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Cover Story: Centric Consulting Pilot Project Using

                                             Virtual Reality to Benefit Hospice, Assisted Living Patients

                                             Continued from page 1
                                                                                  Refining the Patient Experience       Though the pilot is in its early stages,
                                             an escape from their everyday lives—   According to Centric Consulting   Centric hopes to compile this data in
                                             whether that’s through a virtual tour of   National Healthcare Practice Lead Dr.   dashboard form to monitor how the
                                             Italy, a scuba-diving experience, or just   Marcie Stoshak-Chavez, the idea for the   adjunctive distraction therapy is work-
                                             time spent in a calm, meditative place.    project was sparked by an article she saw   ing. “Though it’s a very small-scale pro-
                                               “One of the biggest benefits of this
            He         nf  I h lt a  or    on i t a m                             written by one of her former healthcare   gram, we’re hoping to determine if there
                                             technology is that it allows our commu-  residents who was involved in hospice   has been a decrease in medication or
                                             nity members to find their happy place,”
                    ch e T     y  g o l o n                                       and palliative care in California. Centric   anxiety following these experiences, and
                                             said Lisa Izzo, Vista Springs Quail   began working with the San Diego-based   to track if it is truly helping,” said Dr.
                                             Hollow life engagement director. “It pro-
                            m a r g o Pr                                          hospice for initial testing before launch-  Stoshak-Chavez.
                                             vides a distraction and relieves anxiety   ing the pilot at Vista Springs.   “End-of-life care is a really difficult
          EN EN E ENN R R NR NROO  IN IN L L L L OL OL  O O N N G G  G G  W W  without the use of pain medications.   “Originally, we used commercially   time, not only for the patients, but for
                                               “As one of our community members
                                                                                                                      their family members,” she added. “We
                                             told me, it takes them to a different   available programs from YouTube and   want to see if we can use virtual reality as
                                                                                  other sources, but now we’re in the
                 te a m im ti s Es E ti ted ti m im ti e t too c o com  e te e le p mpl t : 2 y e year s rs  world,” she added. “It gives them a dif-  process of curating the experiences,”   a distraction to what is happening, and
                                             ferent kind of joy.”                 said Dr. Stoshak-Chavez. “If a patient is   to possibly decrease the amount of opi-
                                               Residents who want to take part in the
                 To T o le ar n mo  , c e r  l al  program don a virtual reality headset,   anxious, they may want a meditative   oids used, which would allow patients to
                          7 41 . 7. 3 2 . 5 0 3  41  and choose from different experiences   experience, like watching the Northern   be more present with their loved ones.”
                                                                                                                        The project, which was funded by
                                                                                  Lights, which is very relaxing. Or they
                                             that they would like to see. Using a   may want to revisit a place where they   Microsoft, is well-liked by patients and
                                             tablet, a healthcare assistant follows their   grew up. There is a variety of different   their families, and Dr. Stoshak-Chavez
               m a i M  i D  d a  e C  ll o  eg e - Medi  a c  l C  us p m a  journey, monitoring their progress. What   content available.”   said that down the road, Centric may
                             0 5 9   N .W.  0  2  th  .  St  makes the Centric pilot unique is that in   While many users express happiness   look at a way to provide a more shared
                                             addition to the VR equipment, an app   with the programs, which usually last   experience, perhaps using multiple
                                             has been created that allows care    about 10 minutes, Centric is using its   headsets so that all family members can
                                             providers to monitor the person’s physi-  mobile app to collect less subjective data   participate. In the meantime, Vista
                                             cal and mental condition both before and   as well. “Our mobile app is unique in   Springs is considering using the technol-
                                             after the experience. In addition to mon-  that it can collect vital signs from the   ogy in more of their assisted living facil-
                                             itoring vital signs, participants are also   user both before and after the experi-  ities.
                                             asked to respond to a short survey.   ence; we monitor oximetry, respiration   “The feedback our community mem-
                                               “We’re really big on the whole-life   and more,” said Dr. Stoshak-Chavez.   bers are giving is amazing, so we’re hop-
                                             experience for our community members,   “It also keeps track of what medica-  ing to expand it even further,” said Izzo.
                                             and in a way, this has helped to bring life   tions they are on, and when they were   “When it’s over, they ask, ‘Does it have to
                                             back,” said Izzo of the reaction of those   last used,” she added, “as well as records   end?’ They are loving where they were.”
                                             involved in the pilot. “It’s giving them a   their answers about how they are feeling,
                                             chance to experience things that they   if they have anxiety, and where they are   To learn more, visit Centric Consulting at
               it s i V   w  . c d m . w w  edu  m /medi  al c  have been missing because of the aging   on a pain scale. There are a lot of differ-
                                                                                  ent data points.”                                    or call 888-781-7567.

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