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                                                                                                                          Insurance for

                                                                                                                        Physicians and

                          MorseLife Hospice and Palliative Care                                                         It’s a common misconception that
                                                                                                                        legal marijuana dispensary insurance
                            by Survey Reveals Attitudes About                                                           is very expensive and unattainable, but
                                                                                                                        it is actually very reasonably priced.
                                                                                                                        We can provide you with many types
               Medical Marijuana, Religion and End-of-Life Care                                                         of comprehensive insurance coverage
                                                                                                                        which will help your business stay on
                                                                                                                        its feet should some type of calamity or
          MorseLife Hospice and Palliative Care has released the results   revealing that only 54 percent of Americans consider themselves   unfortunate event arise.
        of a new online survey of 2,008 U.S. adults age 18+ conducted on   religious.
        its behalf by The Harris Poll in September 2019. The top three   The MorseLife Hospice and Palliative Care Hospice Care Study      • General Liability
        insights include overwhelming support of medical marijuana,   findings show that many Americans are unsure or incorrect about      • Property Protection
        opinions on religion when dealing with a life-limiting illness and   key aspects of hospice care including purpose, length of care and      • Medicine Coverage
        overall understanding of hospice care.                 costs. For example, nearly half of Americans (48 percent) are not        • Business Income
                                                                                                                             • Extra Expense Insurance
          The survey, released to coincide with National Hospice and   aware that hospice is covered by insurance, while 40 percent of      • Product Liability
        Palliative Care Month in November, found that 87 percent of   Americans incorrectly believe that the sole purpose of hospice is
        Americans support the use of medical marijuana as a treatment   to sedate terminally ill patients to provide pain/anxiety relief.   Danna-Gracey is the leading indepen-
        option for terminally ill patients, with nearly three in five   Further, close to two in five Americans (38 percent) do not know   dent medical malpractice insurance
        Americans (58%) expressing strong support.             that hospice care is designed for people who have six months or   agency in Florida, and the top agency
          “As the only hospice teaching program in the state of Florida,   less to live.                                             for several of the lead-
        MorseLife was recently selected to participate in a pilot study on   The survey also found that 58 percent of Americans have not   ing insurers in Florida.
        the use of medical marijuana as an alternative treatment to man-  discussed their end-of-life care preferences with anyone in the   For more information
        age pain, anxiety, depression and reduce reliance on opioids,” said   event they become terminally ill, including almost half (45 per-  contact Jessica Hoehn
        Keith Myers, President and CEO of MorseLife Health System.   cent) of those aged 65 and older who say they have not discussed   of Danna-Gracey at
        “The pilot study has the potential to revolutionize treatment pro-  it. The top three reasons for avoiding a conversation on the sub-
        tocols and it is reaffirming to know that most Americans are sup-  ject are aversion to thinking or not being prepared to talk about
        portive of our groundbreaking work.”                   end-of-life-care, and believing they are too young to worry about
          Interestingly, the hospice care study also revealed that if they   it right now (30 percent each).
        were terminally ill and enrolled in hospice care, nearly three quar-  Among other findings, the MorseLife Hospice and Palliative
        ters of Americans (72 percent) feel it would be important to have   Care Hospice Care Study also revealed that there is a gender gap
        access to a religious leader of their faith for spiritual guidance dur-  in hospice care knowledge, with men being less likely than   888.496.0059 •
        ing their hospice care, despite a Pew Research Center study   women to be knowledgeable on certain aspects of hospice.

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