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Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to
Yinnet Rodriguez, RN Cheryl Jacobs, RN, MSN
Yinnet Rodriguez is a registered Cheryl Jacobs has served as the Assistant Chief Nursing Officer at
nurse with 14 years of experience in Palmetto General Hospital since August of 2015. Cheryl has twenty-
the nursing field. Yinnet has always four years of nursing experience in various specialty fields and nurs-
being committed to provide her ing leadership. She has held a variety of leadership positions, most
patients with the best care. She works recently serving as the director of neuroscience services at Delray
in the surgical step down unit as the Medical Center and director of critical care services at St. Mary’s
unit manager assisting in administra- Medical Center.
tive matters as well as supporting Cheryl attended Jackson Memorial Hospital School of Nursing,
nursing staff in the goal of providing earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Florida Atlantic
the best care for all post-surgical University, and her Master’s in Nursing Leadership and
patients. She also is the hospital Administration from Florida Atlantic University. She is currently pur-
orthopedic coordinator where she suing her Doctor of Nursing Practice from the University of Central
collaborated to help the hospital achieve The Joint Commission Florida. Cheryl has served on regional and national critical care collaboratives and is a current mem-
Gold Seal of Approval for Total Knee and Total Hip Replacements. ber of American Organization of Nurse Executives.
Jenna Rodriguez, LPN Jacquelyn Wheatley-Malone,
Jenna Rodriguez is a nurse who is
known for being goal oriented with
strong leadership skills. With nine Jackie was motivated to become a nurse because of a desire to make
years of healthcare experience, she a positive difference it the lives of others. She earned her Bachelor of
collaborates with staff, peers, and Science Degree in Nursing from the University of the Virgin Islands in
leadership to develop and implement St. Thomas. After moving to South Florida and working in critical
change. Jenna likes educating nurses care, Jackie earned her Master of Science Degree from Florida
in the appropriate use of electronic International University and her Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree
health records. She enjoys assisting from The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa.
the nursing leadership with their Jackie has been an active nurse for 25 years and worked as an
daily workflow schedule. Jenna advanced practice nurse for 16 of those years in the areas of cardio-
attended Miami Lakes Educational vascular (open heart surgery), neurosurgery and case management.
Center and received her technical She currently oversees and coordinates the daily operations of the
certificate as a Licensed Practical Nurse in from the State of Florida valve program at the Heart Institute at Palmetto General Hospital.
in 2012. She says she finds the new technology of medicine integrated with quality nursing very rewarding.
Martina Barry Ramona Lacy, FACHE Anita Groves McAllister, RPh
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20 May 2017 South Florida Hospital News