Page 25 - May 2017
P. 25

Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to Nursing... Salute to

                                COLLEGE OF NURSING COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER

        Eugenia Millender, PhD, RN

          Dr. Eugenia Millender is dedicated to increasing access to quality care, decreasing health and mental disparities, and providing a culturally-
        sensitive environment for both patients and heath care professionals. Equipped with deep community connections and extensive clinical expe-
        rience, she is able to not only provide quality care locally, but also bridge the gap of health disparities across state and international borders. Dr.
        Eugenia Millender is the director for the FAU Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing Community Health Center and program director for the HRSA
        grant responsible for integrating Interprofessional Collaborative Practice strategies in the homeless and rural community in Palm Beach County.
        At the FAU Community Health Center, she is responsible for providing the day-to-day structure and resources to assure successful operations,
        and for working with community partners to develop innovative ways to care for the most underserved populations.

              LOUIS AND ANNE
            WELLNESS CENTER,
             CHRISTINE E. LYNN


                                                                        AN UNCOMPROMISING

                                                                        DEDICATION TO HEALING

                                                                        Commemorating Nurses Week 2017

        María de los Ángeles
                                                                                                Beyond exceptional training and expertise, nurses
        Ordóñez, DNP, ARNP-BC
                                                                                                at the University of Miami Health System share a
          Dr. María Ordóñez is the Director of
        the Louis and Anne Green Memory and                                                     relentless passion for healing the sick and comforting
        Wellness Center, a part of FAU’s Christine
        E. Lynn College of Nursing. She performs                     the hurting. On this day, we honor them for their deep
        initial comprehensive, memory-focused                                                   commitment to discovering and delivering better ways
        assessments for older adults and partici-
        pates as a member of a multidisciplinary                                                to bring patients back to health.
        team in enhancing continuity of care as a
        response to the person’s lived experience.
        Dr. Ordóñez also leads and facilitates
        clinical practicum opportunities for stu-
        dents of the College of Nursing and other
        disciplines. She is an assistant professor
        in the Practice Teaching track, engaged in
        clinical practice, teaching, and research,
        co-creating and sustaining healing envi-
        ronments and relationships through car-
        ing. Dr. María Ordóñez is a board certi-
        fied Gerontological Nurse Practitioner
        who specializes in caring for the older
        adult through the diagnosis, treatment
        and management of acute and chronic
        conditions that are generally associated
        with aging. Her practice experience
        encompasses nursing rehabilitation facil-
        ities and memory disorder clinics.

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                    May 2017                         25
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