Page 16 - May 2017
P. 16

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                          Plaza Health Network – Enhancing the Collaborative Role

                                 of the ARNP in the Changing Face of Health Care

          At Plaza Health Network’s                       uation, diagnoses and   Technology in the                   (QAPI) Accreditation.
        seven award-winning skilled                       treatment of patients.  Continuum of Care                     Less than 2% of the skilled nursing facil-
        nursing and rehabilitation                        Plaza Health nurses have  Being equipped with the latest technolo-  ities in the country – and only five in
        centers - Ponce Plaza, Uni -                      specialized training to  gy, telemetry, and equipment also facili-  Miami-Dade including the four from Plaza
        ver sity Plaza, Sinai Plaza,                      manage distinctive needs  tates the Plaza Health Network centers’  Health Network - have achieved this
        Arch Plaza, Jackson Plaza,                        of patients such as con-  ability to provide focused care. All seven  advanced level of QAPI accreditation.
        Aventura Plaza and South                          tinuous care for sub-acute  centers now include a telehealth program  The remaining four centers - Arch Plaza,
        Pointe Plaza - advanced regis-                    and transplant services.  that can provide rapid, real-time remote  Jackson Plaza, Ponce Plaza and South
        tered nurse practitioners                         They also collaborate   monitoring of patients. This innovative  Pointe Plaza - have received Advanced
        (ARNPs) are a part of the                         with hospitals to assist in  technology allows residents to receive col-  QAPI Accreditation. In addition, Arch
        changing face of health care                      the recuperative care of  laborative virtual care from their team of  Plaza, Jackson Plaza, Ponce Plaza, Sinai
        in our facilities. This evolu-                    complex patients, thereby  doctors, nurses, and medical specialists  Plaza, South Pointe Plaza and University
        tion has placed a collective  Dr. Ann-Lynn Denker  reducing hospital stays  resulting in quicker evaluations, enhanced  Plaza are the recipients of the Providigm
        focus on the value of ARNPs,                      and readmissions and    outcomes, and reduced hospital readmis-  National Embracing Quality Award, an
        redefining their roles to pro-                    ultimately speeding up  sions.                              achievement attained by only 300 skilled
        vide higher levels of sub-acute, skilled  recovery.                        The same collaborative teams also bene-  nursing facilities across the United States
        nursing services as they coordinate care  “One of the ways we are elevating the  fit from the use of electronic health records  and Ontario, Canada for their outstanding
        with directors of nursing and other mem-  quality of nursing care is by having our  at Plaza Health Network centers, which  commitment to quality.
        bers of a patient’s interdisciplinary team.   ARNPs coordinate patient care and serv-  allows them to communicate effectively  “We are very proud to have 5-star
          “Given their advanced education,   ices with our nursing directors and staff.  and thoroughly resulting in better resident  staffing in our facilities to promote quality
        experiences, and ability to assess, diag-  The support they provide helps to suc-  management.                care. The award-winning level of care pro-
        nose and treat acute illness and chronic  cessfully care for all of our patients,                             vided by our nursing teams results in
        conditions, all of our nurses play a signif-  including those who have just undergone  Award-Winning Care     tremendous benefits for our patients,” said
        icant role in the transformation of the  transplants,” said Dr. Ann-Lynn Denker,  The dedicated teams of nursing profes-  Bloom.
        way high quality health care is delivered to  Plaza Health Network’s chief clinical offi-  sionals at Plaza Health Network assure  Overall, the expansion of the nurse
        the most complex patient cases,” said  cer. “It’s what gives us the edge above  patient-centered care by continuously re-  practitioner roles is creating synergies that
        Elaine Bloom, Plaza Health Network pres-  other nursing facilities and allows us to  evaluating and improving their methods.  benefit patients, residents, and medical
        ident and CEO.                       form strategic partnerships.”        As a result, all seven centers have been  staff. As these roles continue to evolve and
                                               Additionally, the skillset of the Plaza  recognized by Providigm, a national  advance, Plaza Health Network will
        Specialized Training                 Health Network ARNPs allows them to  health care quality assessment system.  remain on the forefront of how skilled
          At Plaza Health Network centers,   oversee specialized services such as in-  Three centers - Aventura Plaza, Sinai  nursing care is delivered.
        ARNPs are a part of an on-site interdisci-  house and bedside dialysis, as well as  Plaza and University Plaza have been
        plinary team including medical directors,  programs for residents with cognitive  awarded the 2016 Providigm Quality  For more information about Plaza Health
        primary care providers, specialists and  disorders, respiratory issues, and other  Assurance & Performance Improvement  Network, visit
        nurses that collaborates to handle the eval-  serious co-morbidities.

         16                        May 2017                                                                                                                               South Florida Hospital News
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