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Miami Medicine Magazine -                                            When It Comes to Patient Care,

             Something New Something Old                                                        Empower Your T eams

          The   Dade   County                          unique population of the
        Medical     Association                        area. The editorial board
        (DCMA) began publish-                          includes Dr. Stephen E.        I travel quite a bit.                      to, ‘have a nice day’, like
        ing a magazine a few                           Vernon, Dr. Pedro J. Tort-   Most goes seamlessly.                        NOTHING had hap-
        decades   after  being                         Saade, and Dr. Edison        Airport, rental car center,                  pened. About two days
        founded in 1903. The                           Castro.                      hotel, reverse and repeat.                   later, the feedback email
        DCMA started its first                          Miami Medicine will con-    When something goes                          from the hotel chain
        magazine under the origi-                      tinue to include articles on   wrong, flight delay, car                   arrived.   I   politely
        nal name, The Bulletin, in                     other topics that might be of   issues or a less than                     described what hap-
        1932. It was not until                         interest to its members and   clean hotel room, I tend                    pened and to their credit
        1973 that the official                         will have an online version   to roll with it, but that                   they called.
        name of the magazine                           in addition to the print ver-  doesn’t mean I’m not tak-                    They explained that,
        was changed to Miami     BY ANTONIO MESA,      sion. Guest editorials will be   ing notes on how the                     despite the inconven-
        Medicine.                        DO            accepted for publication     inconveniences impact                        ience, their staff is not
          For most of its exis-                        from prominent members of    the customer and also     BY  JAY JUFFRE     empowered to do much.
        tence, this magazine included topics of   the community, including non-physi-  how companies deal                        Do not let this happen in
        medical interest to physicians in South   cians, who have interesting or important   with issues when they               your organization. En  -
        Florida. This included articles on infec-  things to say regarding medical care or   arise.                   sure your team is empowered to make
        tious diseases, new medications and sur-  public health policy.               Recently I traveled to Chicago.   things right when things go wrong.
        gical techniques, and developments in   The magazine will also serve as a   Airport and flight, no issue. Rental car   Using common sense or having simple
        hospital medicine among many other   forum to help physicians, and the gener-  center, no concerns. Hotel check-in   procedures to deal with situations
        things. In the 1990’s, this changed as spe-  al public, gain a better understanding of   went smoothly. Fast forward to 5:30   which negatively affect patients or
        cialty societies took on a more promi-  the practice of medicine as it evolves in a   am as the alarm clock on my phone   their families will go a long way.
        nent role in publishing medical literature   more decentralized direction than it has   rang to start my day. An overnight   Most people understand that some-
        but it left a gap in coverage of topics of   over the past 30 years.        snowstorm had left the hotel without   times things go wrong and will give us
        local interest.                        Physicians,  Residents,  Fellows,    power. Quickly improvising and quite   the benefit of the doubt if you let
          In recognition of this gap, the DCMA   Medical Students, and others interested   inconveniently, I got ready guided by   them. When we do nothing, people
        is relaunching its magazine, Miami   in submitting research papers for publi-  nothing but the flashlight on my cell   take notice and are sure to tell others.
        Medicine, as a journal publishing articles   cation can submit manuscripts and sup-  phone. Shower, shave, hair and getting   Patient satisfaction rises and falls on
        of scientific interest to the medical com-  porting documentation for review by the   dressed was all done guided only by   the little things and how we react.
        munity of South Florida. I have the dis-  editorial board directly online at   the small beam of light. Because the
        tinct honor of being appointed as Chief                 elevator was obviously not working, I   Jay Juffre is Executive Vice President,
        Editor of the Journal by the DCMA Board                                     meandered from my room down the       ImageFIRST. For more information on
        of Directors. While there will be an     Antonio Mesa is President of the Dade    five flights of stairs. Upon eventually   ImageFIRST, call 1-800-932-7472 or visit
        emphasis on public health and policy,     County Medical Association. For more   reaching the lobby, a couple of staff
        the magazine will include articles on a       information, contact the DCMA   members were there to tell me simply
        wide variety of topics affecting the                    at (305) 324-8717.

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                            December 2019                            5
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