Page 17 - May 2017
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Wild in 'Perfect Job' as Chief Nursing Officer at Good Samaritan
BY LOIS THOMSON For that reason, when she believes it has helped her as CNO. learned something new, then they are
the position opened at "It's key for any leader to understand doing something wrong. "I believe that
When you hear about Good Samaritan, Wild what the jobs are of those who are is true from entry level nursing, all the
Cheryl Wild's back- said, "It seemed like it was reporting to them. Not just what they way up to my job. If I'm not learning
ground, you realize her part of what my vision for do but what their experiences are on a something every day, then I'm not pay-
experience has been lead- myself was, to put me in a daily basis." She considers nursing ing attention."
ing her to what she con- position where I could leadership to be "one of those coveted Wild went on to say that during ori-
siders to be the "perfect affect change a little bit positions" and says it's not a title that entation classes, she talks not just to
job." Wild joined Good better." she takes lightly. "I think we're doing it the nurses and nurses aides who are
Samaritan Medical Cen - As someone who made wrong unless we're doing it in such a starting, but also to all others coming
ter in February as the her entry into health care way that we are serving our staff. The on-board. She tries to give them a
Chief Nursing Officer, as a nurse's aide in a nurs- more of a leader we become, the more vision of what kinds of things they can
transferring from Delray ing home, and who then of a servant we are. For me, as a nurs- expect from Good Samaritan, and what
Medical Center, where Cheryl Wild worked as a nurse in a ing leader in this facility, I believe it's kinds of things are expected from them.
she had been assistant hospital, Wild said she my job to serve the staff who report to "It's important for my staff to know that
CNO for four years. believes that nursing is the greatest pro- me, not just the patients. I am the per- I'm not afraid to get right in there with
"That was the role that solidified fession on earth, but being a nurse at son who needs to lift the nurses up and them, hear the patients' concerns and
what I really wanted in nursing," she the bedside is the hardest job at a hos- give them the tools they need to do help them do whatever needs to be
said. "You kind of get a bird's-eye view pital. "They give emotionally every day their job and do it well, so they are able done – because the most important job
of what's happening, not only at your to their patients and it can be very to give of themselves emotionally and is at the bedside, because it all goes
patient's bedside with their families, draining, but it can also be very reward- intellectually. This is how we elevate back to the patient."
but also in the global market as far as ing. The patients are sick and if you care. If we're not patient-centered, and Wild summed up her new position
health care is concerned. You know – really have a heart for this job, you not caring for our patients' physical by commenting, "I love nursing, I love
how do we make sure the bedside nurs- understand how much they need us, needs, as well as their emotional and nursing leadership. To me it's the per-
es have all the tools they need to do and how much they rely on us to pro- spiritual needs, we're not doing the job fect job. It's one of those things I feel I
their jobs, and how do we elevate care vide not just good care to them, but that we should be doing." was born to do."
to provide service excellence as a cor- safe care; and they need somebody who One of the messages she tries to
poration. I think that's the biggest chal- is going to really see them as a person, instill in the nurses when she is direct- For more information,
lenge, to be able to make that happen and not just as a patient." ing orientation classes is that if they call (561) 655-5511 or visit
on all fronts." Because Wild has that experience, have gone a day on the job and haven't
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South Florida Hospital News May 2017 17