna Laboratories provides ana-  GrowHealthy’s expansion plans include increasing cultivation and product capac-  sionals such as physicians, pharmacies and
                                                                                                   Continued on page 41
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