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Comprehensive Cancer Care – Right Where You Live

          When it comes to cancer care, Broward                                 shop designed to help cancer survivors  dented image quality. Also available at
        Health offers patients a multidisciplinary                              make the transition from active treat-  Broward Health North is The CyberKnife
        approach combined with the latest med-                                  ment to post-treatment care.        Robotic Radiosurgery System, one of
        ical advancements in a caring and com-                                    Broward Health Medical Center’s   only two available in Broward County,
        passionate environment.                                                 Comprehensive Cancer Center has been  which is designed to treat tumors with
          Renowned cancer experts, innovative                                   recognized by the Quality Oncology  pinpoint accuracy, minimizing damage
        research programs and cutting-edge                                      Practice Initiative (QOPI®), an affiliate  to surrounding healthy tissue. The
        technologies are available at the                                       of the American Society of Clinical  CyberKnife provides a pain-free, non-
        Comprehensive Cancer Centers at                                         Oncology   (ASCO).   The   QOPI®    invasive alternative to surgery and treat-
        Broward Health Medical Center and                                       Certification Program (QCP™) certifies  ment is typically completed in one to five
        Broward Health North. Services offered                                  oncology practices that meet nationally  sessions.
        include radiation oncology, medical                                     recognized standards for cancer care,
        oncology, surgical oncology, patient nav-                               reaffirming Broward Health’s commit-  Pediatric Cancer Care
        igation, nutritional counseling, survivor-                              ment to offering patients high quality  The Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
        ship programs and support groups.   ter recently received the silver award  cancer care. The center was also includ-  Center at the Salah Foundation
          The centers also offer genetic evalua-  from Industrial Designers Society of  ing in South Florida Business Journal’s  Children’s Hospital at Broward Health is
        tion, counseling and testing for genetic  America. Patient-centered care is offered  2017 list of Top Florida Cancer Centers.  an integral part of the Comprehensive
        mutations to determine whether a    through an array of support services,                                   Cancer Center at Broward Health
        patient is at an increased risk for cancer.  including a financial counselor, an  Advanced Technologies     Medical Center. Children can receive the
          Our multidisciplinary team represents  oncology dietician and a palliative care  Broward Health offers the most  most up-to-date treatments close to
        a complete spectrum of oncology care,  team. Palliative Care services are provid-  advanced radiation oncology equipment  home while they maintain their family
        working together to create the best out-  ed by an interdisciplinary team that  available and the latest technology detec-  life and other activities. Pediatric hema-
        comes for our community.            focuses on relieving the pain, symptoms  tion for all types of cancer, including dig-  tologists/oncologists serve patients from
          The team includes renowned oncology  and stress of a serious illness.   ital mammography for the most accurate  birth to age 21.
        specialists and oncology nurses who   Masters-prepared social workers are  breast examinations. Sensory suites, con-  As one of the nation’s largest public
        receive specific training and certifica-  certified in patient navigation and are  trast enhanced mammography and  healthcare systems, Broward Health is a
        tions in oncology care by the Oncology  specially trained to help patients navi-  Tomosynthesis were launched at the  leader in the fight against cancer, dedi-
        Nursing Society. These nurses are spe-  gate through the continuum of care by  Lillian S. Wells Women’s Health Center  cated to bringing health, wellness and
        cialized in providing care to oncology  breaking down any psycho-social barri-  to help in the diagnosis of breast cancer.  quality of life to the residents of South
        patients.                           ers encountered during the treatment  Broward Health North was also the  Florida and beyond.
          At Broward Health Medical Center, the  process.                       first hospital in Broward County to offer
        redesigned Noreen Salah Burpee Adult  A wide array of support groups are  the 128 Multi-Slice CT Scanner in     To locate a physician or to take a lung
        Infusion Center offers cancer care in a  offered including the cancer transitions  Broward County, which detects cancer    cancer risk assessment,
        healing, modern environment. The cen-  survivorship program, a 4-week work-  and other conditions early with unprece-  visit

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        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                               February 2018                          13
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