Page 24 - May 2017
P. 24

Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to

                 NORTH SHORE MEDICAL CENTER                                                            CATHOLIC HOSPICE

         Pattie Kissoon, BSN, RN
                                                                                  Guerda Germain, RN
          Pattie Kissoon is a focused and dedicated
         registered nurse with knowledge in acute                                  Caring for those who are nearing the end of their earthly
         care, staff development and family advocacy.                             journey is a special gift. It is a gift of commitment, compas-
         She has served as the nursing manager for                                sion and comfort. It is a gift that is wrapped in dignity and
         the telemetry department at North Shore                                  love – one that eases suffering, comforts loved ones and
         Medical Center for a year. In this role, she                             helps with the road of sadness and grief.Guerda Germain
         assures the quality of care by developing and                            shares her gift of Commitment, Compassion and Comfort
         interpreting hospital and nursing division’s                             by wrapping her patients in a cloak of love. She walks with
         philosophies and standards of care. Pattie                               her patients and their loved ones during this voyage to their
         protects patients and employees by develop-                              next destination Guerda does this with her heart full of love
         ing and interpreting infection control poli-                             and devotion. Though her time with her patients may be
         cies and protocols.                                                      short, she establishes a relationship of trust, dignity and
          She received her Bachelor’s degree in                                   truth which allows her to be present in their sacred journey.
         nursing from Chamberlain College in                                      Guerda truly has the Heart of Hospice.
         Addison, IL and she is currently obtaining
         her Master of Science in Nursing and Business Administration.
                                                                                  Mayelin Alonso, RN
         Alexandra Sosa, RN                                                        Mayelin Alonso possesses the most important qualities
                                                                                  that patients and families facing end of life illness deserve
          Alexandra Sosa is passionate about nurs-                                to benefit from their hospice nurse. Mayelin speaks to her
         ing. As a registered nurse, she educates                                 patients and families with a heart of compassion, through
         patients and families regarding treatment                                eyes filled with understanding, and reverently with hands
         plans, medications, procedures and home                                  of love. Hospice Care requires nursing that has an essence,
         transitioning. Alexandra also assists in                                 which illuminates the souls of patients with hope when all
         addressing core measures and discharging of                              seems in vain, with truth when it might be hard to reveal,
         patients from the hospital setting to home or                            support where strength yields to weakness, and commit-
         to a rehabilitation facility. She collaborates                           ment to preserving the comfort and dignity of each patient
         with a multidisciplinary team. She received                              and family. Mayelin walks beside each patient and family as
         her Bachelor’s degree in nursing from                                    they make their sacred journey, the same journey each of
         Florida International University in Miami,                               us will someday be traveling on.
         FL and she also completed a comprehensive                                 May we all be blessed to have a nurse like Mayelin there besides us, and find our road
         LPN program.                                                             scattered with the same blessings Mayelin's patients have received from her amazing

         24                       May 2017                                                                                                                               South Florida Hospital News
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