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             FoundCare, Inc. Earns National                                              Holy Cross Is First Hospital

            Recognition for Efforts Aimed at                                                in South Florida to Offer

        Reducing Heart Attacks and Strokes                                           Pioneering FFR-CT Heart Scans

          FoundCare, Inc. is                           adoption of the Target:   Holy Cross Hospital in                        vascular Imaging. "The
        among a group of 310                           BP™ Improvement Pro -    Fort Lauderdale is the first                   study is 99 percent accu-
        first-time recipients of the                   gram, registrants have   facility in South Florida to                   rate in excluding signifi-
        American Heart Assoc -                         access to trained  support  have partnered with the                     cant coronary artery dis-
        iation   (AHA)    and                          specialists within their  medical technology com-                       ease. In patients who do
        American Medical Associ -                      community who can help   pany HeartFlow in Red -                        have potentially signifi-
        ation’s Target: BP Recog -                     identify specific program  wood City, CA to offer                       cant coronary artery dis-
        nition Program awards.                         components to incorporate  patients fractional flow                     ease, the piece of the puz-
        The AHA and AMA                                into clinical practice.  reserve computed tomog-                        zle that was missing was
        recently announced the                           “While high blood pres-  raphy (FFR-CT) of the                        not knowing whether
        names of the physician                         sure is an easy condition to  heart.                                    there was functionally
        practices and health sys-                      treat in that we have the  Cardiac CT is a non-                         decreased blood flow to
        tems nationwide being      Dr. Oneka Marriott  tools to do so, there are  invasive test acquired  Dr. Claudio Smuclovisky  the heart muscle that
        recognized for their com-                      many variables and barriers  with very little radiation                 could lead to a heart
        mitment to reducing the number of   to success for many patients,” said AMA  in less than ten seconds in this state-of-  attack.
        Americans who have heart attacks and  President David O. Barbe, M.D. “The AHA  the-art 256 slice CT scanner that gener-  FFR-CT is an exciting new capability
        strokes each year.                  and AMA developed and piloted the   ates thousands of 3-D images of the  that is able to, in most cases, demon-
          Launched in 2017, the Target: BP  Target: BP program to help bring patients  heart. FFR-CT is an FDA- approved  strate whether the blockage in the arter-
        Recognition Program is an extension of  and health care providers together to suc-  technology allowing doctors to deter-  ies is seriously affecting blood flow to the
        Target: BP™—a national initiative   cessfully get blood pressure under control,  mine whether blockage areas in the coro-  heart muscle.”
        between the AHA and AMA aimed at    and help patients keep it controlled. We  nary arteries are depriving the heart of  The results of FFR-CT also help direct
        addressing the growing burden of high  applaud the providers who are already  blood flow that can lead to a heart attack  the cardiologist to the area of blockage
        blood pressure in the U.S. FoundCare is  working hard to control their patients’  and/or sudden death. FFR-CT analysis is  during invasive coronary angiography.
        among the more than 1,100 physician  blood pressure, and we will continue to  performed by utilizing the patient’s car-  There are more than 125 published sci-
        practices and health systems nationwide  urge more physician practices, health sys-  diac CT scan when artery blockage is  entific papers supporting FFR-CT.
        that have joined Target: BP™, sharing a  tems and patients to join this effort to pri-  identified in a cardiac CT scan.  Recent publications demonstrate that the
        common goal to reduce the number of  oritize blood pressure control and  Additional testing on the patient is not  combination of cardiac CT plus FFR-CT
        adult patients with uncontrolled blood  increase the national control of blood  required.                   was better than other non-invasive tests
        pressure and improve health outcomes  pressure. Together, we can save many  "Cardiac CT is a great study for seeing  and avoided unnecessary invasive coro-
        associated with heart disease.      more lives and improve health outcomes  the anatomy of the heart including the  nary angiography in 61 percent of the
          “High blood pressure is often a major  nationwide.”                   coronary  arteries,"  said  Claudio  patients. The Centers for Medicare and
        factor among patients afflicted with car-  “We’re excited to bring Target: BP to  Smuclovisky, M.D., director of Holy  Medicaid Services (CMS) has recently
        diovascular disease, diabetes, and stroke,  physicians as a tool to help reduce the  Cross Hospital’s Radiology Cardio -  approved payment for FFR-CT.
        and frequently impacts their mortality,”  devastating impact of high blood pres-
        said Dr. Oneka Marriott, FoundCare’s  sure in terms of heart disease and stroke,
        Chief Medical Officer. “Participating in  and we’re proud to recognize practices
        the Target: BP program has provided  that are joining us to increase focus on  Jim Moran Heart & Vascular Center
        access to a number of resources for  blood pressure control,” said AHA
        FoundCare’s clinicians and patients to  President  John  Warner,  M.D.     at Holy Cross Hospital Now Offers
        help lower blood pressure and prevent  FoundCare, Inc., along with all other
        disease.”                           practices being recognized, was honored         WATCHMAN Procedure
          To help physician practices and health  late last year during the AHA’s annual
        systems achieve their goals, Target: BP™  Scientific Sessions conference, and will
        provides all participants with a dedicat-  also be featured in upcoming Target: BP  With a focus on innovation and
        ed website featuring a free evidence-  materials. This includes appearing in  research to provide the best evidence-
        based improvement program that      print ads, on, and the  based medicine available, cardiologists at
        includes tools and resources to help cli-  Target: BP Wall of Recognition that will  the Jim Moran Heart & Vascular Center
        nicians improve blood pressure control  be displayed at AMA and AHA events  at Holy Cross Hospital in Fort
        rates. To facilitate easy and seamless  throughout the year.            Lauderdale are now performing the
                                                                                WATCHMAN procedure, which provides
                                                                                an alternative to oral blood-thinners for
                                                                                the treatment of atrial fibrillation.
                                                                                  The first WATCHMAN procedures
                                                                                were performed at Holy Cross by Rishi
                                                                                Anand, M.D, FACC, FHRS, and Daniel
                                                                                Weitz, M.D, FHRS. “Both cases were suc-
                                                                                cessful, and both of the patients were dis-
                                                                                charged the following day,” said Dr.
                                                                                Anand. “This procedure aligns with our
                                                                                mission of providing the most leading-
                                                                                edge technology to give patients the
                                                                                options they deserve.”
                                                                                  The WATCHMAN procedure involves
                                                                                a one-time implant which provides pro-
                                                                                tection from stroke that is comparable to
                                                                                warfarin (the most common blood thin-
                                                                                ner) without the risk of bleeding.  Drs. Daniel Weitz and Rishi Anand perform
                                                                                  “WATCHMAN is the only device of its  the WATCHMAN procedure at Holy Cross
                                                                                kind approved by the U.S. Food and        Hospital in Fort Lauderdale.
                                                                                Drug Administration for reducing the
                                                                                risk of stroke in people with atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem,”
                                                                                said Dr. Weitz. “At the Jim Moran Heart & Vascular Center we are at the forefront of
                                                                                cardiac care, advanced treatments and clinical trials.”

         16                        February 2018                                                                                                                          South Florida Hospital News
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