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Arfinn Learning Solutions Adds New

                              Functionalities to Cannabis Platform

                BY DANIEL CASCIATO           free version remains robust, West explains   West says they've had so many patients
                                             that they wanted to add some additional   reach out asking for physician recommen-
          Arfinn Learning Solutions, Inc., the com-  customization that its users could opt-in   dations in their area, that they thought they    James West
        pany which launched the website      for. That includes things such as co-brand-  would create a site where patients can, an online peer-to-  ing all forms, creating automatic re-cert   search for efficacy data on specific condi-  believe in our product so much that we
        peer portal for medical professionals to   reminders to send to patients, and running   tions and symptom relief with cannabis.    don't require duration contracts or data
        share HIPAA protected patient treatments   a patient referral program.     “We felt that we could also connect them   extraction fees. We are confident that if you
        and efficacies for cannabis and other non-  “Our system can run all aspects of a   to a doctor that is using our platform and   try us, you won't leave. And so far that's
        traditional practices, continues to add to its   medical practice, from the HIPAA-compli-  our powerful data tools,” he says. “In our   been true, and that's incredibly unique
        electronic medical record platform.    ant medical records, to the business side of   view it's a win-win for physicians and   given the different procedures and regula-
          In addition to integrating software appli-  reducing no shows and improving patient   patients. We want doctors to have the most   tions forced upon doctors from state to
        cations such as Square and ScheduleOnce,   retention,” West adds. “The premium ver-  meaningful and secure data at their finger-  state.”
        Arfinn also created more functionality to   sion is still less expensive than other sys-  tips so they can help patients. We believe   West says that the team is incredibly
        the existing site, created a premium version   tems out there that do even less.”   that doctors who are using our EMR have   excited about 2020. They are finalizing
        of the physician platform, and built a   The patient-focused platform will house   access to certain functionality that allows   some agreements to have the platform
        patient-focused platform.            a directory of participating cannabis physi-  them to do this. We want to connect   translated and offered in many different
          “We now have voice-to-text capabilities   cians, according to West.     patients who really want symptom relief to   countries, as well as even more increased
        that have been tested on a medical lexicon   “Our users believe in the power of data   our network so they can get the best care   functionality across existing platforms.
        and automatically populate forms required   in helping them to create personalized   available.”                “Our goal is to automate all administra-
        by the state,” says James West, Arfinn CEO   cannabis treatment plans and track   Looking back during this past year, West   tive work, and we have some cool new fea-
        and founder. “All these features save our   patients' progress,” he says. “This results in   says that the company’s biggest accom-  tures that will help our users do that in the
        practices’ time by reducing the administra-  better care for patients. We want to use our   plishment has been the growing number of   new year,” he says.
        tive burden. Medical professionals can now   resources to provide patients who are seek-  medical professionals registering and using
        spend more time with their patients now.”   ing relief from any number of medical con-  its platform.                           For more information,
          The platform’s new paid premium ver-  ditions to connect with doctors who will   “We created it to be incredibly intuitive   visit
        sion, costing users $99 per month, will   actually take the time to be a partner in   and easy to use, and we believe that is why
        complement the free version. While the   their treatment.”                we have had such success,” he says. “We

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