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                  Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute Expansion Fulfills Expectations

          Ask any doctor who works at Miami   “It’s an environment where you feel
        Cardiac & Vascular Institute if the $120  comfortable to ask, ‘Hey, what else can we
        million expansion has made a difference  do?’ We cross the lines of different special-
        one year later, and the answer will be a  ties to come up with the best solution,” Dr.
        resounding yes.                     Peña said.
          “The expansion allows us to treat more  The hybrid operating rooms are separate
        patients with more efficiency and to offer  from conventional interventional suites to
        more effective therapies,” said Con -  meet a growing demand for structural
        stantino Peña, M.D., medical director of  heart cases that require extreme sterility,
        vascular imaging and an interventional  including valve implants, trans catheter
        radiologist at the Institute. “The Institute  aortic valve replacements and mitral valve
        has always been a leader in offering the  repairs.
        best and most advanced technology and  “When everything is done in one place                 Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute
        procedures. We just outgrew the space.”  with the right tools and technology, the
          Since the Institute was founded in 1987  process goes smoother and it simplifies the
        within the walls of Baptist Hospital, its 76  overall procedure. At the end of the day,  to be on top of what’s com-
        physician members have been recognized  the true beneficiaries of the improvements  ing next and determining
        as pioneers of less-invasive techniques to  in space and rooms are the patients,” Dr.  therapies before they are
        treat heart disease, stroke and aneurysms.  Quesada said.               considered a standard treat-
        Their names are regularly seen as authors  Physicians and staff members con-  ment.
        of academic papers detailing research out-  tributed to planning the renovation and  “The expansion is anoth-
        comes of physician driven studies.  expansion, which totals 150,000 square  er step in the evolution of
          “The improvements and expansion of  feet. Physician leaders traveled to The  our philosophy of innova-
        the laboratories gave us a better place to  Netherlands to talk with catheter lab  tion at Miami Cardiac &
        treat our complex patients with structural  designers about the most advanced way a  Vascular Institute. It’s been
        heart disease,” said Ramon Quesada,  lab should be set up, from the lighting to  an incredible journey to
        M.D., medical director of the structural  the overall environment to the imaging  start at a small community
        heart and complex percutaneous coronary  technology. Engineers and designers also  hospital and build a  Dr. Constantino Peña  Dr. Ramon Quesada
        intervention programs at the Institute.  came to the Institute to meet with physi-  patient-care driven sophis-
          A centerpiece of the expansion is four  cians on site.                ticated center,” Dr. Quesada        edge. To be able to take something like
        large hybrid operating rooms that easily  “We all had significant input, and that  said.                    that and make it even better, even more
        accommodate any type of image-guided  was important for us. As a result, the labs  “What I really like about the expansion  cutting edge, taking it and giving it a futur-
        procedure and allow physicians of various  are a first of their kind in the world,” Dr.  is the state-of-the-art environment that it  istic side, preparing us for the next 15
        disciplines to work together to create  Quesada said.                   has created. A lot of people would say, ‘Yes,  years – that’s what’s exciting for me,” Dr.
        unique solutions for patients’ problems in  Research is critical to the mission of the  but the Institute before the expansion was  Peña said.
        the treatment of aortic and other   Institute. Doctors are involved in multiple  state-of-the-art.’ And it’s true. Even though  “It’s a beautiful place to work with really
        aneurysms and complex vascular disease.  areas at multiple levels, which allows them  it was 30 years old, it was still cutting  incredible comradery,” Dr. Peña said.

        Cover Story: Local Cardiologist Elected President of the Florida

        Chapter of the American College of Cardiology

        Continued from page 1                 One personal challenge is that it can  management techniques.”        events. It’s tragic what we see and how
          Dr. Perloff also points with special  sometimes be difficult to balance your  On top of all this, due to the current  hard we have to advocate for our patients
        pride that FMC’s Heart Institute of  personal life with your professional life.   political environment, there is also  to get the basics that they need. If we’re
        Florida, the hospital’s center for cardiac  "We are an incredibly dedicated group  uncertainty in medicine. Patients are  not fighting for our patients right to
        services, is a Joint Commission Certified  of people who deal with a specialty that is  gaining insurance and losing insurance,  basic care, no one else is.”
        Advanced Primary Stroke Center,     life or death at any minute,” says Dr.  says Dr. Perloff.                 In his new role as president of the
        Accredited Chest Pain Center with PCI.   Perloff.                         “We end up doing a lot of charity care  Florida Chapter of the ACC and a gover-
          “FMC is also highly engaged in the  Dr. Perloff and his wife have a 4-year-  and take care of those who need help,”  nor for the National American College of
        community performing outreach such as  old and a 12-year-old and he is constant-  he says. “It’s an incredible task on a reg-  Cardiology, Dr. Perloff hopes to address all
        teaching people CPR and how to recog-  ly trying to balance his need to take care  ular basis. You go home, go to bed and  three of these challenges moving forward.
        nize signs of stroke,” says Dr. Perloff.  of his patients but at the same time not  have to repeat it again. It feels like trying  Despite these challenges, Dr. Perloff
        “They are also putting a lot of effort into  being so overworked that he neglects his  to drink from a fire hose.”  calls cardiology a rewarding profession.
        improving the cardiac program overall.”   family. And it’s not just family. He says it’s  In general, Dr. Perloff says that cardiol-  “I go home at the end of every day feel-
          In particular, he says that FMC is a  a challenge to take care of  yourself as  ogists spend a lot of time advocating for  ing that I made a difference in the
        recipient of the Healthgrades Coronary  well—exercising and eating right.  their patients. He personally spends a lot  world,” he says. “Every day, I know fac-
        Intervention Excellence Award™ and    “We all have these challenges,” he says.  of time on the phone with insurance  tually that I have changed people’s lives
        ranked among the Top 10% in the nation  “I’m not unique. We all have a lot of  companies who are trying to deny his  and helped them measuredly by prevent-
        for cardiology services in 2014, ranked  responsibilities. Balancing our lives is the  patients care. It can become frustrating,  ing adverse cardiac events and taking
        among the Top 10% in the nation for  toughest of all the challenges that we  he says.                       care of their issues. That’s what is amaz-
        coronary interventional procedures in  face.”                             “We’re perplexed that as one of the  ing about cardiology. You can take some-
        2014, and is a five-star recipient for both  The current environment of medicine  richest nations in the world, we are the  one who is dying in front of you, bring
        coronary interventional procedures and  also poses a challenge for cardiologists, he  only industrialized country that does not  them back to life, take them back to the
        for the treatment of heart failure.   adds. “We are facing a situation where  cover all of our citizens with healthcare,”  cath lab and open up their arteries, and
          “They have a clear commitment to tak-  doctors are working harder and harder.  he adds. “We’re not talking about high-  let them go on to live the next 40 years
        ing the institution forward and making it  Medical information doubles at an incred-  end Cadillac type of care where everyone  of their lives that they would never have
        into something that is a gem in South  ible rate about every seven years. I spend a  gets Botox treatments. We’re talking  had if I had not been standing there.
        Florida,” says Dr. Perloff.         huge amount of time just to stay up with  about basic, healthcare needs. If some-  That feeling is irreplaceable.”
          As a cardiologist, there are three primary  the current literature and translate those  one has diabetes, they should get insulin
        challenges that Dr. Perloff says his profes-  new advances into my patients. Every time  or if someone has a heart attack, they can  For more information, visit
        sion faces: personal, the current medical  a patient comes in we may have new  get appropriate care in the acute phase
        environment, and health insurance.   advances in cholesterol or hypertension  and in the long-term to prevent further

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                               February 2018                          17
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